I have posted some pictures on here before and described my sighting, from what I've seen on the internet most debunker's immediately get to work as
soon as an image is shown, I SWEAR on my life and my 3 year olds life My images show a number of UFO's how do I get this sighting taken seriously?
this was a major event the UFO landed for over 1 hour near my home and I took pictures
So will they return today 1 year later? does this happen? I have invested in very expensive video camera and tripod, wish me luck.
The images were taken looking down and across the salt marshes next to my home, in the distance you can see Llanelli in south Wales I live in
landimore swansea Gower check out on google earth and it will give you a better idea, no obstructions in my view at anytime, no street lamps on the
marshes and only a dmolished building where i belive the ufo landed, the ufo was in the air when first sighted but them landed, I thought a plane was
crashing when I first saw it in the sky, as it was as bright as the sun I thought something was on fire, but then it just hovered in the same spot for
around 10mins before shooting down to the ground.
You can click on the images to enlarge them further
above image something approached the landed ufo, now a green color
even closer, then both objected moving off to left of my house
THIS event has had a major impact on me, i'm obsessed with seeing them again - help!
not interested in the usual comments (lanterns,flares,boat,plane,helcopter etc.. it was none of these i'm ex military and know the difference.
I'm moving home in 1 months time and crave for answers before I leave
thanks in advance - this is not your normal debunking opportunity so please don't bother I'm not after what you think it is, I've shown my pictures to
the so called experts Nick pope etc and they can't explain them so unless you saw this yourself its just speculation, any image enhancement experts
please have a look and see if you can clean them up. THANK YOU EVERYONE!
edit on 7-10-2011 by bsalert because: no changes
edit on 7-10-2011 by bsalert because: added extra info
on 7-10-2011 by bsalert because: added extra info