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Occupy This! A Socialist movement towards New World Order

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posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

We do not endorse socialism but what I see emerging is a hybrid of capitalism-socialism dominated by a new concept of Americanism whereas the only things that are allowed are those that benefit all 3, corporations, the Govt and the people.

Pure socialism, pure communism, pure corporatism have all failed and it's time for a new form to rise. One that has yet to be tested. New thinking and new ideas is what will get us out of this mess.

We did not join up with The SCUM so get that lie and myth out of your skull as you are flat out and dead wrong on this. They do not own us and neither are they funding us,

Hook, line, sinker, SUNK!
edit on 11-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

What are you talking about we?

Are you the spokesperson for the OWS now?

OWS is a registered nonprofit and funnels the money it raises to places like Nicaragua.

Just to prove you wrong.


George Soros funds OWS

As of Oct. 19, OWS had taken in a grand total of $435,000 from all sources, including donations made by individuals online and in person, according to reports.

It should surprise no one that Soros (net worth: $22 billion), the ultimate Wall Street insider and preeminent funder of the activist Left today, embraces Occupy Wall Street.

The Open Society Institute has given $24,599,553 to the Tides network of philanthropies since 1999. Of that total, $18,154,270 went to the Tides Foundation and the remaining $6,445,283 went to the Tides Center, which like the Alliance for Global Justice, serves as a fiscal sponsor for small or new activist groups.

A hotbed of anti-American activity, the Alliance takes money from the most extreme left-wing philanthropies operating in America today. The Alliance has accepted grants from the (pro-Fidel Castro) Arca Foundation ($185,000 since 2001), General Service Foundation ($165,000 since 2001), and Foundation for DeepaEcology ($30,000 since 2000), an anti-science environmentalist group that regards human beings as a cancer on the earth.

Alliance for Global Justice is a “fiscal sponsor,” which means that it serves as a financial clearinghouse for radical causes that haven’t filed papers to incorporate themselves as nonprofit organizations. Donors give money to the Alliance and are then able to deduct the donations from their income tax even though the cause they are funding isn’t recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS. Fiscal sponsors take a percentage of donations as management fees, and then pass on the rest to the cause favored by the donor.

Founded in 1998, the Alliance, which is headquartered in Washington, D.C., has a long history of anti-American activism. The Alliance and its resident, Katherine Hoyt, are longtime supporters of the Sandinista (Communist) movement in Nicaragua and the Zapatistas, a Marxist-Leninist guerrilla movement in Mexico.

You want nothing to do with them?

Apparently they want everything to do with you. Whats the matter, you didn't get that memo?

But heres the good news, you can admit once and for all, that you are wrong and go about living a life worth living. Otherwise there is a verichip with a unique number just for you, waiting in the arms of the dictators you are jumping in bed with.

Denial ain't a river in Egypt.
edit on 11-11-2011 by thehoneycomb because: Spelling

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

We do not accept donations from billionaires so stop right there. If we denied Russell Simmons we will deny money from Mr. Soros. There is no record of him donating any money directly.

If you have a company, and say, your brother has a company and I have one and I give money to your brother's firm and he in return gives money to yours I did not give your company money directly (me to you), indirectly (me to him to you), outerdirectly (me to you to him to me to you).

Obviously it was you who forgot the memo :

It's the old and already disproven myth of "He gave some money to Tides who gave money to Adbusters who is an affiliate of OWS" but the truth is that the extent of the involvement with Adbusters ceases after that and beyond that the involvement ceases as we do not speak on behalf as well as not represent either Tides, Adbusters and the same is requested in reverse!

Denial is not a river but The River Nile is!

A New World Order is on the horizon yes, but one that will be dominated and dictated by the will of the majority and not be spearheaded and headed up by the likes of The banks, Wall Street, The SCUM, Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral, PNAC, Corporations, Big Oil, Big Pharma but one where We The People United By All Divided By None will run this rock we call a planet. One free of RFID's, Sexual Molestation courtesy of The TSA, enhanced and continued police state and threat of martial law, no more threat of a censored and filtered internet. no more
unnecessary and costly wars that do nothing constructive or positive for anyone, no more unsafe products and work conditions! Freedom! Restoration of the rule of law by outlawing, banning and deleting the ""2 Tiered Legal System" we currently have, 1 set of rules for the rich and 1 set of rules for the rest as that comes to a screeching halt. No more and a banning of completely, totally and independently privately held, operated, managed, controlled companies or groups from controlling any key elements of the United States Federal Government Infrastructure & Overall Architecture, restoration of agreed borders and reorder of the global re-recognition of all global governments and each's nation's respective sovereign right as a nation but to amend to order China to restore sovereignty to Taiwan and Tibet and order Israel to restore sovereignty to Paleastine and for each of the 3 to be accepted and admitted as the 3 newest nations, deletion of harmful and detrimental trade policies that only hurt and negatively affect the environment!

