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My mother went to bed and now she won't wake up

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posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

yeah! thanks!
and have you looked at his other posts??? All of them with the exception of this one and the Mom thread are one line replies. hmmmm. of course now that I hacve said that watch him quickly run to a few other threads and post some paragraphs, lol.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by chrissiel123

Hey I get you guys, you obviously cant read. New kid so pick on them. I just call it like I see it. Believe me if I was amanda I would be tell you to kiss me butt. I been on here before. I just couldnt remember my damn password so I had to make a new on. Lokk it up mesle123. So there.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by ifonlyicould

why didnt you say that from the beginning? What you said was you had been here before but just made the account today. Just saying, doesnt all add up here, and any new members are going to be treated like suspects in our little mystery!!

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by IJUSTAM
My mother was bothered by something over the last few weeks. She told me she was having this same dream over and over and she wasn’t sleeping very well. Yesterday she was on her computer, got up real quick and said “Oh my god Amanda (me) I think god is telling me something”.

This means you're out of luck. "God" isn't trying to tell her anything, but rather "aliens" are in her head and can pretty much do anything that they want from there. (You're really not supposed to hear anything in your head unless something is putting it in there.) At this point, it's pretty much downhill and you can forget about it. If they don't come out of her head, she's either #1 going to get labeled a schizo and then die of a so-called "blood clot", #2 have the doctor cut out so many body parts they'll leave her alone anyway, or #3 she's just going to die anyway of just about anything. Either way, the court ordered guardian will clean out the bank account in no time, and that's that.
And on top of that, the aliens don't exist, so there's nothing you would be able to do about it.

But that's all only if this isn't a hoax or course...

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by chrissiel123

If I cared a bit more I'd alert a Mod to this bogus thread. But it is under the Dream forum which is just another way some people perpetuate hoaxes.
After all, can't prove it but a Mod can definitely prove whether the same member is using the same IP address.

But, this is probably some punk kid who is computer savvy and knows how to release his internet provider address so it shows up different all the time.

Like you, I am pretty intuitive although I think it's just being awake and having more than a double digit IQ...... but I would stake my own reputation on this now that it's nothing but rubbish.
It's busted
The end of the thread. Cya!!

I'll see you chrissiel123 on a more deserving thread other than this waste of: time, bandwidth and brain cells, one!

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:41 PM
I actually do like the dream and prediction threads. That's probably why this one caught my eye. But I really dont see the hoax in it. I read the entire thing and something about it rings true, like the daughter repied to the first guy who told her flat out he didnt believe her, the third linked her to the post she was looking for. Maybe she believed that was her mothers post and had not further need for this one. Kinda sucks cause I would like to know if it was real and what the outcome is. Maybe she will come back and tell us.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:45 PM
I also believe this is a hoax the IJUSTAM account was recently created and some of the posts are short answers. Also, if you think about it. If the person wanted to know what her mom said on here, all she had to do was look for it. it was instantly found by another member.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by SuperJagoff

Yeah but the other member was familar with this site. I use to be on here all the time and I had to remember how to upload a new avatar. Before you pass judgement maybe you should read the threads posted to so you see that I post allot of one liners to especially if there aint much worth reading.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:06 PM
It would also appear IJUSTAM user was online today, yet posted no response? Checking to see how much attention he/she has gathered?

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:07 PM
You are having a major family issue involving your mother and you come to a conspiracy website?


posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by chrissiel123

just because I don't agree with you does not make me a heartless bastard, you know. I actually have an infinite amount of heart when it is warranted. I just also possess a strong sense of logic and an incredible amount of intuition. When it comes to behaviours and such, my gut instinct is right about 98% of the time. I can read people, even through posts. and i may not always have anything hardcore to back myself up, but my gut tells me things and it is rarely wrong.
In this situation, my gut tells me none of the people - not the mom, not "amanda", not her "little brother" behaved normally. You say that this whole story is "just to real" to be made up...hmmm. i see details in the story, and a lot of people see details and automatically think this has to be true. But details are just a glamour. A way to pad out a story to make it seem real. In this instance, I get the gut feeling that the author of this story created "details" that did not fit the characters in her story. As a novice writer, and quite used to critiqueing my own work, it stands out to my eye. The pecan pie and venetians? nah. and a loving mom giving these to her kids to "sustain" them?? Not buying it. Bake them a casserole or two for the freezer, then you are sustaining your children. What the hell are they going to do with a dessert that will be stale in two days. That is not sustenance. The daughter, a grown woman, thinking to grab her mother's computer on the way out the door to go to the hospital? nah. The half grown son needing his mother's permission to have some of the "pie" she baked for him? Again, my gut says no, nice try by a struggling writer, but sticks out.
I am not heartless, I am just left with the feeling that I just read a sub-par story, not actual events.
But I know that different people would see it a bit differently. Hey, some people thought Twilight was a great series and a great movie, so there you go.
As a person with a talent for both intuitively senseing things, and for writing, I just think it is false from beginning to end.
But like I said a few pages ago, if i am wrong I will apologize...

Well, at least now we all know that you're a hoax. Maybe you should go back and read all of your previous comments. It's so obvious that you can't read or write (much less spell). (Self proclaimed writer, LOL!) If you truly read all of the original thread, you would have answered your own questions. So, to imply that you're intuitive too, is the biggest joke of the day. I almost choked on that one!

