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Occupy This! A Socialist movement towards New World Order

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posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 04:24 AM
The the OP and all the Occupy Haters.

Here it is, read this a few times if you need to.

It doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't. Get over who started it, and get into WHERE it's going!!!! Get over the constant attempts to hijack it, because it will never end, and I'm sure it's dozens of groups trying. Everyone loves to control a mob! Well for all of our sakes, stop being haters, and start being proactive.

The NWO is coming. You actually believe this? Yet, you sit in fear of anyone else even trying to help themselves. Because, oh noes, the government is going to use it as an Excuse for Martial Law. Well all of you keyboard warriors need to understand this. Ready?

It's coming, doing nothing but typing on your keyboard wont help. This excuse, another excuse, it doesn't matter. The end game is nearly here! We got freakin World War 3 on the horizon, The world wide Economic collapse, the endless murder in illegal wars, the endless maiming with GMO/Vaccines/Radiation/Famine/Etc.

And your big fear is the NWO is going to use this movement as an excuse to do something?

What part of "They're killing you as you type anyways fool" is hard to get? You might as well join in, and TRY to make a difference, because it's gonna take most of us, to beat them. You know, the 99 percent, though it seems 80+ percent of them are fine with waiting until the economy collapses, the Electricity is cut off, and the troops are moving in.... To Do ANYTHING.

I'm on of the 99 percent, and I WILL be attending the nearest Occupy starting this weekend.

I will tell people about the real problems. I will be there to witness my damn freedom First Hand. So put up, or shut up with all your "It's the commies/NWO/Bankers/Obama/Aliens" Crap!

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by thejlxc

No actually instead of participating in mindless protests, we will be training and preparing. We don't hate the 99%ers, but we do know that there is little chance of stopping it.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 04:37 AM
“Now let’s suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”
Mark Twain

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by thejlxc

No actually instead of participating in mindless protests, we will be training and preparing. We don't hate the 99%ers, but we do know that there is little chance of stopping it.

That time is over. It was over years ago. If you keep prepping until THEY are ready, You Lose. The only hope is a mass uprising, damn it, join in. This could Literally be humanities last shot. You know they're beating people right now all over America!!!!! This isn't something that's Going to happen. It IS happening.

Join in, or you lose. They're gonna use this against us, just become the tidal wave people. Waiting is a fools game now. Waiting until you die of cancer or starvation? Pick your choice.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

What is happening now is tyranny by the minority. TPTB's total global numbers are less then 3 Million and when you compare that to 6.997 Billion people makes them the minority.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Ha. So many people are soo confused.

JUST because a group supports OWS, doesn't make OWS supporters of that group. We want everyone to be able to voice their opinion. We do have free speech here, what good is it if we can't listen to arguments of another view point?

So, we may have some crazy people join supporting OWS, all it is is them wanting their voice to be heard too, regardless of how crazy it may sound to you and I. I do agree, however, that OWS needs to be careful to monitor what these outside groups do, as they may try to steer the movement to fit their own agenda.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:02 PM
I guess I must be doing something right here, (or wrong?). I just received today what I may believe may a death threat from another member via u2u. Should I be concerned? I will paste the members profile and copy the contents of the u2u. Please take a look at some of this members recent posts and threads. First of all I think something terrible may have happened to this person as in dismemberment or castration, second at quick glance I believe this person somehow thinks I am a NWO Reptilian Overlord so I am not sure if this member is just seriously mentally disturbed or this should be taken as a threat. I will post now the contents of the u2u as well as member profile and a thread started by the member about castrating the evil NWO overlords, not really sure what to think about this one so what do you guys think?

u2u sent from manturnedintoagirl

Hello, I was told you knew about terrorists being turned into American Girls as punishment for their actions? Castration first, then the rest. I know there are five members on ATS who are aware of this, are you one of them by any chance?

Have a nice day

Heres a thread,

Also I should add that I have been active in some of the occupy sf threads so not sure if that had something to do with this or not, but as you probably already guessed, I am real popular over there.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:14 PM
Now that I got that out of the way, the Occupy Wall Street movement will be in just about every major US City soon, so I have some homework for you guys.

Take from the website the links as well as the text from the Socialist Party USA site (as laid out in this thread, feel free to add more or subtract parts from the site if you wish, just do not take out of context) and copy them and format them into a text editor and reformat as needed but do not change the text and make sure you provide all the links as I have done in my opening post. Once formatted into a printable document print some out, print them and use a highlighter if needed to highlight the important parts and go hand them out at the Occupy Wall Street protests. At the end of the text document, please write.

"You now have the information you need to know about the Occupy Wall Street movement and who and what is behind it, please make copies and redistribute. Do hand these out, do not talk to people, just distribute, do not approach people that seem extreme or violent, do not hang out and discuss what you are handing them, just distribute them and dip out and don't be seen again, please. Be careful out there!"
edit on 6-10-2011 by thehoneycomb because: Spelling

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by nihonjindesu08

Everything that the Occupy Wall Street is exactly the same as what the Socialist Party wants as well as the Labor Unions and President Obama and most of the extreme left lemmings. Connect the dots, I made it easy for you.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by thejlxc

If you really must know I am preparing in defense of the OWS movement because it is a threat to this country and the constitution and it will become violent, just give it time. I have a right to defend myself from the likes of the 99%ers not grouping them all in a bunch but some of them can and will become violent and I have every right to defend myself and my property as well as my community and loved ones.

