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Who are the 99%?

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posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

If you have to ask it's you. End of thread

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 04:34 PM
I'm a small piece of the 99%

End the occupation of your mind, Occupy [your town]

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Infrasilent
reply to post by xavi1000

That's a really awful story, but without the technological developments of our current economic and healthcare system she'd probably be dead.

Paycheck to paycheck? If my girlfriend had just survived cancer, I doubt I would care about living paycheck to paycheck.

It's all about priorities in life. Life ought to be pretty high on the list, I would think, and the money isn't going to come out of thin air.
edit on 5-10-2011 by Infrasilent because: added stuff

here in canada if i break my arm and go to the hospital i go home with a cast and maybe a prescription for 40$
in america dont you go home with a cast and a huge bill???

sure we have to wait for certain treatments up here, sure we pay more for fuel and other "things"..... we value healthcare for all, Americans value money made through healthcare to some who prove to be profitable.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 04:50 PM
Man thought I had a tear running down my face reading some of these post.

I was wrong just a little butter running off my lobster on to my chin.

Sorry but I am 46 worked for what I have set myself up to not work much more and raise and grow 95% of my food.
and you know what it was not that hard never had to work more then 25 hours a week.

edit on 5-10-2011 by Meatman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by xavi1000

Maybe if the guy in the picture didn't look like such a disaster he could get a real job and pay for his girlfriends chemo etc. Just a thought.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 05:33 PM
edit on 5-10-2011 by Meatman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Infrasilent
That's a really awful story, but without the technological developments of our current economic and healthcare system she'd probably be dead.

Please don't forget that it's just not the US that's involved in major medical research, Britain and France to name just two make regular contributions to the advancement of medical science and healthcare is paid for by taxation in both countries.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:24 PM

99th Legion.

We are all part of it.

Do not forgive.

Do not forget.

Expect it.

We all have a story to tell , only problem is that no one wants to listen, No one cares.What hope do we have when we are all but forgotten. Its time to take control again !

What are you waiting for ? Courage or death.

Do it before its to late.

Stand up and be counted , become part of it.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:34 PM
This is the 99%

Many of them, especially the girls, seemed too young to have so much facial hair. Many…if not most…if not all…of them who huddled together to denounce “corporate greed” seemed unemployed: Unemployed street poets, unemployed performance artists, unemployed interpretive dancers, unemployed bongo drummers, unemployed Gender Studies grads, unemployed placard-makers, unemployed graphic designers, unemployed social-media directors, and unemployed soup-makers. It was a diverse group of people who were all fully involved at being unemployed. If employed at all, it was obviously not in professions that require periodic showering and rudimentary grooming.

They came vowing they would “Occupy Wall Street,” but Wall Street wouldn’t let them, so they regrouped in a nearby park. Their ongoing near-occupation was a carnival atmosphere of mutual understanding and unforgivable aromas: There was group yoga, pillow-fighting, face-painting, meditation, banner-unfurling, ukelele-strumming, drum-beating, and—who knows?—maybe even some didgeridoo-playing, communal foot-rubbing, and a circular round of anal candling to top it all off.

There were celebrity visits from washed-up screeching beluga Rosanne Barr and the perennially aggrieved Susan Sarandon with her communist breasts. Cornel West showed up and proudly displayed his woolly hair, gleaming buckteeth, and scholarly eyeglasses. Michael Moore appeared on TV and voiced his support for the protesters, saying that some people were eating more than their fair share of the pie—and if anyone should know, it’s him.

I hope they act up so that the police beat the smug look off their incompetent, jealous, revenge filled faces. They are pathetic, worthless, and intolerable people who are the product of a failed education system and indoctrination program that have wet dreams about social justice while calling for egalitarianism, of which they have no clue how to implement nor care what the results would be.

These are the people who if you ask them about their work they would say “it sucks that I do paper work and some guy in the office above me is making ten times what I am”. The envy in these people is so powerful it overrides any possible positive demands they are expressing. It just shows the incompetence because they fail to see that the 1% did not get there by being lazy, drug addicted, or spent their life pursuing ‘pleasure, ‘joy’, or a ‘good time’.

There are hardworking schmucks on the lower end of the socio-economic scale that are more worried about keeping their job, providing food for their family, and paying the bills than complaining about the injustice of himself not being rich. And that is the guy who these morons are holding up in traffic when they are just trying to make it to work.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

More importantly.. WHO is the 1%?

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
This is the 99%

Many of them, especially the girls, seemed too young to have so much facial hair. Many…if not most…if not all…of them who huddled together to denounce “corporate greed” seemed unemployed: Unemployed street poets, unemployed performance artists, unemployed interpretive dancers, unemployed bongo drummers, unemployed Gender Studies grads, unemployed placard-makers, unemployed graphic designers, unemployed social-media directors, and unemployed soup-makers. It was a diverse group of people who were all fully involved at being unemployed. If employed at all, it was obviously not in professions that require periodic showering and rudimentary grooming.

