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When Occupy Wall Streen Accomplishes Nothing - You heard it here first

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posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

I don't use a bank lol, haven't since 2002 when Wachovia dicked me. I support as much of the small businesses I can for produce I go to the stands if they accept ebt (when I didn't have that I went more often) but the one here that does take it just happens to be farther than I can get sometimes, but I do, I also buy generic when I can find equivalent generic foods, but I think they are the same conglomerates unfortunately. It sucks that I pretty much am forced to buy their products foodwise because there really isn't too much of a choice but food aside everything else I buy pawn shop or on CL & oh and ebay. I have not owned a new car, but once (2000) what a fiasco!!! I do nothing but buy pre-owned from the owner (No dealership) no carfax a lot of times either, but that's the bullet you bite when buying through the owners etc. My favorite place to go is the Flea Markets. And My Cell phones I buy from second hand too, but use Metro PCS. But I think Metro is the least evil of the phone companies, I am not sure...I use Verizon for internet and did extensive research on them and found out I would rather not have them but I need the net for school for me and my kid so kind of stuck there too. But wherever absolutely possible I do avoid those corporations.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

I can answer that, actually. While it may be that some are patronizing sandwich shops and what not, they actually have a setup that serves as a canteen type area. All food there is free to protesters and is..shocker now hope you are sitting down... donated. According to a news article I saw last night this even includes several dozen cookies baked by hand by a grandma from Idaho who could not make the rally and did what she thought she could to show her support.... she baked. I imagine that this is not the only person to have thought to do this either. But at any rate here is a link to the video showed last night on ABC Evening News. If you click the link, go to the video story entitled "Occupy Wall Street Protests Spread" by using the up or down arrow,

ABC Evening News Story 10/3/2011

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by ErtaiNaGia

I was just asking you to answer a question, that is all. If you don't like answering questions, then perhaps this is not the right place for you to be.

I don't have a problem answering questions that are relevant to the discussion. Perhaps you should not offer m advice on where I belong online.

Here on ATS, we are free thinkers, and we often get into debates with each-other, with all the requisite demands for proof that such hotly contested topics that this site gathers would entail.

I've been here for awhile, and I am aware of the requirement for proof. People shouldn't have to prove they are not disinfo agents before you listen to them.

It's just par for the course, and No, I'm not going to stop doing it just because I may have ruffled your feathers.

That's fine.

I was asking a question.... whatever deeper meaning that you ascribe to this question is not necessarily indicative of reality, i'm afraid.

So what is your point in asking the question? Just curious? It would seem that the only reason to ask is because either you believe the person to be a disinfo agent, or you are subtly trying to discredit/belittle them. If you think he is a disinfo agent, kindly explain why.

You would be amazed how many people stop posting altogether when asked that single question, instead of just answering it.

That may be true. I've never seen that happen and I've been coming here for years.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
reply to post by Witness2008

Your post actually does present a unique question and something that had previously not occurred to me. How many of these kids protesting in NY came in with nothing.or something they grew at home etc vs how many of them went out and spent money at a local coffee or sandwich shop on the way to the rally. In other words how many of them supported capitalism while protesting it?

I would say that you make a point, but then again, what exactly do you expect? Are you asking them to simply not live? Ultimately, this is about the freedom of doing what one wants to do and not be told what one has to do. You can play your part in the system, and the system feeds you what it chooses to feed you. This is a choice. However, what happens when the choice disappears? What happens when the doors close and you're left outside in the cold? What happens when you're tired of what the machine is feeding you, or when your place as a cog in a series of many other cogs is spit out? You still have to play by the rules of the system even when you are not being provided by the system, and this is what this is. This is unemployment and underemployment and people earning wages that simply can not cover expenses. If the machine can not provide, then the machine must be rebuilt or repaired or destroyed. Our system no longer works. Our system is in disrepair; it is beyond repair. The more it breaks down, the more unrest you will see. You might be safe now – your wheel might still be spinning – but how long do you have until your purpose, or that of your family's or friend's, begins to disappear?

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

Excellent. If we all just attempted a fraction of your efforts we could bring about real change.

I use a pay as you go phone, none of that scratching my head at monthly statements full of additional taxes. I buy local whenever possible and also buy second hand cars, and never use banks. My life is actually less complicated because of these efforts.

If the protesters all pulled out their credit cards and burned them in front of the cameras and vowed to never cooperate with banks again, we would see a response to our grievances. As long as we are feeding the monsters that keep us shackled we shall always be shackled.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:34 PM
Also, "Occupy Wall Streen"?

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by gncnew

Fine OP, you win. We will stop protesting, we will take this laying down like we always have. We won't protest when they give our money away to corporations when they fail. We will stay home and do our hippie kid things and complain on blogs in the INTERNET. How dare we try and change this perfect system that is trying so hard to help America prosper?

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Domo1

I don't have a problem answering questions that are relevant to the discussion. Perhaps you should not offer m advice on where I belong online.

It's just advice... you don't have to take it, obviously...

I've been here for awhile, and I am aware of the requirement for proof. People shouldn't have to prove they are not disinfo agents before you listen to them.

IT's just a Question, not a request for proof.

So what is your point in asking the question? Just curious?

Essentially, Yes... I like to see how people respond to the question.

It's telling sometimes.

That may be true. I've never seen that happen and I've been coming here for years.

That's nice...

