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Twin Flames and how I found mine.

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posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by seagrass
It is an extreme challenge because the ego is a mighty foe. The ego is not to be conquered either, it is to be integrated into the total self. Which is the paradox. And why it is so difficult.

The twin flame path of enlightenment is not fun. I believe it takes two forms also. The good and easy one in which both are at a level of enlightenment where they can be of service to others.. and then there is the "other path" which is about duality and restrictions and blocks in order to create the motivation for further enlightenment and growth.

They are meant to look at, and learn from. Not to form a traditional relationship with, no possession, no control, no marriage and roses. These are denied. That is for soulmates. This is about not having conditions and judgment. This is for waking up to the reality that after duality.... the only step from there that you can take is Oneness. Only in an understanding of Oneness could this relationship ever work. And that is a big task. When the two become one. It is in the process of coming out of duality into oneness where a new birth occurs. You have to die to be reborn. And the twin flame path kills you. The you that you knew. Some can't handle it.

Very well said.

A twinflame relationship is probably the most 'intense' you can find. Definitely Heaven and Hell at the same time. Basically both are mirror of each others, and it force you to learn a lot about yourself.

I dont know about others, but In my case the relationship forced me to 'purify' totally my thoughts. Any kind of 'bad thinking' between one of us translate immediatly in a very painful pain in the body of the other one. All emotions are like 100 times more amplified, so any kind of 'problem' or issue have to be fixed very quickly.

A twinflame is probably the best thing you can find for your spiritual path. And it will lead you to Oneness, your True Self. Now the problem is: Can you handle it?

I definitely agree that at least one of the two (or even the two) need to find Oneness, or the relationship won't work very long.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by HumbleMessenger


and welcome

glad to give you your first star
edit on 11-10-2011 by bestintentions because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 08:51 AM
Did any of you experience a fear when the other person was around? I felt a fear so intense it was almost incapacitating.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by mossme89
Did any of you experience a fear when the other person was around? I felt a fear so intense it was almost incapacitating.

There is a reason for that fear, you are basically seeing yourself. Sometimes it is hard to accept certain aspects of yourself. You tend to go in denial for awhile. It is easy to see it through a normal person that has nothing to do with TF and Soulmates and you accept them as they are because they don't have the mirror image.

However, when it is a twin flame, you tend to go into certain phases kinda similar to the 5 stages of death.

DENIAL: I'm too young to die. I'm not ready to die (is anyone ever really ready?). You don't just get up some morning and say, "Well, I'm ready to die today". Even when a physician informs one that nothing can be done for them the feeling that some mistake must have been made is in the dying person's mind. The prediction from ones physician of imminent death can do several things. It can give you time to prepare, take care of business, close doors, make amends. The shock begins to ebb as you come to grips with approaching death.

ANGER: Suddenly you are not in control of your life, or death. You have no are going to die. You have always known this, no one has come out and stated it as a fact before. It makes you angry, you feel so helpless especially at first, then guilt climbs upon your back Anger is directed at everyone and no one in particular. It is a sense of loss of control which is likely not a new feeling if you have endured a long illness. It is normal. Anger is in its own, a sense of strength. It can also be debilitating.

BARGAINING: You are willing now to compromise. No use denying it, anger comes and goes so perhaps you can make a deal with God! You are willing to promise to do or not to do specific things if only you can be given more time. It can be based on an upcoming event that is important to you. You can be suffering from insecurities regarding a member of your family or a loved one who you feel is yet dependent on you. There can be a rift that has never been eliminated that needs to be further addressed. You are not free to go until these reasons can be alleviated once and for all. You are hoping yet and eager to deal!

DEPRESSION: This is such a normal part of the process of preparing to die. You are already depressed about your incapability's in dealing with responsibility, projects and the situation of every day life. Symptoms of terminal illness are impossible to ignore. You are fully aware that death is inevitable. Aware, angry and filled with sorrow and here again the culprit of guilt sneaks in as you mourn for yourself and the pain that this is causing you family and loved ones. Another totally NORMAL phase.

