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Why is everyone afraid of a place called HELL?

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posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by Tahuti
reply to post by TWISTEDWORDS

I dont understand why people are so afraid either I recently had a christian friend (who i threatened i wouldnt be friends with anymore if they kept saying it) said I was going to burn in hell if i didnt accept jesus christ as my personal lord and savior and they know im a good person and if there is a hell or heaven i know no matter what i believe i will be judged for what i have done not what i believe i wont accept any one god who would condem other religons just because they dont believe in a certain religion and if there is a god i believe he will judge by actions not beliefs.

I don't understand why you want to be judged. A lot of people wouldn't want to be judged by what they've done over their whole life. All Jesus is saying is that if someone has messed up that Jesus has made it possible to repent their mistakes and ask for a redo. And they can change their ways instead of being judged in the first place. No one is forcing you to be judged.

It doesn't have to be this big complicated thing about judgment and and who did what and who's going to Heaven and who's going to Hell. Jesus wants everyone to go to Heaven. What Jesus was actually saying is that stuff isn't needed anymore. That if you want to go to the afterlife you can just simply ask and then we can work on the details later. That's basically the story. That you don't have to be judged at all. You can just ask.

However, if you don't want to go that route. If you really feel that you need to be judged for whatever reason. Then go get judged. Most people have never read the whole Bible so many people don't know it says this. But it's in there.

God is perfectly willing to judge you based on your works if you choose. God does give you a choice. You can choose not to ask Jesus, and simply be judged by your own works if you want. In some cases God will even allow you to use YOUR OWN SET OF RULES and judge you by your OWN standards. Especially in cases of people that have never had access to the Bible to learn the rules.

But not a set of rules you just make up on the fly. If everyone is honest with themselves, we all have a set of rules written on our hearts, as the Bible would say. We all have a sense of moral rights and wrongs that we can't deny if we're honest with ourselves and God will judge you by how well you lived up to your own moral code if you've never had access to the Bible.

But that's not really a good thing. I've never met a person that's never done anything that they knew was wrong if they were really honest with themselves. So, if you want to go that complicated route and be judged by every single thing you ever did in your entire life, then go ahead if you want. You will probably not come out ahead on that though.

Imagine being in a court of law and saying, you only did one thing wrong. That you obeyed the law MOST days lol. Do you think the judge will be impressed? It wouldn't matter. It's not about if you did more good than bad. A crime is a crime and if you choose to be judged you'll have to pay for each and every sin. Especially the sin of pride for thinking that you deserve to get into Heaven based on your own good works.

I don't care how good you are, that doesn't mean you deserve to be in my house or have some right to live here. If I don't want you living here then I don't want you living here. And Heaven is God's house. Now the Bible says God may have mercy on whomever he wants and he might let you in anyway, but it's a lot easier to just ask. And he promised that if we asked he would let us in.

Why make it so complicated? Why not just ask and believe that it's taken care of? Why do you feel the need to be judged for every mistake you ever made? Just move on and try again.
edit on 7-10-2011 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

"pain becomes completely meaningless"

Ok, you are not talking about hell. You are talking about a different made up place.. Called earth.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by rwfresh

Take the most amazing feeling you have EVER had. EVER. Like the best time in YOUR LIFE. Now imagine that feeling of contentment, ecstasy, joy, excitement, hope building ETERNALLY. just don't understand do you. So now Heaven is like being on drugs all the time? You are describing emotional states without explaining how those emotional states are induced or sustained.
edit on 7-10-2011 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

Well for someone who denies "heaven".. Which is actually Reality.. i try and relate it to something you might understand. But where can we start if you are completely closed off to the potential of what people call heaven?

If i explain it in a way that i understand you will call me crazy. But i will give it a shot. It is everything your apparent existence is not. Calling it good, or ecstasy is a lie. If we can be honest about then let's do it. Heaven is Truth, it is Reality. We live in non-reality. It is eternity. We live in time, where there is a beginning and an end. Heaven has nothing, absolutely NOTHING to do with this. And it is all everyone who ever found themselves in non-reality wants, craves and is obsessed about.. whether they deny it and destroy themselves in the process or live in agony over being separated from it. It is Reality.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

have U ever thought that maybe u were in a place that was in some sort of a time vortex and what U were seeing or hearing was the past or future..

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by TWISTEDWORDS
reply to post by jmdewey60

So you mean it would be like taking a lamp in a white room and getting my face about a foot away and stare right into it?
I was doing some searching on Google images of some sort of picture that would look anything like Hades as I saw it. I did not find what I wanted so I sort of made a picture of it myself by changing the colors a bit on an existing photo.

I sort of ruined the park bench so I am telling the viewer that was what it was before I messed with the picture. The place, if nothing else, is what I would call, minimalist. Just enough to make people sort of feel a little bit normal, a few trees, benches to sit on, some small rolling hills, lots of lawn-like grass, enough light to see, but no sky.
edit on 8-10-2011 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by TWISTEDWORDS

If you ever find yourself in Hell...don't eat the food.