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I'm having a hard time holding back on ripping you apart but for the sake of the website I will. Rather than trying to calculate the story and break it down into probabilities why not try seeing it for what it is. Not everybody is a fake or phony, this person has a drive and is doing whatever it takes to find more information about his mother. He thought outside the box and tried to think of any possible reason for this happening to his mother. He checked his moms computer history and went where she went most recently because the title "abovetopsecret" stands out. Maybe her death was "abovetopsecret", that's the first thought that would go through a human mind when seeing the title. IAMJUST I need to speak to you personally, I can help you. Benefit of the doubt, this is true, contact me and I will help you. Continue doing everything you possibly can to ease your mind and figure out what happened. Your mother is proud to see you mind working

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by LoveAndPerseverence

Correction...he is a she, her name is Amanda...

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by ifonlyicould
reply to post by chrissiel123

Hey I get you guys, you obviously cant read. New kid so pick on them. I just call it like I see it. Believe me if I was amanda I would be tell you to kiss me butt. I been on here before. I just couldnt remember my damn password so I had to make a new on. Lokk it up mesle123. So there.

Tries to spell all crappy to change the writting style up.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Deetermined

typos and lack of patience for proof reading does not a bad writer make someone.

as for being intuitive, i am referring to the ability to sense incongruities within the two threads. I admit when it was just the mom posting her dream i was willing to take it at face value, however with the addition of the second thread the inconsistencies have become pretty hard for me to ignore. as for my writing, i did say novice. I am very good at what not to do when writing and conceiving stories and adding details.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by ifonlyicould

I guess if it took me less then ten minutes to figure out where my last posts were logged, doesn't mean someone else could. I think what the real issue here is that people are tired of hoaxes. I sure am and when something doesn't look right. I question it now. Sorry but this doesn't look right. If more evidence comes to light I'll look at it differently.
you can only get lied to so many times before you start digging in the information to find the real truth.

edit on 2-10-2011 by SuperJagoff because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 06:43 PM
Its obvious its fake.. Who comes on here crying for help but then doesnt respond to any of the posts? I really dont understand why you people do things like this, is the attention that satisfying? Some people here are spending their own time to try and help you, yet you sit there and ridicule them with some fake story to get them to feel bad for you, you sir are a cruel person.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by LoveAndPerseverence
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I'm having a hard time holding back on ripping you apart but for the sake of the website I will. Rather than trying to calculate the story and break it down into probabilities why not try seeing it for what it is. Not everybody is a fake or phony, this person has a drive and is doing whatever it takes to find more information about his mother. He thought outside the box and tried to think of any possible reason for this happening to his mother. He checked his moms computer history and went where she went most recently because the title "abovetopsecret" stands out. Maybe her death was "abovetopsecret", that's the first thought that would go through a human mind when seeing the title. IAMJUST I need to speak to you personally, I can help you. Benefit of the doubt, this is true, contact me and I will help you. Continue doing everything you possibly can to ease your mind and figure out what happened. Your mother is proud to see you mind working

Before I slice into you, I love your name. Very cool

Now, what the hell are you rambling on about? You write as if you're the OPs next door neighbor and have first hand knowledge about the goings-on.
But that can't be because surely you would know OP is posing as a female. Amanda.

Did you just go to page two and feel a need to defend someone who you felt was getting unnecessarily beaten up on this thread? Because that's what it sure looks like.

Now, let's take a look at the BIGGER picture here:

Mom makes a thread about a dream in which god (small 'g') is telling her the "end of the world was coming" right about the same time the planetary alignment, Elenin, Barack in some barracks and so on was supposedly going on!

But alas: that time period came and went and the majority of us, are still here (including Obama *sigh)

Then, this Amanda who is the daughter to the dreamer, found her mother passed out but not until after Mom made her off-springs three of their favorite desserts to 'sustain them'..........and now lingers in Never Never Land which has the hospital crew baffled and asks said-daughter, to go find some clues.

So the obedient daughter, Amanda does just that (but I'm sure it was before the local detectives question the immediate family. She left that part out but.................)

Within an hour or two, the grief stricken and confused daughter, had the wherewithal to log onto her Mother's computer, find the conspiracy site that 'she knows her mothers' been on the last few days' and starts a thread, spelling god with a small 'g' too...... asking any ATS-stranger if they had any clues that might help resolve the case of the coma mama

Yup. Nothing at'all suspicious here!

Please tell me that you are either very young (thus impressionable) or, you were dropped on your head as an infant!

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by SuperJagoff
reply to post by ifonlyicould

I guess if it took me less then ten minutes to figure out where my last posts were logged, doesn't mean someone else could. I think what the real issue here is that people are tired of hoaxes. I sure am and when something doesn't look right. I question it now. Sorry but this doesn't look right. If more evidence comes to light I'll look at it differently.
you can only get lied to so many times before you start digging in the information to find the real truth.

edit on 2-10-2011 by SuperJagoff because: (no reason given)

Here's what I think. I think the OP (and Dream author) has a bet with them self and/or others, to see who comes closest to guessing how many replies, stars and pages this thread will get before Monday morning. It's sorta like a Football pool only ATS-style.

Yup. That's what I think.

I say 37 replies, 28 stars and 14.5 page

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I think you might be right. hahaha...

Then there's people that defend it, to keep it going.

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