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Us - vs - Them = Human Livestock! READ and WATCH!!!

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posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by CigSmokinMan

Proof? Or just paranoid and rambling delusions?

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by trika3000

I for one agree with the point you are making. You are just solidifying why the protest are happening but i would like to say one thing though. The people who take the time to read your thread will be the people who now this already.So in contrast you are not really spreading the word.If this post can stay on the front page then you just might get through to one or two people you don't know this already. This is highly unlikely though because it is to long winded for some good effort though my friend.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 08:25 AM
Rather long, would'nt you say? TPTB learned long ago how to controll the mass'es. So many ways to manipulate the human mind. I can say this from personal expereince. I took my T.V. Out 4 years ago. I have a multi, power weather band radio for emergencies and a multi band radio system for all other info. Other than this computer. And my internet service. That's it. No cell, No home phone, no T.V.

I can tell the difference taking away the idiot box has made in my life. And , It really surprised me how easy it was. I ask all of you to simply try it for one week. Then you'll see how easy it is to do. No magazines, no newspaper's. Go outside and look around, see those tree's,that grass, those birds singing, blue sky's. Nature. It's our's not theirs. Take your little piece back. Before it's gone.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by openyourmind1262

exactimondo my friend, thats exactly what I am going through right now.

Time to reconnect with nature for all of us

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:22 AM
i wish i was a modern slave. Free food, bed, shelter. A few hours of personal time.

what else could i want?

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by bastet11

So how do you "step out of the system"?
I hear a lot of talk about it, a lot of reference to it, but no one seems to know exactly what that means or how to do it. To me, it means off-grid, self sufficient. Is this what you are referring to?

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:39 AM
Great post well thought out. I do not have anything to add except that writing of this type is rare to see on a message board. I agree with much of what you said, and I haven't said it better myself.

Not sure if I agree with you conclusion, but I would certaintly like to believe that.

Just wanted to add that I do not think your post should be shortened as some of the first replies indicated. Some people need to take a few minutes to read (only a 3min read as it is). Not everything of value can be condensed into a sound bite...
edit on 4-10-2011 by Anon404 because: reply on calls for shortening

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by trika3000

This is one of the best posts I have ever read! I watched a few more of the enslavement videos and loved them all.
The only point I didn't agree with is that artists are used for propaganda. I feel that they have been a tool of change for man for millennia. But not all art is created equal, actors are propaganda machines as are many musicians (not all.) I was raised "off the farm" so to speak. And my father has always been an artist. We didn't go to church. And I raise my children without ever yelling at them or spanking them. My daughter is in the 5th grade and was yelled at by a teacher for the first time (she been very lucky to have wonderful teachers up to this point) recently and is still upset and confused about it. My daughter said to me, "doesn't she know she doesn't have to yell at me? And why is she so angry?" Even though I am livestock I was raised without the livestock mentality and am trying to raise my children the same. But schools make that SO difficult. I wish now that I had home schooled both of my children.
Just wanted to share those thoughts Thanks again for taking the time to do this post. To all "Here's to our eventual FREEDOM!" Love Polly

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by haarvik

No, this whole thread is a call for anarchy. "We don't need leaders" and all that. I agree we don't need leaders but we need public servants to maintain certain things, in order for a society to function. Which is why we need to remind our current "Leaders" that they serves us not themselves. That the jobs we give them in government is not a position of power but a position of servitude to the people and our will. Which is whats going on with the Wall street protest and to a certain extent the Tea party.

Anarchist just want to live off the land or something, absolute lawlessness.

Anarchy -
"Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal."

True freedom as I've said before is a lofty ideal, can't be achieved yet. So maybe someday we'll get there, but as for right now? No.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:57 AM
Im half way through this thread and yet i feel i should continue.

Very interesting, and deserves the attention, Time to visit my local shop, stack up on some Coke, sweets and see a lil friend for something smelly on the way back.

At that point my ass will be comfortably seated, numb and buzzing on sugar, to which i will finish, watch and post a reply.

For now, a thankyou for your time, views and a big wall of text.

id rather see 16 paragraphs of content and sift through for whats relevant to me, than see 6 bullet points and the lack of words surrounding them, adding the content to the post.


posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Mcupobob

If you want an example of the type of government that truly is by and for the people, then look at how the Cherokee nation governed. It truly was the right form of government. The only problem was they trusted white men and showed them how to survive in America, their demise.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:59 AM
Excellent post and thread.