Finally, Zeus, pressed by the cries of the hungry people and by the other deities who also heard their anguish, forced Hades to return Persephone. However, it was a rule of the Fates that whoever consumed food or drink in the Underworld was doomed to spend eternity there.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by applesthateatpeople
reply to post by mileysubet

My apologies. I should have explained that part better...

I meant that, because we have free will, we decide our destiny.

If we are miserable in our afterlife experience, it's because we couldn't let go of the misery of our Earth-life experience.

God does not make a soul miserable. A soul makes itself miserable.


If you want to talk about God being vengeful or sadistic, think about this:


Comprehend as best as you can (as best as anyone can) what those words mean, or at least imply...

Even if you live 10,000 miserable lives to achieve your spiritual goals; all those lives combined will be a very small sliver in your combined existence. You will live so long you may even forget all about it.

Any hellish torture of human life is a mere pin-prick in the spool of eternity.

Actually it's infinitly smaller than a pin-prick.

It's nothing to get so upset about.

Be happy

Your explanation still makes absolutely no sense...

You realise you are talking about a "god" that can do anything, as in absolutely anything our feeble minds can come up with, and beyond..right?

So why doesnt it? Oh wait I know the god you pray to does not exist, and never has.

I only wish your god was as apologetic as you, maybe the human race would have better understood its pace in the
edit on 8-10-2011 by mileysubet because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 03:31 AM
Do you really think an "all powerful god" would have left behind such an disambiguate bunch of bull stuff and then said " have faith humans".."you will find the way with faith"

Come on religion is a crock of #...and it smells as bad as a dead carcass on the side of the road. Those that need to control the masses need to come up with a new strat...oh wait they have...

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by DavidsHope
It matters not what you believe because your belief will not persuade the God of Heaven to forgive if you have not asked for it.

Yep.. that's not a jealous god you reference. Nope not at all.

You must bow down to it....You must admit you are weaker.

Ok so if that is the case then that is cool...god is a baddass.

But if it (god) is that much of a bad ass then why would he need the "props"

Does he need you to beg? If that is the case why? It makes no sense...

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by mileysubet

But if it (god) is that much of a bad ass then why would he need the "props"

Does he need you to beg? If that is the case why? It makes no sense..
That goes back to the days when the god of this one group of Canaanites was just one of many gods and had to demonstrate his superiority over the others in the area. Begging was how they got their way, back in the days of Canaan. They had to plead using covenants they held which made their god bonded and obligated to maintain his end of that contract.
People have not quite gotten the guts to take the old testament and toss it in the trash where it belongs.
edit on 8-10-2011 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by mileysubet

Originally posted by DavidsHope
It matters not what you believe because your belief will not persuade the God of Heaven to forgive if you have not asked for it.

Yep.. that's not a jealous god you reference. Nope not at all.

You must bow down to it....You must admit you are weaker.

Ok so if that is the case then that is cool...god is a baddass.

But if it (god) is that much of a bad ass then why would he need the "props"

Does he need you to beg? If that is the case why? It makes no sense...

Go to the core of good and bad instead. (these was the ones i could figure out)
Good: Tolerant, Nice, Happy, Truthful, Openminded, Compasionate, Low Maintanance, Teaching and Learning
Bad: Ego, Fear, Manipulation, Intolerant, Lying, Closeminded, Not caring, High Maintanance (an increadable thirst for power and pleasure), Keep things hidden

We are all in our way evolving in our own speed. It is not a race. There is no prize for being first. We just want to end the suffering we feel. I belive in All is One. It means that we are all connected to god and are all part of god. Some of us is less connected and some of us is more. When you are in gods light (fully opened crown chakra or opening crown chakra, mana from heaven for the christians) you feel the energy of god flowing thru you. This makes you more harmonious and calm. I know I sound like a hippie and a bit crazy. But if you spent one day in my head then there would not be any doubt that something else exists and it/he/she is helping ous. You have the power of choice on what road to take.

I don't like the ego of the Christians god. It is like saying that my god is a bully and he is not. Sometimes you will have to suffer to come to a place where you are ready for his help. It could have been a gentle growing and spiritual awakeening but bad people have hijaked your right to god. Don't believe the lies and choose your own way what you belive god to be. Every human will have his own belief so whatever you read in the bible that you are safe because of some small action is a lie. It's what you are that is important, not how you belive in him. God don't need the ego trip. If you want to be nice to god be nice to your fellow man/woman and yourself. I can think of god as a big left shoe in space that has increadable mass like a black hole. It seems wrong from my perspective but so do the bible. When I get the answer what god is after I die, I will laught at the error in my beliefs. The things above are the way I see it and what I have experianced. Belive it or don't. It is your choice. There is probably a lot of it that is wrong. I also belive that there is no soul above or below me. We have the same value. Some of ous only are a little further ahead. So I see my souls value as equal to Jesus and Buddha and your soul. Peace be with you. Namaste
edit on 8-10-2011 by apushforenlightment because: forgot something

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by apushforenlightment

I don't like the ego of the Christians god.
A lot of Christians mistake God's ability to work though various means including prophets of the Old Testament, as being a wholesale endorsement for the entire Old Testament, and for the God (actually several gods) of the Old testament.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 06:30 AM
You sound like someone who's never experienced real pain or suffering before from the way you act like an eternity of pain and suffering would be no big deal. Probably there's nothing I could say to a person like you to make you understand what a real hell would be like.