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Elieser

Actually you could stay home and still have a major impact on change. Just stop giving them your money.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 07:11 PM
Unfortunately my money is taken away in the form of taxes. If I decide that I do not want to pay the taxes that fund what ever moral or immoral operation that the government is doing, I would be considered a criminal and would go to jail or worse.
My money pays to fund operations that sell weapons to Mexican gangs that use those weapons to kill theirs and our people and I have no say in it.
I am desperate and have seen that no matter who I vote for, they do the same thing that the previous person in power did, letters and emails to my representatives accomplish nothing. I decide to take the streets and show them that I am a real person and that I am tired of this game that they are playing with my life, my money and our country. I decide that I had enough and that they have to give me an answer or simply acknowledge that I exist.
I go out and join people that have the same desire of changing what is wrong. They ignore us at first, but we are many, now they hear us, we might not all agree on what is our goal because there are just so many things that are wrong but at least we are all together trying to do something to change these situations.

Those of you that oppose us, If you like to lay down and take it, why don't you move to a country that does just that and let us turn America back to what it was supposed to be.
America was supposed to be the land of the free, with a government that was for the people by the people and some how it turned in to one of those nations who's government does as it wishes, to please themselves and their own agenda while stomping on everyone else.
edit on 4-10-2011 by Elieser because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2011 by Elieser because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia

Hey OP, Are you being Paid to Post on AboveTopSecret?
edit on 4-10-2011 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

I'm at home watching glee. I will answer you tomorrow at work, instead of on iPhone tonight.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Elieser

I am in total support of any mass or individual effort to gain back our rights and privileges as world citizens. We were all born into slavery and will remain in slavery until we just simply refuse to slave away any longer.

I take my chances every year I refuse to feed the gluttony of an out of control bureaucracy and maybe even here on this forum promoting that hard working people stop bending over for the loan sharks and the corporate elite that move us around like a commodity on the stock exchange. I suppose there are degrees of bravery.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 07:36 PM
To attack this movement means the op is severely misinformed and is apart of The 99% Group. This group is fighting for America, for freedom and for democracy.

The fact it continues to grow and any movement that continues to grow must be accomplishing something means that the momentum behind it ain't going anywhere anytime soon.

Stop being a shill and protecting your corporate and bank overlords and start backing your fellow Americans.

Either get behind the movement or get out of it's way!
edit on 4-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
To attack this movement means the op is severely misinformed and is apart of The 99% Group. This group is fighting for America, for freedom and for democracy.

The fact it continues to grow and any movement that continues to grow must be accomplishing something means that the momentum behind it ain't going anywhere anytime soon.

Stop being a shill and protecting your corporate and bank overlords and start backing your fellow Americans.

Either get behind the movement or get out of it's way!
edit on 4-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

To question the movement is to attack the movement. He who does not fully agree with the movement is an enemy of the movement. Enemies of the movement must get out of the way or they will be moved out of the way.
Spoken like a true mindless ideologue.

If this commenter represents OWS, then OWS is the most anti-American movement that has ever made itself known in North America. One of the greatest threats to freedom too.

Threatening rhetoric such as the above always harbors violence which begets "great leaders" (ie thugs)which begets the destruction of freedom. Always has and always will.
Beware the mindless ideologues. They become the leaders and jackboots of the even more oppressive new order.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by radosta

Stop pushing and towing the line of the banks. It makes your counter appear less credible.

The banks and corporations are a greater threat to democracies then standing armies ever will.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Thank you for demonstrating my point.

signed, Bank Line Tower

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

On this I whole heartedly agree!

Hey I still have my empty greendot cards (its a prepaid debit card I stopped putting my money into) Maybe I can go down on the sixth and burn my greendot debit card and start a trend at the Occupy Tampa protest.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:33 PM
It appears to be some cheap way to flag-farm.

There are always two sides to an argument, so a provocatively titled thread in opposition to the popular belief is sure to garner a few flags, even if they are from trolls and the like.

One thread was enough....

Regards, Skellon.
edit on 4-10-2011 by Skellon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by gncnew

Its so easy to ridicule others when sitting behind your keyboard, at least they have the guts to at least try to make a difference and in that attempt, I support them 100%
so please quit being such an obvious corporate shill.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
Op's last three threads are basically bashing on Occupy Wall St.

Hey OP, Are you being Paid to Post on AboveTopSecret?
edit on 4-10-2011 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

A post search will tell you if he is. His "territory" will be clearly defined, and yet there will be half-hearted dabblings in other unrelated topics from time to time, since he'll feel the need to mix it up a little, even if he can't accurately connect the scatter of "interests" to any reasonable level. The real effort will be focused in a specific suite of topics that ultimately relate to the single issue that he's being paid to cover. To be honest, I've never lurked in this area of the board, but I have noticed in other areas that pay-per-post shills are pretty numerous. Then again, you've got anywhere from 5K to 10K in traffic at any one moment here, so it's no surprise that the shills are being assigned to push the agenda of those with the money to hire Internet marketing firms to develop effective messaging via 1099s and even members of the swarm of gratis bottom feeders who're trying to break into the biz by way of the "be a writer" websites that whore them out for nothing more than vote totals and bullsh*t promises.

This one seems like a wannabee vote-total rookie from one of those sites. I sure as hell wouldn't be giving a rube like this a paycheck for what he's posting.
edit on 10/5/2011 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

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