Restoration of fairness, restoration of equality!

That is a world I envision!
edit on 12-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

One ring to rule them all.

What makes you think you're any different then the tyrants?

You simply can not make the world fair for everyone, you will bring fourth the holocaust and slavery.

The world does not work that way, nature doesn't work that way. There is hierarchy in everything. It's time you learned that.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Why does radical change always must be some "Doom and Gloom" card crud? This only happens because of complacency as do you not get or even give a toss that the direction we are headed down now will do a helluva lot worse to us both short and long range? Does a bank have to foreclose on you before you care? What's it going to take?

More of the same is simply and quite frankly not an option and this and my last post is not just another opinion but a tried and true fact. Quit with this oneupmanship crud as the plan I have presented shall be the only one as I do happen to know how Govt and corporations operate enough to know that this current course is unsustainable and our ship is tilting and titling bad and if we don't correct it soon we will capsize, this is not another opinion but is fact as well and neither of the last two are subjected to debate as the time for talking is over. What do you not get that the "Left-v-Right" paradigm for which you are basing everything and anything off of is dying and is fundamentally and totally corrupt form the inside out and to the core as the new order is "Us-v-Them" or "The People-v-The SCUM" as this is the new paradigm and the only one that matters as we all are fighting for not only the survival of the nation but for our survival, our right to exist!

Get with the program! Wake up! Deny ignorance as ignorance is no excuse for complacency!

The difference between the animal world and humanity is we have comprehension, logic, common sense and are evolved as we are held to a higher standard then an animal. Hence why animal owners who animals kill or harm someone rarely see lengthy prison sentences as typically it's not the animal's fault so we can usually chalk it up to their predatory defaults kicking in so they can't be blamed for having faulty programming but us humans have a thinking brain and are expected to be better then that hence why if you take the life of another human in cold blood it's 25 - life while in the animal kingdom it's required for survival as it's collecting dinner!
edit on 12-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Complete disarmament?? let's let everyone come kill us, maybe if we give them cookies and hugs everything will be ok!! Hey everyone out there.... SOCIALIST UTOPIA HA NEVER AND WILL NEVER WORK! Thank you for your post thehoneycomb!!

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

It doesn't matter how much proof you give them.....just smash your head against the wall and call it a night

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Just in case you didn't know. You are talking to someone who has lost everything. I am quite possibly the poorest person in the US. I took the time, because I have alot of it to recognize the problem. It's not right versus left, its your thinking that needs to change. You are not entitled to a better life, you have to think your way through your problems and earn it. I do not post on here to one up you or belittle you or anyone else. I do not make six figures or even five. I have been beaten down by the system to the point where I nearly killed myself. Yes time is changing, yes the powers that be will no longer be in power for long. This to me is not about right or left or life or death for my sake, it is for children's sake.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by timetothink

Might as well Im talking to a wall.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:48 AM

Time to bust this card out on you :


Have fun with your neck collar while me and the rest of society who actually cares for one another.

The difference between the animal world and humanity is we have comprehension, logic, common sense and are evolved as we are held to a higher standard then an animal. Hence why animal owners who animals kill or harm someone rarely see lengthy prison sentences as typically it's not the animal's fault so we can usually chalk it up to their predatory defaults kicking in so they can't be blamed for having faulty programming but us humans have a thinking brain and are expected to be better then that hence why if you take the life of another human in cold blood it's 25 - life!
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

But then again, I am talking to the perfect liberal.

1,000 ways to justify your way of thinking, but none of them add up.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by Chance321

They don't even know they are being used by Obummer's people to get him re-elected and by the idiot-celebrities who are the 1% and working with Rockefellers etc.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

I am enjoying your posts...just got all worked up in cophater thread with some nuts, so it's nice to find someone sane...thank you!

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by timetothink

Thanks, I find it quite comforting to talk to someone sane on this site as well.