ACCEPTANCE: This comes after you work though the numerous conflicts and feelings that death brings. You can succumb to the inevitable as you become more tired and weakness hangs on. You become less emotional, calmness arrives and banishes fear along with joy or sadness. You realize the battle is almost over and now it's really alright for you to die.

Edit: I can see now why the path of the Twin flame is a hard one. However if both arrive at acceptance, you are both reborn and life changes for the better.
edit on 11-10-2011 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by bestintentions

Thanks for those links, i dont know if they helped or not but they did inform.

I was especially interested in the significance of 11:11 and the different theories behind it. My birth date is 11/11/1986. I think i understand what i need to do, and how i need to go about doing it but that in itself is like looking down a long dark road and my feet are already hurting.

I`ll find out one day, i just hope its before this life is over.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by bestintentions
reply to post by seagrass

seagrass – I totally love your name. and the special view out of the window of your avatar reminds me of a special hotel room window I had in korea and I had loved it so much.

I think you got it so right to say “The twin flame path is designed to make you ask the most important questions”. but to be in stillness does not mean not to have no more questions. it means more like not to quarrel with the answers you might get to your questions.

and, don’t be silly to think risenangel really asked forgiveness for asking a question. he would not have asked if that would have been his only intention. I’m sure risenangel meant to show respect. (it’s very English, I had to learn, I used to struggle with these indirect manners also when I learned English). and forgive me for assuming that I might be of service to point out, that you stumble less upon personal mannerisms if you assume that people always have love at the base of their hearts when expressing themselves.
Thank you Best,
I agree it is not quarreling with the answers, but asking questions can actually create answers we are sometimes not ready for...and sometimes the need to ask questions can really be just another distraction in our lives. It creates. I had my first twin flame experience because I was asking why I was so unhappy. My soul was asking. This is an important question and I was not ready to experience the answer so full force. I was stripped of everything I knew. My life fell apart. It had to because I needed to know the answer. At some point you stop asking questions in order to find the stillness. Not asking leaves room for just being. Being connected. Accepting the life you live and your natural way. Open and authentic. Then it gives you the ability to respond and react in the most true to self way. You can experience the now moment without questions, embracing what IS. Consciousness will always ask questions. What if? A favorite game.

I didn't think he was truly asking forgiveness. I merely wanted to use his statement to make a point. The twin flame path is all about the questions it brings up.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by mossme89
Did any of you experience a fear when the other person was around? I felt a fear so intense it was almost incapacitating.
Absolutely. In my case I had two back to back experiences with Twin Flame type" lessons" as I call them. The fear it creates is extremely intense and causes the classic symptom of "running". It is very difficult to look in a clear mirror. One of the things that helped me was when I realized that everything I was afraid of is and are things within myself that I fear or hate. Everything.

When I finally took responsibility for the fact that I am all of those things, did the pain and fear cease. Once I began to accept those, I started to heal. They (TFs) somehow show you all the things you love and hate about yourself. Some of which we blind ourselves to and some we are aware of. It is as if we need to see ourselves reflected in order to see what is hidden. Most get caught up in blaming the other, and it doesn't work.

To feel so much, so intensely, to come alive like you never have before is frightening. Then addictive and compulsive because it feels so good to feel again. And then the person is "taken from you" and you begin asking why. It wakes you up.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 10:14 AM

I have a lot of questions too. e.g. how do you handle moments of doubt - if you have any - ?

and my newest question: do we still need the twin soul once we perfected ourselves ? could there be a ‘reward’ before we disintegrate with the ‘all’? there is so much magic in the fact that the twin seems ‘unreachable’ ‘unavailable’.

My understanding is that the reward is the Flame, the work that goes into it is keeping that Flame lit. I`d like to answer your second part with another question, Do we really disentegrate at all? Bodies yes but the mind, soul etc...

Moments of doubt are like invisible bullets flying thru time, you eventually get hit but just like getting hit by a real bullet you treat it as any other physical wound. But they vary case by case.
edit on 11-10-2011 by StratosFear because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by HumbleMessenger

Originally posted by seagrass
It is an extreme challenge because the ego is a mighty foe. The ego is not to be conquered either, it is to be integrated into the total self. Which is the paradox. And why it is so difficult.

