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Twin Flames and how I found mine.

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posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 07:27 AM

To Mods: This is actually metaphysical related. ^_^

I recently found my twin flame, well...technically I found her 5 months ago but it was recently that the seal was closed on any doubts I had. Fate has somehow brought us together, our personality and interests are almost the same. However, to my disappointment, she was already taken. (Please trust me, I know my reasons as to why I know she is who she is I just don't want to go through every evidence that I have gone through again).

Every detail of strange events that were completely supernatural in nature Ive pondered upon and were literally slaps in the face when ever I said "It cant be her". I guess I was in Denial at first because I always thought twin flames were meant to fall for each other upon meeting or were ready for each other. Unfortunately this is not the case. And according to this blog, it explains things a bit more clearer.

Twin Flames information source:

Many people idealize and romanticize the concept of the Twin Flame ... however, the Union of the Twin Flame is carefully orchestrated by the Divine Mind ... for the bringing together of the Harmonic Overtones has a direct and exponential frequency impact through all dimensions and planes of this local Universe. Do not expect candlelight dinners and bouquets of roses in this union ... that is not its purpose. This is a union which transcends all definitions of male/female unions on this planet.

The Divine purpose for the union of the Twin Flame is to create the Harmonic Intonation of Completion and to be at service ... planetary service, cosmic service and universal service. Thus, personal preferences, relationships and perceived obligations may be thrust aside so that absolute service to the Divine Plan becomes the ONLY reality of the Twin Flame. When we take the Twin Flame beyond the human perception ... we see the potential of a tremendous force of Divine Action.

Before I get to the above information. My search for my twin flame officially began at age 17, I am 29 now. Through a Dream I had of her. I even went as far as to draw her after I dream t of her, and that image stuck with me for a long time. Search after search after search for nearly 12 years. There were times I even gave up the search and just passed it out as a figment of my imagination.

Then this year, I was lead by my intuition to this one website where I thought I would find her. At first I didn't find her, I was on that website for nearly 2 months (maybe more) before I had my encounter with her the very first time. When she showed me pics of her, My first thought was, this was strangely familiar, but I tried not to get much into it. (I really didn't, I mean think about it, it sounds crazy doesn't it?)

But as time went by, the more I talked with her, the more I began to see our deep connections. As I mentioned, I was in denial because of the fact that she was already taken, and in a way, it tore me apart, but something else happened that I have never experienced with anyone else in my entire life. My heart began to "Purr".

Sounds odd doesn't it? After countless of supernatural occurrences which are heavily related to telepathy, I had to admit it right there that she was who she was and I had to accept it. The concept of true love is there, however, this is where my own personal battle vs self comes into play. You see, Ive been having this duality battle for a long time. Part of me is content that I found her in the first place and I was glad that she wasn't just a figment of my imagination. But the other part of me was torn apart because I couldn't have her.

In her case however, she acknowledges that there is a powerful connection between me and her, BUT she doesn't feel like I am her Twin Flame. But yet she displays the same symptoms I felt except for the "Purr". And I started to wonder why. All it took to understand why she didn't acknowledge this was to simply look within myself to understand and i found my answer.

How would I feel if I am in a steady relationship and all of a sudden my twin flame appears? The stress related to it would be nearly unbearable. You see she had already built her castle with her current relationship. So I thought a moment, how would I feel? The answer was this, I would feel threatened because this endangers the castle I worked hard to build. So I understood why. However, there is something I didn't know which brings me to the quote i posted from the website above.

It seems the Twin flame role is to serve the divine plan of the creator. What that is I do not know, but everything happens for a reason and it seems Ironic that the encounter occurred right when there is heavy talk of Ascension. So I may have a clue.

But then there is also this quote.