I have done alot of my research on topics that are popular on these boards, however it has become very one sided.
People tend to listen to other people and not do their own research and think. Then they call me a mindless NWO shill or a government provocateur.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Then instead of challenging any new idea how about join us and be apart of the change.

I truly and wholly feel for you and do offer my sympathies for your current predicament. I did not realize you are that close to skid row. Keep your head up, keep your spirit up and continue to remain positive and have faith. Things will be better for all.

A person's rise should not be based and predicated upon how many times someone has to swear total and blind allegiance as well as having to step on as many people on the way up just to live a halfway decent life. You, me and every single person on this site has a right to have a better life, This is not guaranteed by Government but by God!

You survived your attempt because you have a redeeming quality that makes you a wothwhile human being. You are the 99% and nothing will ever change this. I apologize for the Troll Alert item as I did not realize your predicament and do hope you accept this public apology! As a measure of good faith on my end I have deleted the part of my post to you id'ing you as a threat!
edit on 12-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Oh look, an uneducated rant against OWS in which someone uses the S-word to denigrate it.

How many threads like this have been done already?

What kind of point do you expect to make? All I see is more mindless mumbo-jumbo.

I'm also inclined to believe that you just want to keep this "left vs right" nonsense going when OWS cannot be tied to any political party in this country.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by timetothink

So the fact that the middle class is dying means nothing?

Reread the following :

A New World Order is on the horizon yes, but one that will be dominated and dictated by the will of the majority and not be spearheaded and headed up by the likes of The banks, Wall Street, The SCUM, Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral, PNAC, Corporations, Big Oil, Big Pharma but one where We The People United By All Divided By None will run this rock we call a planet. One free of RFID's, Sexual Molestation courtesy of The TSA, enhanced and continued police state and threat of martial law, no more threat of a censored and filtered internet. no more
unnecessary and costly wars that do nothing constructive or positive for anyone, no more unsafe products and work conditions! Freedom! Restoration of the rule of law by outlawing, banning and deleting the ""2 Tiered Legal System" we currently have, 1 set of rules for the rich and 1 set of rules for the rest as that comes to a screeching halt. No more and a banning of completely, totally and independently privately held, operated, managed, controlled companies or groups from controlling any key elements of the United States Federal Government Infrastructure & Overall Architecture, restoration of agreed borders and reorder of the global re-recognition of all global governments and each's nation's respective sovereign right as a nation but to amend to order China to restore sovereignty to Taiwan and Tibet and order Israel to restore sovereignty to Paleastine and for each of the 3 to be accepted and admitted as the 3 newest nations, deletion of harmful and detrimental trade policies that only hurt and negatively affect the environment!

Restoration of fairness, restoration of equality!

In this New World Order you are a leader in the NWO that The SCUM wish to entre us into you would be a subservient slave!

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Anti-OWS people keep slandering it as a commie or socialist movement.

They're not offering anything to actually PROVE this.

It has been mentioned on here in the past that smaller groups will attach themselves to a bigger group/movement to seek out publicity. It will not matter because they will ALWAYS be fringe groups. If the American Nazi Party showed up at a Tea Party rally, would you call all of the TP'ers nazis?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Why even waste your time responding to these people? I like a good fight every now and then but the simple fact remains that there will always be people who come along to trash something from the comfort of their computers.

A new world order does not have to be a negative thing but some people just cannot accept the idea of banding together with other nations to share resources, etc. We are so used to the idea of the sovereign nation-state that anything which threatens that dynamic is automatically criticized, etc.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by timetothink

How do you know this?

It's easy to sit there and type such crap but this is ATS, not Red State, not Daily Kos and not Little Green Footballs.

Why does ATS have a political section anyway?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by The Sword

In my design national sovereignty would still remain as every nation should be entitled to maintain and police it's already agreed borders. National Sovereignty helps a nation self identify with itself!

Because as me who was enlightened years ago about the actual realities of this world and who is of a higher understanding plateau and plane that people in my predicament are needed in order to enlighten and illuminate those currently in darkness and to show them the way of the light via intelligence, information, enlightenment and illumination.

He is obviously down on his luck and is needed some encouragement and direction and we must keep all of our fellow ATS'r's spirit lifted up and to take those lesser informed under our wing to direct them to restore their faith!

Also it makes you feel good to know that today you helped a complete stranger.
edit on 12-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

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