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US Marines headed to WALLSTREET to protect protesters! THIS IS IT

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posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by illuminatislave

If they want to throw a lit cigarette into a pool of gasoline, by all means go ahead...

I don't understand your point, a lit cigarette goes out in a gas puddle.

+3 more 
posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:46 PM
well aint that grand

servicemen and vets going to help those people who normally spit on them and hate on them every chance they get

those protesters are nothing more the devout communists and marxists aka progressive liberals.

without wall street the world you know wouldnt exist no buffets,no google,no apple no nothing that they take for granted today.

here here lets legislate wealth no wait already doing that lets make wall street the boogieman here instead of the government and its lapdog the federal reserve who has destroyed more wealth in this country than anything.

this is ridiculous the number of people going along with that garabage.

wall street makes money the government prints and borrows it and devalues it and goes steals more when they blow it.


edit on 1-10-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by whywhynot

Good for the US Marine Corps!

Never thought i'd actually say that in my lifetime being a Brit, but monster Kudos to the guys in uniform standing up for the people.

To whywhynot:

(2) When participating in public speeches, interviews, picket lines, marches, rallies, or public demonstrations, except as authorized by competent authority.

There is no higher 'authority' than the people.

They are people, and they are competent...i'd say that qualifies themselves as competent authority to decide to wear the uniforms they have earned.


posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by hadriana

I agree about it not being wise to show up in full military uniform. The military will not look favorably on that.

Screw the military who support the illegal wars. Veterans during the vietnam war sure did protest in uniform and everything.

If the military warmongering establishment is pissed, they can go to hell.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:50 PM
wont that make a pretty picture..NYPD taking down and handcuffing vets in full dress uniforms.....of course the NYPD as already shown that they dont care about any type of 'reputation'.... the vets will be characterized as 'extremists'

this is one protest that goes beyond left and right idiologies
you guys! give it to 'em

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by wasco2

Originally posted by Clisen33
Sounds like you want them to fail.

Fail at what? They are going up there with no orders and no official standing. If the idea is to obstuct the police doing their job then of course they will fail. They will be jailed like any other protestor who gets out of line. The military protestors who are still active duty will likely face military charges when they are released. These guys are proving that you don't have to be too bright to be a Marine.

What is the police doing as far as doing their job? So far it seems they are doing a good job macing a relatively
Non violent movement. The veterans protecting the protesters carries more weight than the civilian protesters have.

+1 more 
posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by neo96
well aint that grand

servicemen and vets going to help those people who normally spit on them and hate on them every chance they get

those protesters are nothing more the devout communists and marxists aka progressive liberals.

without wall street the world you know wouldnt exist no buffets,no google,no apple no nothing that they take for granted today.

here here lets legislate wealth no wait already doing that lets make wall street the boogieman here instead of the government and its lapdog the federal reserve who has destroyed more wealth in this country than anything.

this is ridiculous the number of people going along with that garabage.

wall street makes money the government prints and borrows it and devalues it and goes steals more when they blow it.


edit on 1-10-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

Do you really believe that bull#? You do realize that there was a world before big banks... and inspite of the lack of internet and running water it was doing relatively fine.

The reason the world only works because of streets like Wallstreet is only because of the street itself.

You could with one stroke kill off every banks and a-morale trading bastard in a suit by legislation and the world would still go on. Probably with less difference between social classes and much less poverty.
Communism is not the way to go, but you don't need communism to share things equally.

WE DONT NEED BIG BANKS... end of story. They exist only because we've been blind enough to let them.
edit on 1/10/11 by flice because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/10/11 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Drunkenparrot

Originally posted by illuminatislave

If they want to throw a lit cigarette into a pool of gasoline, by all means go ahead...

I don't understand your point, a lit cigarette goes out in a gas puddle.

a lit match, whatever that will ignite it

Basically, if you want to see the situation in this country deteriorate to bloody violence, let some officers use brute force against a veteran in uniform for the world to see.

That will change a lot of the thinking around here really quick.
edit on 1-10-2011 by illuminatislave because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by neo96

Perhaps you should go to Wall Street and counter protest them Neo? While you're at it, you could carry 911 is not an inside job / truster signs. Kill 2 birds with one stone.

+5 more 
posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by neo96
well aint that grand

servicemen and vets going to help those people who normally spit on them and hate on them every chance they get

those protesters are nothing more the devout communists and marxists aka progressive liberals.

without wall street the world you know wouldnt exist no buffets,no google,no apple no nothing that they take for granted today.

here here lets legislate wealth no wait already doing that lets make wall street the boogieman here instead of the government and its lapdog the federal reserve who has destroyed more wealth in this country than anything.

this is ridiculous the number of people going along with that garabage.

wall street makes money the government prints and borrows it and devalues it and goes steals more when they blow it.


edit on 1-10-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

You come off as a total shill for the corporate controlled government.

Kiss your massa's ass a little harder, they may give you more than pig's feet for supper.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by neo96
well aint that grand

servicemen and vets going to help those people who normally spit on them and hate on them every chance they get

those protesters are nothing more the devout communists and marxists aka progressive liberals.

You keep suckling on that Corporate teat Neo. Don't blame us 'liberals' when the milk goes sour.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:56 PM
As the above mentioned, the Marines are not going to pick a fight or protect the protesters, they are their because if the police did mace a combat vet in uniform, the American public would be outraged and start rioting.