We strongly suggest that one not jump out of a current relationship and immediately attempt a Twin Flame Union. The energetic link of the former relationship needs to be dismantled and all inharmonious frequencies associated with it need to come into equilibrium. Thereafter, a time-frame for frequency alignment of the Twin Flame needs to be a consideration. You do not want to bring old baggage into this union ... Why? This is very important ... because when the Twin Flame comes together ... Everything is Amplified!

Now I began to understand things a bit better. It seems fate decided to put us together at a time when there would be a lot of challenges to overcome and I know she has her own personal challenge as well because of her relationship. It seems both our challenges is ego related.

Strangely enough as I talk about her she just came online. this very moment lol.

Anywho, it seems the concept of a twin flame is a huge challenge in itself. But one thing I know, is that I feel complete when I talk with her. But I am giving her space and time to figure things out on her own. To be honest, her position must be a really difficult one. But no matter what happens, I will stick by her side, until fate or her decide otherwise.

I love her. Even if she marries and has children of her own. I know, that our love transcends dimensions, I may not have her in this lifetime. But I know we will be together in the next. And it's time I accepted that.

I Hope you found this an interesting read and found it knowledge-full through my own experience. It hurts yes, but somehow, the love I feel, overcomes that pain. Now I just need my ego to shut it lol.

Share your thoughts on this, and let me know if you had similar experiences. I would love to hear your stories.

edit on 7-10-2011 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 08:10 AM
Let it go.

I believe in the twin flame but not in this life, not this day in age. You want proof its the one you`ll see them on the other side.

I met mine about ten years ago in high school, I just passed her in the hall and something made me notice her for some reason. Well after chasing her for a few years i transfered schools and i got her a job with me just so i could be able to see her(kmart) I had to quit and we lost touch for a few years. I found out she had joined the AirForce (funny, i`d always talked about being a fighter pilot) and had gotten married to some jackass who didnt treat her right. Well we got back into contact when she got out and came back to nashville i got to see her and it was like nothing changed. I tried to tell her what i thought but it didnt come out right and maybe she took it the wrong way, with all the crazy lunatics in the world i dont blame her.
Well that was 2009 and now shes married again maybe with kids now i dont know, she wont speak to me. I know it wont last we are only 24-25 and i know how she is. The worst part about it is I`ve had dreams about her that were so real i question reality, i can close my eyes and there she is. Not just her face or her voice but the unique energy everyone has, the way she smells, the feeling of her hair, everything.
For the lack of a better phrase, she has been etched into my heart and soul with a laser.
Everyday that has gone by since the fall of 2001 she has been in my head, the first thing in my head when i wake up and the last thought before i fall asleep will always be her. Sometimes i think the pain of waking up without her is to much, i cope with marijuana and alcohol, it doesnt work. The only thing i can think to do is to turn the pain into creativity, so i write song lyrics. Maybe she`ll hear them someday or maybe i might run into her again someday, thats really the only thing that keeps me going anymore it seems.

This life will be over someday, hopefully when we get to the other side questions will be answered, paths will be shown, and wrongs will be righted. But heaven without her will never be heaven to me.

edit on 7-10-2011 by StratosFear because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 08:56 AM
Is there a difference between a twin flame and a soul mate?

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by StratosFear
Let it go.

I believe in the twin flame but not in this life, not this day in age. You want proof its the one you`ll see them on the other side.

I met mine about ten years ago in high school, I just passed her in the hall and something made me notice her for some reason. Well after chasing her for a few years i transfered schools and i got her a job with me just so i could be able to see her(kmart) I had to quit and we lost touch for a few years. I found out she had joined the AirForce (funny, i`d always talked about being a fighter pilot) and had gotten married to some jackass who didnt treat her right. Well we got back into contact when she got out and came back to nashville i got to see her and it was like nothing changed. I tried to tell her what i thought but it didnt come out right and maybe she took it the wrong way, with all the crazy lunatics in the world i dont blame her.
Well that was 2009 and now shes married again maybe with kids now i dont know, she wont speak to me. I know it wont last we are only 24-25 and i know how she is. The worst part about it is I`ve had dreams about her that were so real i question reality, i can close my eyes and there she is. Not just her face or her voice but the unique energy everyone has, the way she smells, the feeling of her hair, everything.
For the lack of a better phrase, she has been etched into my heart and soul with a laser.
Everyday that has gone by since the fall of 2001 she has been in my head, the first thing in my head when i wake up and the last thought before i fall asleep will always be her. Sometimes i think the pain of waking up without her is to much, i cope with marijuana and alcohol, it doesnt work. The only thing i can think to do is to turn the pain into creativity, so i write song lyrics. Maybe she`ll hear them someday or maybe i might run into her again someday, thats really the only thing that keeps me going anymore it seems.

