reply to post by athun
I'm very sorry to hear that your wife has had such problems with her health. I am so glad that you are open minded about the potential scope of the
situation and are common sensed enough to keep open to discussion and remedies that science does not yet have neatly catalogued. I do think as we
move forward in the development of particle physics and astronomy together, we will as a species start to get a better grasp of the true nature and
function of our universe. I believe that someday, some of the things we take as paranormal now will eventually be catalogued and explained much
better. At the very least we will get better at understanding the difference between constructs of our imaginations or diseased minds and the things
that have an independent but shadowy existence outside our known realm. I know when I was sensing I was not alone in the house, I became very anxious
about the safety of my baby and utterly scared out of my wits. My husband is a hardcore skeptic against anything that can't stand in front of him
and kick him in the shins, so I was left to struggle alone with him thinking I was some kind of looney tunes. Luckily I had my doctor to back me up.
She reluctantly made the diagnosis of post partum psychosis so I could get the anti depressants I was seeking. I knew from my mother's experience
that drugs for mental illness can close that door that lets in the nasties. But my doc was assured I was quite sensible and rational. I was open
with her about what I was sensing and how it was really keeping me from enjoying motherhood.
The Zoloft I took was not without significant side effects. It made me lose all emotion and become kind of like one of those sociopaths who doesn't
feel any empathy. But I was very determined not to lose myself to either illness or side effects and when my doc and I deemed the time was right I
weaned myself off of the drug with her supervision and direction. By then I'd had the results I sought in that I had no more premonitions, no more
psychic intuition of any kind, and no more ability to sense presences, no more sleep disturbances and no more feeling that my house was crowding more
and more everyday with things just "beyond the veil". When I walked into a room, it was just a room and no longer felt occupied by things I could
just barely sense.
Whatever you do, whatever choices you make, be as rational and sensible and measured as you possibly can. Consider all potential avenues of weakness
and vulnerability that leave either of you at less than your best and get the appropriate qualified and reputable help you can get, whether it is
mental help,
regular medical care, spiritual help, religious. With doctors, check references and if possible, consult some publication or list service that rates
the quality of doctors. With spiritual matters, that is a harder one to rate the quality of and you just have to sometimes rely on word of mouth.
Now at the risk of possibly offending some, I must say it is probably a good thing your wife is not doing Tarot. I know people who consult the Tarot
or are into astrology with absolutely no ill effects. But these people have chosen to go down an entirely different spiritual path and they are more
versed in the occult than the typical Christian who also chooses to dabble in these arts. They seem to have a far better first hand knowledge of the
potential dangers and threats and are long practiced at protecting themselves. It can be hazardous for a Christian to dabble in any attempts at
"divination", which is probably why there are warnings and prohibitions against these practices in the Bible. The path chosen by a Christian
requires the follower to put faith in Christ and the Holy Spirit for illumination and to do the "heavy lifting" against malevolent forces.
Christians can intuit the future, too, and can practice healing arts. But while we may seek the same end result as an occult practitioner, our means
to that end are a completely different one. It is just a different path entirely, and one that can be hazardous to deviate from, mainly because it
can be difficult to reconcile contradictions in the two paths, and then if you try, you end up doing one path or the other completely half-azzed, and
boom, you create vulnerabilities that malevolent forces seek to exploit in all of us regardless of our beliefs.
Again, I'm not denigrating the non Christian paths. I believe we have free will to choose our paths that resonate best with our souls. I'm just
saying they are different and require serious study and dedication and commitment to function properly. Tarot can possibly hold great power and with
great power comes great responsibility and great vulnerability that a lot of people versed primarily in Christian doctrine aren't properly equipped
to safeguard against.