And to the one who stated" OMG OMG this is it, the end, hunker down" Please stop, you are the likes who are going to panic, and cause mass confucion when shtf. But on the other hand, you will be the first to die and that means more resources to us who maintained a level head.

Also, their is no such thing as *former Marine. Your husband didnt tell you that?

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by whywhynot

This new addition to the protest could get VERY sticky, VERY fast indeed! By wearing their uniforms they could bring in the MP's to arrest them....

When I first saw this thread title I was surprised and then realized this was not something the armed forces were doing under orders.

Another point that concerns me is IF MP's show up to handle civilian Vets in uniform in such a forbidden scenario, how will the Oath Keepers react?

This whole thing is getting more volital by the minute, with increasing factions in attendance that could easily bring about a coup to the original protesters (who I always felt were a smoke screen anyway for TPTB)

I have always admired the passion of these young people but consistently stated I feel they are protesting the wrong enemy... They need to be making demands of the Federal Reserve. That said I feel creeps in the shadows are intent on manipulating the passion of the youth for sinister reasons

In short I feel the poor sincere and dedicated protesters are being duped

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:58 PM

The Marines don't have to lift a hand.

Will a police officer raise his baton at, mace, or taser a veteran in uniform?

Let that happen, and a video of the incident goes viral within hours.

If they want to throw a lit cigarette into a pool of gasoline, by all means go ahead...

I love it! You are SOOOOO right! I am a vet and I plan to attend the Occupy Phoenix on Oct 15th. I am not able to get to Wall Street but if I could I would sooo be there.

As for the uniforms... If they are on active duty then they should NOT wear them unless they want trouble with their CO's. If they are VETS then go right ahead!

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by neo96
well aint that grand

servicemen and vets going to help those people who normally spit on them and hate on them every chance they get

those protesters are nothing more the devout communists and marxists aka progressive liberals.

without wall street the world you know wouldnt exist no buffets,no google,no apple no nothing that they take for granted today.

here here lets legislate wealth no wait already doing that lets make wall street the boogieman here instead of the government and its lapdog the federal reserve who has destroyed more wealth in this country than anything.

this is ridiculous the number of people going along with that garabage.

wall street makes money the government prints and borrows it and devalues it and goes steals more when they blow it.


edit on 1-10-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

I usually agree with you Neo but have to diagree on this. Wall Street is manipulated by the politically protected Elite about 5 companies who control the government and the markets because of thier government protection and intervention. Yeah many of these kids are misguided Marxists but that does not mean this could not be a catalyst for bringing people together over a common cause. Educating the masses is a long arduous task we don't have time for.

The economy does not depend on wall street as much as people think. Although it is a much bigger factor these days then it used to be. Mainly because of how it effects the dollar. Yes we would have all the things we have today without wall street and more and we would not be worrying about it ll crashing. it might have taken a little longer to get there but trading stocks commodities and currencies does not create wealth it leaches off the wealth created by individuals businesses and actual producers. And they will be around after the markets crash.

If nothing else this will teach people not to depend on Wall street and government for prosperity.

I have a family member that woks for a very prosperous very large company that is not publicly traded and is employee owned as in the employees own all the stock. So when the markets crash this company will still be fine except for however the currency is affected, however it is in the food business and everyone needs food even in a depression. There are many companies like this out there large and small. The back bone of the economy is still small business by the tune of 70% most of them not publicly traded. We will get through this and wall street will not kill it.

edit on 1-10-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by illuminatislave

Any action taken against a service member who chooses to stand in between protestors and police should be met with outrage.

If a wall of vets stand to protect the people from state sponsored brutality, they're doing their job imo.

I totally agree with you.
They will be met with outrage think about it the propaganda machine that is the msm defends govs actions by saying that if you speak aginst the actions of the us mil you are a terrorist what would they consider someone who assaults them when they are defending the citizens I will tell you what I would consider them done in america. And if the soldiers that take part get aressted or repramanded you can bet the protest will get bigger and less peacefull. As long as they are there defending The first amend or the constitution in anyway they are doing their duity and have every right to wear their uniform in that situation proudly f*** anyone who says otherwise.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 02:00 PM
I've got this sinking feeling that if this goes on much longer the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers and the Council on Foreign Relations, will attack America again.

They need some sort of distraction to nip this in the bud,
I would put America on Red Alert...

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 02:00 PM
I do not think the service members are there to necessarily protect anyone or anything specifically. I think they know when and when not to resist to suit their advantage. While these members are surely to also disagree with the state of affairs, they are also are providing something else. An obstacle. Just being there as a presence is doing a lot.

Just wait until some over zealous cops decides to attack a vet by what ever means, the prevailing hell storm that would follow would be a tipping point in this, to our favor. As long as this keeps growing the more impatient authority gets and more likely to make a misstep, we just need to know how to use it to the causes advantage and be waiting for it. They will mess up, they always do when they start acting without thinking. Whether any one wants to recognize it as such, but this is a battleground and we must treat it as such if we intend to be successful and must use appropriate tactics to gain what we seek.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by ignant
this was all planned

nwo's message is come out stand up and stand out

hello sheeple this displaces blame from zionis government banker elite (ustptb) to the rich but petty wall street bankers that are goin belly up anyways

Incorrect. If this was PLANNED, it would be all over the mainstream media.

No media coverage = something not planned.

Good for those Marines. This will be their very first mission to which they will actually be protecting AMERICA instead of the interests of the dirt-bags.

Good for them.
edit on 1-10-2011 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Cinaed

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Foreign and DOMESTIC.

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