This life will be over someday, hopefully when we get to the other side questions will be answered, paths will be shown, and wrongs will be righted. But heaven without her will never be heaven to me.

edit on 7-10-2011 by StratosFear because: (no reason given)

I believe there is a reason why I met mine now. We both have a purpose towards eachother. Because we are also souls that wants to help humanity find the right path. I think that is our purpose in this lifetime.

Originally posted by fisheye
Is there a difference between a twin flame and a soul mate?

Yup, it explains the difference in the link I provided in the OP

It is important to make the distinction between a Twin Flame and a soulmate. There exists only one pair of partners who are Twin Flames which is not a disposable union ... for the Essence of it can never truly be replaced with another mate. Contrarily, soulmates come in many different forms and different intonations ... for a soulmate is anyone with whom you have had a past life experience.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

At least you get to see and speak to yours.

Some of us only have memories.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 12:28 PM
I am sorry that she didn't like you. The reason why she did not recognize you is that her life is filled with the wrong things and just like having a very dirty windshield she cannot see. I think that the best thing for you would to try to get over over it. Its more important that you find somebody else even if she is not your twin flame. We are not on the earth have pleasure but to correct things in our lives right now.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:32 PM
what can I say ?

I was thinking of a thread on the twin flame myself, but for the depth and vastness of our experience I could not phrase it properly. I knew somebody will do it soon. well done !

I know every thought and experience risen angel and stratos fear have expressed. same here – I won’t go into details.

However I would like to comment on pellian's post:

’ I am sorry that she didn't like you. The reason why she did not recognize you is that her life is filled with the wrong things and just like having a very dirty windshield she cannot see. I think that the best thing for you would to try to get over over it. Its more important that you find somebody else even if she is not your twin flame. We are not on the earth have pleasure but to correct things in our lives right now. ’

it is a common acknowledged fact that when twin flames meet, they both recognize it. it seems to be always the same story though: one is seemingly more ready than the other.

it is exactly this scenario that propels both on an extremely powerful learning curve. the lessons are the same as for anyone else at any stage: to overcome ego by fully understanding it. but at the stage of meeting the elusive twin flame, that truly is edged into our hearts, the challenges are incredible.

a person touched by the twin flame will not try to get over it. you fall into deepest depression for doing that. quite the contrary you will have to own what is in your heart totally and learn not to have one single wish anymore. you have to fill yourself with a very high quality of love to be able to keep going in a healthy manner.

you will learn that ‘nobody else’ will do. you will see what a farce ‘relationships’ and ‘marriages’ are and in what havoc and turmoil humanity is, because people choose ‘anybody’ and produce offspring. once you experienced the love and purpose of the twin flame you know that sacred love is the path to save the world.

this is service for humanity. to live in this absolute truth – with your twin ray alive in your being yet not physically together. and then…… who knows……

sorry my English is not my first language.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 05:15 PM
I found my twin flame after many years, 10 000km's away, not even looking for her ..... but the first time I visited the part of the world where she stayed (before meeting her), I just felt drawn that part of the world, and as time went by, I just got drawn more and more to that part of the world.... 5 years later, I met this girl from that side of the world, and everything just fell into place. Gave up everything to be with her, and now I am here, poor as a church-mouse, but happy as hell

