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Could this be the real reason why Israel was re-established?

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posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 01:20 AM
To OP:

Israel rejected Christ and because of that God scattered them. He prophesied he would bring them back in the last days and it all came true. Currently they still reject God but in the end days God will turn back to Israel and offer them salvation again. The tribulation is to bring out the salvation of Israel that's why there is the analogy of the fining pot because they are going through birth pangs. Jesus likened to as a woman travailing in birth. The tribulation will give birth to the salvation of Israel with the preaching of 144,000 jews of the Gospel to the world. Satan is trying to wipe Israel off the map because he wants to stop prophecy. If there is no Israel then prophecy fails and he gets to stay delaying his judgment of hell for eternity.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by Keeper of Kheb

Satan is trying to wipe Israel off the map because he wants to stop prophecy. If there is no Israel then prophecy fails and he gets to stay delaying his judgment of hell for eternity.
Satan founded the modern state of Israel through Sabbatean Jews. (look the word up) These are people who turned Judaism upside-down, where if the law said, do not steal, then it means we need to steal, if the law says we should not kill, we need to kill.
All the rest of your post is one big fabrication made up to rationalize the crime that this Zionist regime is and all its supporters. God will punish these people for their arrogance and those who support it, and those who allow it through their silence. All those who do not raise their voice in opposition to this murderous and thieving group of criminal thugs will suffer punishment in Hell, by the real God. The modern state of Israel is the antichrist who has set itself up as its own god, in opposition to the real God.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Keeper of Kheb

If there is no Israel then prophecy fails and he gets to stay delaying his judgment of hell for eternity.

1.How is he the judge of hell ?

Is he a competitor for God ? For his judgment ?

2.Does he has more power than seducing humans?

3.Will the massacres done by Israel , be ignored by God ?

4.Will god (i.e be that passive to ) let his last try to help humans , fail ?

5.What does god likes about a race ? Will he judge us by our race or our actions ?

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Keeper of Kheb

Keeper of Kheb sez:

"...tribulation will give birth to the salvation of Israel with the preaching of 144,000 jews of the Gospel to the world."

Laz replies:

This is getting old! Once again, we see someone who can not tell the difference between





Only one tribe in twelve, or 8.333% of Israel were Judahites, if we assume equal tribal size, which is not quite correct. Of these Judahites, only a small fraction ever went back to Judah after the Babylonian captivity. Most of the descendants of the tribe of Judah are not known as Jews today. Of these Jews who made up the Judah of Jesus' time, and we are not even considering the Benjamites of Galilee or members of other dispersed tribes who still followed the same religion as the Jews, many became Christians, and the rest were dispersed. Due to the addition of the Khazar nation to the Jewish faith, these descendants of Judean Jews make up only about 10% of the modern Jewish population.

Given all that, just how do these Christians justify equating Jew and Israelite? Bad preaching, bad theology, bad thinking. Do your homework.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

1.How is he the judge of hell ?
This is something that comes from an old mythology that Satan is like a man somehow, and is like the king of evil men, and can be punished like a man.
It gets perpetuated by pseudonymous books like Enoch, 2 Thessalonians, 2 Peter, Jude, and Revelation.
Keeper of Kheb is repeating this theme from the myth, that Satan will one day be like a vanquished human enemy king who will be paraded and then placed in the Tullianum, like the Romans did in the triumph, where Jesus would be the Triumphator.
edit on 30-10-2011 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

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