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Southwest Airlies: If you're gay don't fly with us!

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posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:13 AM
Whoa, hold the phone. Why are you jumping to the conclusion that this is sexually oriented? Since none of us were there, how can we deem whether their kissing was inappropriate? I highly doubt that a quick kiss would cause any ruckus, so I assume that they were going at it a bit too hard.

If that were the case then ya, they shouldn't have argued. THAT'S why they got escorted off of the plane. They have a right to refuse service to anyone. Since you admit your sexual orientation and created the title of this thread, I also assume that you are one of those people who are constantly on the lookout for being offended...Again, I think this because of your sensationalist titling of the thread.

SA didn't say anything remotely like what you claim, and you blow it out of proportion, without all the facts, to fit your world view, which is obviously skewed. My advice is to relax, and stop getting offended at every little thing that could be construed as gay-bashing. This clearly isn't what happened.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:24 AM
It sounds to me that PDA was the problem, not being homosexual,

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Sanndy

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Oh I wish people were self centered. That way they wouldn't bitch about things that are none of their business to begin with. Would solve alot of issues such as this.

You mean like some poster named PsykoOps taking the time to get on a forum and bitch about how someone runs their business?
Irony is a great word.

It's weekend. I don't have anything better to do. Good point about bitching how someone runs their business thought. We've all heard the stories from US how an airliner gets rid of paid customers just for being islamic or taking a photograph of someones name tag so they can file a complaint later. I shouldn't bitch about that at all. I should bitch how the system in US is so stupid that it allows such behaviour in the first place. That's where the problem is. Again I just have to count my blessings for not having same kind of system here.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by DJDigitalGem
Seriously????? I am a lesbian and I don't think I'm being biased here when I say REALLY?? I highly doubt this would ever happen to a heterosexual couple and it's a shame to see Southwest doesn't see anything wrong with their actions. They should make their slogan: If you're gay stay away!
edit on 30-9-2011 by DJDigitalGem because: punctuation
edit on Fri Sep 30 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: linky added

First off being heterosexual is natural. There is nothing natural about two women, or two men, kissing. If everyone was this way we wouldn't be here. It's really simple. The pointy object goes in the hole and babies come out. Two pointy things won't work neither will two holes. Secondly, a business can do whatever it likes as long as it don't break laws. There was no laws broken. Thirdly, ifyou find it unfair, don't fly. I'm sure there is a softball player accepting airline out there.

Yes, I didn't ask for your sexuality. As it really doesn't matter. You brought it up. I was just proving a point. Everyone sees things differently. Suck it up and let's move on. There are more important things to worry about than lesbians not allowed to makeout. When the proverbial SHTF, you'll need a man.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by PsykoOps

That's right. Keep griping about the U.S. Hows your strong military doing? Right. Got ya. How is your world leading cutting edge technology sector doing? What,,,, nothing? That's right, Finland is like the white bread of countries, plain and tasteless. What a joke. Ask anyone outside of Finland who your leader is. Guess what, no one knows. Why? Because you are obsolete. Move on now. Quit trolling.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps

Originally posted by Sanndy

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Oh I wish people were self centered. That way they wouldn't bitch about things that are none of their business to begin with. Would solve alot of issues such as this.

You mean like some poster named PsykoOps taking the time to get on a forum and bitch about how someone runs their business?
Irony is a great word.

It's weekend. I don't have anything better to do.

But passengers on a plane are too busy to be as nosy as you?
Explain that.

People that paid to get on an airplane have no right to complain about something happening right in front of them because it is not their business but you have the right to complain about something that did not effect you in anyway nor were you there to see what actually happened?
This should be a stunning reply.

Good point about bitching how someone runs their business thought. We've all heard the stories from US how an airliner gets rid of paid customers just for being islamic or taking a photograph of someones name tag so they can file a complaint later. I shouldn't bitch about that at all. I should bitch how the system in US is so stupid that it allows such behaviour in the first place. That's where the problem is. Again I just have to count my blessings for not having same kind of system here.

No you go ahead and bitch about all that stuff that is none of your business. Just do not be surprised when you tell other people not to bitch about things that are not their business to be taken as little more than a joke.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by NEWclearMind
reply to post by PsykoOps

That's right. Keep griping about the U.S. Hows your strong military doing? Right. Got ya.