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

If you guys are the "same" trust me its not meant to be I've been with someone that was just like me you will fight alot its better to be with someone that is the complete opposite.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

If the twin flame is transcendental then is it not available to you in all lifetimes and in all walks of life? Perhaps careful meditation and diligent but flexible action can be combined to show you the path to this unification you seek.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by bestintentions

a person touched by the twin flame will not try to get over it. you fall into deepest depression for doing that. quite the contrary you will have to own what is in your heart totally and learn not to have one single wish anymore. you have to fill yourself with a very high quality of love to be able to keep going in a healthy manner.

you will learn that ‘nobody else’ will do. you will see what a farce ‘relationships’ and ‘marriages’ are and in what havoc and turmoil humanity is, because people choose ‘anybody’ and produce offspring. once you experienced the love and purpose of the twin flame you know that sacred love is the path to save the world.

These words have echoed in my head for years, those exact words. Sometimes i do kind of get over it mainly by not thinking about her(trying to) but i`ll have a dream or a thought and it starts to happen all over again.
Its an endless cycle thats led me to believe that its real, i shouldn`t give up on her even if it takes 20 years (maybe earth wont last that long) because thats the one.
Depression has become such a big part of my life, its now my best friend, the only thing i can count on to always be there for me.

Being a Scorpio doesnt really help out my situation either.

Man this is slowly becoming a support group thread. Sry guys I`ll stop bitching, feels good to talk about it a little bit though. i am interested in further info about the twin flame if there is a certain book or teacher that i should check out i will. No Bible quotes please but i would like to hear what other religions have to say about this kind of thing.
S/F for the OP and a star for you bestintentions

PS what is your first language bestintentions?

edit on 7-10-2011 by StratosFear because: rambled on for to long

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 06:10 PM
Interesting thread op S+F

I had never heard of this til now
edit on 7-10-2011 by solargeddon because: typos

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

I hope for you that she will see she is better off with you. I know i said let it go but thats a hypocritical statement on my part because thats not what i`d do. I guess it really depends on how close she is with her husband and how much time they have been together. You never know what may happen but dont give up even if it starts to kill you slowly dont ever give up if you believe its worth it.

Just have to soldier up sometimes, we are Love Troopers

(Cult song)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Hellhound604

i hope one day to have that same feeling.
Good luck to you

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by bestintentions

You have, no idea how much your post resonated with me. If i could give you 100 stars for it i would. I've been asking myself, what if i just try a relationship with someone else. After pondering on it, the love would be incomparable with that of a twin flame. She made me feel something I never felt before in any of my past relationships. If I tried to be with someone else, it would feel as if im just simply trying to fill in the void. It wouldn't be fair for the other person because the other person deserves as much love as I do. I just asked myself where does this leave me?

There are also many challenges that comes with the twin flame. One I found out today. You see, back when I was still searching for my TF, I was told by someone who had quite alot of knowledge about twin flames that i would also see her within myself, but I was also told that I had to love myself completely. Now I understand why this was important. Because Twin flames also mirror eachother, if there is a part of yourself you do not like, it will reveal itself through your TF and it will be like you are staring at a mirror. I found this out today after I wrote this post. So it seems I have also to work on Self Love aswell.

One other thing I will mention, me and her were born on the 23rd just different months and different year.

Here is our Mayan signs, If you can, it would be appreciated if you took a look and compare both.

This one is mine

This one is hers.

I wonder if you will see what I see. Please get back to me I really would like to hear more of your thoughts.

Originally posted by StratosFear

Being a Scorpio doesnt really help out my situation either.

Man this is slowly becoming a support group thread. Sry guys I`ll stop bitching, feels good to talk about it a little bit though. i am interested in further info about the twin flame if there is a certain book or teacher that i should check out i will. No Bible quotes please but i would like to hear what other religions have to say about this kind of thing.
S/F for the OP and a star for you bestintentions

PS what is your first language bestintentions?

edit on 7-10-2011 by StratosFear because: rambled on for to long

You are not "bitchin", I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and emotions, we are helping eachother and that is what matters.