I have a question.
If the farm animals somehow manage to kill the farmer,what happens next?
Do we get off the farm?
Does another farmer step in,with the promise of a better life?
What is "true" freedom.

True freedom is the ability for each person to live as they desire. This is the ultimate human dream, and therefore should be Humanity's consummate goal. Such a place is commonly defined as Paradise or Utopia. We could accelerate the pace at which we reach this better world if we made the same a common goal, and devoted some more resources toward finding the knowledge to make it a reality for all.
edit on 4-10-2011 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by haarvik

They still had a form of government, the elders and priest and all that. It also wasn't all love and one with nature, tribes would rape and pillage neighboring tribes. They didn't all work together they are an example of collectivism not individuals. You weren't a person you were a tribe member.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by kdog1982

What is "true" freedom.

"Freedom" is something much bigger than 1, 2, or even 100 Headz can imagine or dream of!

"True Freedom" is not egocentric or/ and cant be a individualistic solution!

"True Freedom" do not know the Alpha-, Beta- or Gammapeople!

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by Mcupobob

Ahh..but therein lies the difference. They attacked other tribes out of necessity, food or land to grow food, or in retaliation. They did not attack for no reason. And yes, as I stated it was a form of government. It was one of the best examples of how a government should be run. All members were equal, even the women. Do some research into how their government worked. It really is quite interesting. Most Indian tribes followed this form of government, though not exactly.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 10:16 AM
OP, Have you ever heard of communism???Socialism?? I am sure there have been many posts talking about this but I just have to comment..."Every one is always the same"

The nazis were the pre-cursor to todays green movement...

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by haarvik

Oh so when whitey came over to escape oppressive British rule and attacked tribes for food, land, or out of retaliation it was evil? You got some serious white guilt going on.

Though it doesn't matter like I said this is a call for anarchy, which means no leaders. Can't use the tribes as example as they didn't practice anarchy. It also wasn't the best form of government otherwise they would have been able to promote intellectualism, the advancement of science, education, technology, and medicine. Also they weren't all equal otherwise they wouldn't see it fair to steal and attack from neighboring tribes. The only people equal to them were their fellow tribe members. True freedom is freedom for all.

The problem with anarchy is that sure it promotes freedom for all but not the protection of freedom of others. Just lawlessness. How long before we all just go back into collectivism?

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by Mcupobob

No white guilt going on, simply stating a fact. I am part white so my ancestors are just as guilty. There is a reason the Cherokee nation was the largest tribe in North America prior to the arrival of the Europeans. In fact, a lot of our laws were gleaned from them. We learned how to build log cabins from them. And, up until the white man arrived, the Cherokee had a cure for every known disease at that time. So no, they were not inferior when it came to science. They were quite advanced. They were just not advanced in the art of deception and gunpowder.

One could argue for hours over semantics, but the bottom line is that we are slaves to the machine. As long as we "need" modern conveniences, we will remain so. We as a people have got to return to our roots or we are going to wipe ourselves out. Now I am not a tree hugger, but I do realize we cannot keep stripping and polluting the earth without some consequences. We are about 30 years away from no oil. Do you realize the implications of that? Look at how many items are around you that use oil, petroleum. Even your computer would not exist without it. In 30 years we are going to have to face up to our choice of preservation or elimination. At that point, governments will be obsolete and anarchy will definitely be the norm.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by trika3000

Thanks for the video and information. The video is a great summary of the state we live in. Interesting to see the comments on the first page, "too many words, please summerize" "I don't have time to watch a 16:00 minute video." You wonder why people even bother to post or is this site another example of "them and their control" where stars and flags control what information people read and believe from this site, joking and trashing to get stars while the education presented is not beeing taken seriously. Why post "this doesn't belong on the front page" while not offering to say what does, why waste your time posting if "the video is too long to watch." Why post anything but for stars, this site has the same pricipals as "human livestock", meaningless stars for meaningless sayings, are stars more important that the actually information, apparently here they are.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:21 AM
Wow, ATS,

It seems like a lot of members are waking up and smelling rich, heady scent of Farm.

I could make a thread just about the threads.

Did everybody see this one from, ErgoTheConfusion...

Earth... Psychiatric Ward for Higher Beings,

Looks like Farmer Brown better start upping our dosage.

Waves of this sentiment have been passing through ATS since I joined last year. I was amazed to see those threads at all. But what is blowing me away at the moment is the increasing sophistication of thought that is appearing in these threads, especially this one by Mike. So I am really excited.

So one more time: Awesome thread, Mike.

edit on 4-10-2011 by Frater210 because: yee ha

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