posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by theultimategamble
From what I have seen, belief is 95% of magic. Belief by the caster, and belief by the person being cast upon. It is also possible for a person not
to know they have been cast upon and still experience the results.
So it would seem that you are literally in a battle of beliefs as it were with this young lady, only she is using hers on you, while you are not.
Something to bear in mind.
Having said all that, it is also my belief that religion, magic, and science are properly all one thing. Or they will become so as our understanding
of things improves.
As to the reality of magic. Yes it is real. I have seen too many examples of it myself but I also believe it is science we just do not understand
yet. Personally I would always prefer to see a witch for a medical problem because he/she will not recommend synthetic drugs made from
petrochemicals, and he/she will not be anxious to cut you open like real doctors are wont to do. (The first task of a magician is to learn to heal.
You might question her on this and use it to your advantage, but you are in a tricky area here unless you have some understanding first.)
Indeed if you read The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, by Manly P. Hall you will find instructions on how to summon a demon. You will also find the
strongest cautions against taking this lightly and attempting it. I would strongly advise against it as well. I only mention it as a validation of
magic. One which I will not reproduce here.
Hope this helps you in some way.