I know exactly how you feel. I am a scorpio-libra hybrid. It seems I was born on a day where duality is at it's finest. Scorpio are known for their aggressiveness, and libras are known for their passiveness.

I have both passive-aggressive tendencies. It is not an easy road I will tell you that much. Today I went through an episode, this has become a bit too overwhelming for me. And I am trying my best to keep myself together and not break down. I sympathize with you. I know how you feel.

I hope things work out your end.

Originally posted by StratosFear
reply to post by RisenAngel77

I hope for you that she will see she is better off with you. I know i said let it go but thats a hypocritical statement on my part because thats not what i`d do. I guess it really depends on how close she is with her husband and how much time they have been together. You never know what may happen but dont give up even if it starts to kill you slowly dont ever give up if you believe its worth it.

Just have to soldier up sometimes, we are Love Troopers

(Cult song)

Hey no harm man, Like i said, I understand how you feel. We tend to try and lie to ourselves and think we will eventually get over it. Its a defense mechanism to try and protect ones heart.

And I won't, the way I see it, I have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain, even if it kills me in the end.

And aye, we are aren't we?

edit on 7-10-2011 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-10-2011 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by RisenAngel77

It is important to make the distinction between a Twin Flame and a soulmate. There exists only one pair of partners who are Twin Flames which is not a disposable union ... for the Essence of it can never truly be replaced with another mate. Contrarily, soulmates come in many different forms and different intonations ... for a soulmate is anyone with whom you have had a past life experience.

According to who?


Don't tell me what my soul mate is, chump.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

It's weird, but I've had these things in the past before, and it is EXACTLY as you say it is. In that, something 'jumps' out at you about this person you don't know, you feel a deep connection that goes beyond love, sort of like complete selflessness for the other person. Even the dreams, they are 1000x more vivid and life-like to the point it doesn't feel like a dream anymore. Very strange.
It sort of 'picked up' for me in the last two weeks or so, and just like above poster said, it's all you can think about at night, and "heaven" (assuming it exists) feels just not right without this person. And I can't explain any of it. Boggles the mind.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by fisheye
Is there a difference between a twin flame and a soul mate?


A twin flame is when two people work well energetically together,
like a key that goes into a lock, and opens it

A Soul Mate is someone who is made out of the same soul essence by the creator for the precise purpose for them to one day find each other.

One day everyone finds their soul mate, and maybe they have some twin flames along the way.

edit on 7-10-2011 by OccupyPlanet because: spelling

edit on 7-10-2011 by OccupyPlanet because: spelling

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 09:38 PM
If she is your twin flame, then you shouldn't feel the need to change anything about her life or your own life unless this happens on it's own, and is "destined" to happen.

You are vote working towards the same goal, and are guaranteed tom reach it at some point. It is impossible for you to know and understand the "divine plan", or your path/or whatever else you can call it. You just simply follow your intuition, and do what is in the best interest in helping yourself and others "follow the light" and grow per se.

If you love her truly as a twin flame, you should be supporting the life she has right now as long as she is living it in service of others, and that it is one that fostersnher own growth. Don't put aside anything in your life because you feel the need to be with her and that nothing else matters. If it doesn't happen in this life, it could happen in the next or the plethora of other live that probably await you both.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by OccupyPlanet

Dude, you got it backwards.

Soulmates are a group of souls that incarnate together as termed 'soul family' and trade off roles each lifetime to learn, love, and grow.

Twin Flames are the dualistic aspects of your higher self.

This incarnation has been pretty lonely for me, but I'm not sweating it. This cycle is drawing to a close and quickly, if we don't meet soon... I'm sure they will all be waiting on the other side of the veil. The cycle to end all cycles, there's a reason such stuff is becoming so prominent.

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