They came vowing they would “Occupy Wall Street,” but Wall Street wouldn’t let them, so they regrouped in a nearby park. Their ongoing near-occupation was a carnival atmosphere of mutual understanding and unforgivable aromas: There was group yoga, pillow-fighting, face-painting, meditation, banner-unfurling, ukelele-strumming, drum-beating, and—who knows?—maybe even some didgeridoo-playing, communal foot-rubbing, and a circular round of anal candling to top it all off.

There were celebrity visits from washed-up screeching beluga Rosanne Barr and the perennially aggrieved Susan Sarandon with her communist breasts. Cornel West showed up and proudly displayed his woolly hair, gleaming buckteeth, and scholarly eyeglasses. Michael Moore appeared on TV and voiced his support for the protesters, saying that some people were eating more than their fair share of the pie—and if anyone should know, it’s him.

I hope they act up so that the police beat the smug look off their incompetent, jealous, revenge filled faces. They are pathetic, worthless, and intolerable people who are the product of a failed education system and indoctrination program that have wet dreams about social justice while calling for egalitarianism, of which they have no clue how to implement nor care what the results would be.

These are the people who if you ask them about their work they would say “it sucks that I do paper work and some guy in the office above me is making ten times what I am”. The envy in these people is so powerful it overrides any possible positive demands they are expressing. It just shows the incompetence because they fail to see that the 1% did not get there by being lazy, drug addicted, or spent their life pursuing ‘pleasure, ‘joy’, or a ‘good time’.

There are hardworking schmucks on the lower end of the socio-economic scale that are more worried about keeping their job, providing food for their family, and paying the bills than complaining about the injustice of himself not being rich. And that is the guy who these morons are holding up in traffic when they are just trying to make it to work.

Who says we HAVE to go to work?
Why can't we just WANT to?

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by loveguy

No one said you had to go to work, it is a choice you can make. But unless you have a good inheritance or other form of personal safety net you will probably be very poor, most likely homeless, and at that point probably a member of OWS chanting about the evils of the ‘1%’ oppressing you and how we all should be 'equal'.

Equality means, 'I do not want to work like that other guy did but I want the same things he has!'

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Infrasilent
reply to post by xavi1000

That's a really awful story, but without the technological developments of our current economic and healthcare system she'd probably be dead.

Paycheck to paycheck? If my girlfriend had just survived cancer, I doubt I would care about living paycheck to paycheck.

It's all about priorities in life. Life ought to be pretty high on the list, I would think, and the money isn't going to come out of thin air.
edit on 5-10-2011 by Infrasilent because: added stuff

We have some truly horrible human beings on this website, thank you for adding your name to the ranks.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Misoir

Equality means, 'I do not want to work like that other guy did but I want the same things he has!'

This is total bull#, and you know it.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Everyone's aware work is a choice. Work and working some slave labor job for your corporates assholes to make BANK off are 2 different things. People are sick of their tax money being spent for some oil war in the Middle East so the US gov't can keep spreading their propaganda and make BANK off the war. war is good business the corporate assholes just pay off whichever 'politician' will back them and their need for MORE MONEY MORE MONEY that's why people are pissed. Get your story straight stop degrading people (I read your earlier post about the hippies) and look at what's actually going on around you. The path of destruction isn't hard to find just open your damn eyes nimrod.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 08:08 PM
I make millions of dollars a year off work that involves me writing my signature on papers. I put honest people out of work so that they have to struggle. The clothes I'm wearing right now cost $10000. My house costs $2000000. My bosses have even more money than me. They can afford to feed the poor but don't want to. We get everything we want at the snap of our fingers and demoralize the general population. My car costs $150000 and it pollutes horribly but I don't care about that. And I also don't care about you. I laugh at your little protests and so do my bosses. They love making the MSM laugh at you. I don't care about any of you as long as I make at least the same amount of money this year, as I did last year. I am the 1%.
edit on 5-10-2011 by annonymous1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Anusuia

I dont understand Americans why they cant look after each other with such a huge working base .

Because Americans have been raised to believe that helping your neighbor is evil, and as long as you step on the next man's throat, or walk over someone in the street, you're doing alright.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Headband7

Well put. Lets put these shills in their place.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Domo1

There really are some terrible people in this world. Way to prove it.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by loveguy

No one said you had to go to work, it is a choice you can make. But unless you have a good inheritance or other form of personal safety net you will probably be very poor, most likely homeless, and at that point probably a member of OWS chanting about the evils of the ‘1%’ oppressing you and how we all should be 'equal'.

Equality means, 'I do not want to work like that other guy did but I want the same things he has!'

Nobody chooses to live under an imposing thumb.

Nobody has to die to change things.

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