The twin flame path of enlightenment is not fun. I believe it takes two forms also. The good and easy one in which both are at a level of enlightenment where they can be of service to others.. and then there is the "other path" which is about duality and restrictions and blocks in order to create the motivation for further enlightenment and growth.

They are meant to look at, and learn from. Not to form a traditional relationship with, no possession, no control, no marriage and roses. These are denied. That is for soulmates. This is about not having conditions and judgment. This is for waking up to the reality that after duality.... the only step from there that you can take is Oneness. Only in an understanding of Oneness could this relationship ever work. And that is a big task. When the two become one. It is in the process of coming out of duality into oneness where a new birth occurs. You have to die to be reborn. And the twin flame path kills you. The you that you knew. Some can't handle it.

Very well said.

A twinflame relationship is probably the most 'intense' you can find. Definitely Heaven and Hell at the same time. Basically both are mirror of each others, and it force you to learn a lot about yourself.

I dont know about others, but In my case the relationship forced me to 'purify' totally my thoughts. Any kind of 'bad thinking' between one of us translate immediatly in a very painful pain in the body of the other one. All emotions are like 100 times more amplified, so any kind of 'problem' or issue have to be fixed very quickly.

A twinflame is probably the best thing you can find for your spiritual path. And it will lead you to Oneness, your True Self. Now the problem is: Can you handle it?

I definitely agree that at least one of the two (or even the two) need to find Oneness, or the relationship won't work very long.
I can tell you have been through a lot. I recognize that your understanding came from pain just as mine did. Nice to meet you.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

reply to post by seagrass

It seems like the fear, at least in my case, was because we could practically see into each other, so there was no privacy whatsoever. We were exposed to each other. Did you have anything like this?

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by StratosFear

you’re kidding !! my birthday is 11.11. also.

I even have two more 1’s in my year numbers. 19x1. so this year, 11.11.11 will be ………… well, I hope, ………. super special. I wish……… I wish for……….. I wish your heart will be very loving and open and may golden lights freckled with stardust lift you and carry you through a portal to a place of bliss. (although I know better than to wish for things, may that be good or bad wishes)

you wrote: My understanding is that the reward is the Flame, the work that goes into it is keeping that Flame lit. I`d like to answer your second part with another question, Do we really disentegrate at all?

ya, I do experience that the chance to work at keeping the flame, making good choices etc, is rewarding in itself. but usually, when you accomplish a cycle there is a moment of free time where you can enjoy your accomplishments. so if my ‘growth’ is the reward, that would mean that the twin flame is not part of it, only serves as a carrot ??

I do think we disintegrate with our whole being. actually I think we are integrated with each other and have this experience of duality. so I’d rather ask, will we stay conscious of our individual experiences ? will specific situations still hold any importance ?

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by mossme89
reply to post by RisenAngel77

reply to post by seagrass

It seems like the fear, at least in my case, was because we could practically see into each other, so there was no privacy whatsoever. We were exposed to each other. Did you have anything like this?
Yes, and more. They can not only see into you, it is as if the script was written too perfectly. Their words have meaning like no other. They say the perfect thing. You listen to them like no other. You remember every word, every event.. almost every moment is etched into your soul. You can conjure their "essence" as if they are standing right behind you. They haunt you. Standing next to them feels like food and you don't need anything. The list goes on and on. The signs start.. you cannot wake up without thinking of them, it's difficult to concentrate on anything else.
They can know what you are thinking, guess at the deepest secrets in your heart.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by bestintentions

I believe we will remember this life once its over but maybe only certain parts like major events, kind of like a dream. Maybe we stay conscious of what is important to the individual us and that holds a significance to what comes next.

I`m really better at asking questions than answering, the mind understands what the mouth(fingers
) can`t say

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by mossme89

Thats what drew my attention in the first place. I got the feeling that i wouldn`t be able to hide anything, that she could see right through it, and it was the same for her. I could always tell what was on her mind, especially when she was upset about something, and she was really good at hiding it.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:19 AM
I need to read through all the pages and catch up to what has been said- for the moment, being in a rush and having read the OP, I just have the urge to express my first responses.