Now I'm not any kind of bible thumper and I don't even know if hell exists. But if it does, the scariest depiction of hell I can think of was from a book I read called 28 Minutes In Hell by Bill Wiese. I recommend reading it. But probably you don't have to buy it. I did because I was curious, but it turns out all I read about it on the Internet was pretty much everything that was in the book. In other words you can pretty much glean all the contents from merely a few websites.

Basically this guy, Bill, believes he was taken in some kind of very real but second body into Hell to experience it for only 28 minutes. He was made to forget God so that he felt just like a person who had absolutely no hope of ever escaping.

I think you can view his video testimony here. Scroll down to "1st Video Testimony":

Excuse me for not watching the whole 1 hour 30 minutes video before linking to it for you. I don't have the time but I believe I watched it before.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 06:36 AM
Isn't it odd, very, very odd, that most of the information we have on HELL is anecdotal? It's all allegations, myths, stories, epic poems, Baptist sermons, and the like. In the source book of such things, the Holy Bible, very little is said about the subject. If we realize that "hell" usually means "the grave," the concept almost disappears in that Book. Think about it - if Hell was real, would God not have given us more warnings? However, the worst He warned us of was simple death.

Heaven - yes!

Hell - no!!

edit on 8-10-2011 by Lazarus Short because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Lazarus Short

Why is that the heaven is real, but not the hell.

If there are evil people, they should suffer.

Religion is there to tell people right from wrong. If there is no punishment for wrong, then the religion has no meaning.

God's justice should be feared, as nobody can escape it. No King, or Merchant, or Priest has ever escaped God's justice.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by vedatruth

I did not say that sinners will escape the reward for their sins, just that the Kingdom of Heaven is the final/eventual destination for all. Nothing else makes sense.

Further, here is a link to a site which contains sufficient material from the Holy Bible to establish Universal Reconciliation as a doctrine:

Since you insist on the concept of Justice, let me remind you that God stated that our ways are not His way, nor our thoughts His thoughts. You subscribe to Justice and Hell - I subscribe to Love and Heaven.
edit on 8-10-2011 by Lazarus Short because: lah-de-dah

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by TWISTEDWORDS
I find this place called hell everyone talks about all the time rather a funny idea to begin with. I mean you are already DEAD...So what is this supposed place going to do to you that hasn't already been done? Kill you again? I think that if there was this supposed imaginary place, that you would know..I AM DEAD..

So what are they going to do? Kill you again. Big Deal, U are already DEAD!

So kill me again...torture me..I'll get used to it...After All U have an eternity right. So I think at some point in time if this place really existed a little light would go off in your head and u would say.. OH WELL!!!!!!

SO BRING IT ON! Sounds like a fun place to mess with people for a long time.

You've completely missed the point.

What makes Hell so bad is the separation forever from God. To never again experience hope, love, celebrations, anything we enjoy now that is fun and good. To be, for eternity, in a place an infinite amount times worse than any Nazi death camp, would be my idea of complete horror.

I guess it really all boils down to what one loves to do in this life as to how they'd view eternity without it.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by cluckerspud

Is the underworld that different?

Does the underworld sport beutiful spring times and colourful flowers?

I feel very much alive and not dead, maybe im weird.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by vedatruth
reply to post by Lazarus Short

Why is that the heaven is real, but not the hell.

If there are evil people, they should suffer.

Religion is there to tell people right from wrong. If there is no punishment for wrong, then the religion has no meaning.

God's justice should be feared, as nobody can escape it. No King, or Merchant, or Priest has ever escaped God's justice.

I see it as when you do evil then you are not ready to be in a civilised place and therefore you are sent where you fit at that moment. The Karma Rules are more that you can show that you have passed the test. Nothing of god should be feared. God's way is love and teaching. It is our self that is judging us by our actions. Even if there where not any Karma I would do what I think is right. I am clinging to higher ideals and I don't care if you call me crazy. I would not like myself as a person if I did not. And I love myself, my mind and imagination. Forgive my ranting and choose what you believe. If it don't fit ignore what im saying. Namaste

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by TWISTEDWORDS
So what are they going to do? Kill you again. Big Deal, U are already DEAD!

Kill you again? No. Worse. The world can kill your fleshly body. Hell is said to destroy body and soul. I suggest you read the book 23 minutes in hell.

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