You don't need to worry about the US Military taking aim at citizens, what you do need to worry about is that once this movement becomes violent, martial law will be declared and UN Troops will be deployed and you should be worried about them because they won't have any qualms pointing their weapons at you or anyone else.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Yes but it is evolving and it is the youth they are using as pawns, not to mention that the founding fathers were not concerned as much with the world as they were with the Liberty and Freedom of the United States and it's citizens. There are not nearly 7 billion people in the US, but the baby boomers are going into retirement and the youth has been growing, they will use the uninformed youth as pawns. So yes right now these people are not the majority, but this situation will evolve for lack of a better term but I prefer to use the term that it is going to devolve into something ugly.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:10 PM
You country and your system is actually so #ed up, a little socialism would actually not hurt. And i am serious.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by thejlxc

No actually instead of participating in mindless protests, we will be training and preparing. We don't hate the 99%ers, but we do know that there is little chance of stopping it.

I would have to agree.

The corporations don't care about the protests because no one is hitting them where it hurts- their profits.

I can't help but wonder what the protestors would do without the use of the goods and services provided by said corporations.

It concerns me, as well, how quickly some overlook the very crux of the issue, posted in black and white, on the Socialist Party USA doesn't even phase them that they're in alignment with them.

Great post, btw.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by flexy123

Socialism is the reason this country is so messed up in the first place, it is nothing new in fact it has been as high as seats in congress for at least the last 50 years. Speaking of which their are around 70 members in congress that are card carrying socialist party members, not to mention that our Judicial system is full of them also.

So do some research of your own and recognize where the problems in America started in the first place.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Mercylis

Thank you!

keep it going.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:49 PM
I've been on the line with this whole occupy movement. I truthfully do not know which 'side' I believe in. I know there is corruption, but I know that corruption only exists because the individual chooses it to. And if a group of people use a '1%' as a scapegoat, as that is what it is, then I can tell they are at least somewhat misguided in their intentions. The '1%' give the majority of people what they want, and the majority of people still allow corruption to exist.

I am in the middle point and unable to say that I am with either side.

Do I believe history is repeating itself again with a Third Reich though? Most definitely Yes. Why? Because we will keep running into our past challenges until we have the courage to not be rid of fear, but to know that fear is something to be over taken.

I apologize if what I said doesn't make sense, does to me but some don't understand what I mean.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by OneLife

The reality though is that no one will be held accountable, they are targeting a man with out a face. They are rebels without a real cause. They don't even agree on a cause and many don't even understand what they are rebelling against or who for that matter.

The only victim will be America and the American people.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb


This assumption is hot garbage. This is NOT ABOUT POLITICS! This is not about what candidates should win and it sure as heck is not about wanting new world order... this is AGAINST the Bankers and the NWO that is all ready here. The Police state validates that. This monetary system validates that. This thread is mere political trolling and spews propaganda. A spin on the facts, people of all parties are attending apparently because we all got screwed! You make your agenda clear at the same time. You are sadly attempting to create dissent and division among the protest against this Banking machine hence favoring the 1%. Unless you are the 1% or a lobbyist with a grievance against us folk that were robbed during the bail outs and great Banking scam then idgi? Really though being a 1%er must be lonely over there
"sound of crickets"

Your tactics are FAIL this is not going to bode well for you and your cancerous corporate lobbyist banker buddies in the end.

We are awake and aware, we are the 99% and we are going to get our country and our money back one way or the other


Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by flexy123

Socialism is the reason this country is so messed up in the first place, it is nothing new in fact it has been as high as seats in congress for at least the last 50 years. Speaking of which their are around 70 members in congress that are card carrying socialist party members, not to mention that our Judicial system is full of them also.

So do some research of your own and recognize where the problems in America started in the first place.

And this is a picture of a socialist Marxist from Kenya


edit on 6-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by OneLife

The reality though is that no one will be held accountable, they are targeting a man with out a face They are rebels without a real cause. They don't even agree on a cause and many don't even understand what they are rebelling against or who for that matter.

The only victim will be America and the American people.

LMFAO really? Faceless you say

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about!

David Rockefeller almost has a heart attack when asked the question END THE FED

edit on 6-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
I guess I must be doing something right here, (or wrong?). I just received today what I may believe may a death threat from another member via u2u. Should I be concerned? I will paste the members profile and copy the contents of the u2u. Please take a look at some of this members recent posts and threads. First of all I think something terrible may have happened to this person as in dismemberment or castration, second at quick glance I believe this person somehow thinks I am a NWO Reptilian Overlord so I am not sure if this member is just seriously mentally disturbed or this should be taken as a threat. I will post now the contents of the u2u as well as member profile and a thread started by the member about castrating the evil NWO overlords, not really sure what to think about this one so what do you guys think?

u2u sent from manturnedintoagirl

Hello, I was told you knew about terrorists being turned into American Girls as punishment for their actions? Castration first, then the rest. I know there are five members on ATS who are aware of this, are you one of them by any chance?

Have a nice day

Heres a thread,

Also I should add that I have been active in some of the occupy sf threads so not sure if that had something to do with this or not, but as you probably already guessed, I am real popular over there.

You are doing it WRONG actually. Posting your U2U's is against forum rules, all though a death threat is uncalled for it in no way validates your outrageous claims. You need to alert forum staff there is no business for it here. Next you will claim all the OWS people are Marxist Socialist murderers because of a U2U lol at you. You are grasping at straws, straw man argument is straw man argument. If i had a penny for every death threat i have gotten "sighs"

And no i don't feel sympathy

edit on 7-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

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