I don't know about this twin flame theory..... It doesn't seem possible, to me, that the person which, partnered with you, would be part of creating a wholeness of any sort would be exactly like you! With the same interests, values, personality characteristics, the entity formed by you together would be rather lopsided and unbalanced then.

I don't know what my mate is (twin flame, soul mate?) but we both had a "love at first sight" reaction and it has lasted 22 years, and he is exactly the opposite of me in every way. Together we form a potential for experience of the whole gamut then- from one side to another and anywhere in between!

I did meet someone once that I had a very strange reaction to. It was as if I knew him, and had always known him, and we instantly recognized each other. I didn't feel any desire to stay with him, or him with I. There was this unquestionable knowledge that we would be joining again in the future..... when I don't know. But I still feel it.
In some ways,I wonder if we just had so much in common, that considering him a partner here would have eventually become too closed-minded. I hadn't enough to discover in him, as I already knew him inside and out, somehow.

But later in the day I'll read more of what you guys have discussed and see what the common ideas are on twin flames!

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by seagrass

seagrass, I think you must have been ready for this experience in one way or another. you would not have attracted and noticed it otherwise. maybe the impact shocked you very badly and you are still hurt from it. can’t see the trees for the wood. and as we all here have established: there is damn hard work that we have to do to keep in the clear – for ourselves and for humanity !

I live near a part of the ocean where dolphins come visiting every early morning. I have some guests with me and we’re heading down to meet and greet them. I will them about you.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by mossme89

it’s only for lack of time that I haven’t responded to your posts yet. (sometimes I also think I shouldn’t talk so much)

but I do would like to tell you about my experiences in regard to fear.

I had no fear at all. for the first few years I was in total bliss and highly energised. although I had recognized quite from the beginning, that we are attracted like magnates but also repelled by mysterious forces.

however, after time doubts rose their ugly head. I went into deep introspection and I noticed it was my hope that kept me this exited. then, the moment I tried to let go of hope I experienced extreme depression. so I am learning with many painful attempts to transform hope into trust. to trust in the unknown. for me, that was very difficult.

we could practically see into each other, so there was no privacy whatsoever. We were exposed to each other. Did you have anything like this?

yes, exactly as you say. and that factor always stays. no matter how I transform. I love it. I think it is an astonishing and peaceful perspective.

I would like to create my experiences similar to the original energies but without the wish to an outcome. I would like to accept it as a gift that is now part of me and does me nothing but good.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:11 PM
Do any of you feel like this whole thing is a battle between your head and your heart? Like me head (logic) tells me I'm nuts and grasping for straws, while my heart points towards her. Anybody else?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by mossme89

dear mossme, I think this whole thing is to learn not to concentrate our love on one person.

I quote Meister Eckhart (1260-1327!!) (again he wrote in german so I translate) :: if you love yourself you love everybody. as long as there is a single person you don’t love as yourself then you never truly managed to love yourself. and everything turns good for such a person who loves oneself and everybody the same.

I think this keeps our mind and heart split. until we cannot love as described above we will be in conflict always. yes, our mind does tell us we are nuts because we are nuts at this stage.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:50 PM
Surprising i decided to look back into the forums and find this thread.

I also can relate in an eerily similar way to a few of your personal stories. I had gone to school with this girl, but never realized until we talked at a party. I knew right away when i looked into her eyes and i saw the most pure and beautiful thing i'll never be able to quite describe. I know she saw it in mine too.

From there on we would meet at parties and have some conversations but i'd either be too chicken to try and escalate the conversation or would get interrupted. We graduated high school and went our separate ways. The crazy thing is we've never had more than a few conversations, but i know that she knew.

I also could have had many relationships by now but have never really tried or knew it would not work out because i would always think of her. Now most days i think about it i slip into depression thinking what could have been and what i could have done different, but they say hindsight is 20/20.
Thoughts of her are always in the back of my mind and most days i have to block them out so i dont go crazy.

The dreams were also very real and i miss having them or dreams with her in them. Lately i havent had any and wonder why that is. as i said lately when i think about it i just get depressed. Typing isnt the easiest thing to do. Im still pretty young at 19 and she's only 20, but im not sure i'll ever get a good chance to talk to her again.

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