We're doing perfectly fine thank you. We don't need to go around playing world police and bully everyone who has oil so we just have a good system that protects our homeland. So nice of you to notice.

How is your world leading cutting edge technology sector doing? What,,,, nothing? That's right, Finland is like the white bread of countries, plain and tasteless. What a joke.

You've been eating the wrong bread mate. Plenty of flavor and taste. Fyi if you'd actually see how our technology sector is doing you might reconsider posting plain and tasteless jokes.

Ask anyone outside of Finland who your leader is. Guess what, no one knows. Why? Because you are obsolete. Move on now. Quit trolling.

If you're so uneducated that you do not know who our leader is then it is our fault? Just because we dont make headlines by going around assassinating our own citizens overseas and bombing women and children daily we're obsolete? Yeah...

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by PsykoOps

Seriously, no one knows or cares who the leader of Finland is. Why? Because it doesn't matter. If you guys were nuked off the face of the earth, the world economy would not feel a thing. It's that simple. Carry on peasant.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by Sanndy
But passengers on a plane are too busy to be as nosy as you?
Explain that.

People that paid to get on an airplane have no right to complain about something happening right in front of them because it is not their business but you have the right to complain about something that did not effect you in anyway nor were you there to see what actually happened?
This should be a stunning reply.

Had they actually minded their own business and not taken action on baseless complaints I wouldn't have been affected by this at all. The moment the airline decides to play moral police and it becomes headlines it kind of effects me since I took the time to read the news.

No you go ahead and bitch about all that stuff that is none of your business. Just do not be surprised when you tell other people not to bitch about things that are not their business to be taken as little more than a joke.

By that logic no written account or reply to this issue is anyones business therefore the whole point of having a discussion board for anything except for your own personal affairs is null and void. Yeah that'll work out just fine.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by PsykoOps

And one last thing. If your country was so great, I'd be speaking Finnish. FYI you are speaking to me in English on an American website.

And before you make a smart comment, I know three languages. French, Spanish, and English.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:09 AM
I laughed at the title of this thread before I even read it, because I thought to myself "How is it possible for gays not to fly with them when half of their flight attendants are gay?". Obviously OP has never flown with Southwest and obviously OP likes to read into things a little beyond the actual wording.

I get uncomfortable when two people, (whatever their gender coupling) are "making out" in public. This is also something I wouldn't want my children seeing which would result in 20 questions and possibly inappropriate emulation. If it was just "kissing", I don't think the act would have gone on long enough for people to complain. When do you ever just kiss someone for more than 5 seconds tops? Anything beyond that becomes heavy and more than likely leads to tonsil hockey and groping and, given how it ended up, most likely was the case. I don't want to see that, and I would never do that myself in public. The only people stupid enough to have "make out" sessions in public are 15 year olds, who are oblivious and uncouth, or adults who are trying to make a scene or are uncouth themselves.

I don't care if it's two women, two men, two hermaphrodites, a man and a's just gross! And NOT family friendly.
edit on 2-10-2011 by kalamatas because: typo

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Had they actually minded their own business and not taken action on baseless complaints I wouldn't have been affected by this at all.

What the hell are you talking about? How about you actually read the story? It seems like by now you could have given it a skim. Please clarify what you mean. What acton was taken on a baseless complaint and I do expect real facts here, not what you assume happened, since you were not there and it is none of your business.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
By that logic no written account or reply to this issue is anyones business therefore the whole point of having a discussion board for anything except for your own personal affairs is null and void. Yeah that'll work out just fine. that logic only your replies to the issue are the ones to not matter. You are the one ranting about crap not being your business. I am not sure what kinds of planes you fly on but when I am on a plane there are lots of things that suddenly become my business. Someone pissing on the seat next to me, someone yelling nearby, and overweight passenger using up more than my armrest, someone trying to open the door in flight, someone trying to get into the cabin, someone taking hostages and hijacking the plane, some attention seeking failed singer and her unknown actress girlfriend having a fight with the crew of the plane. These things all become my business the moment I get on that plane.

I am not sure what your understanding of a private business is but anything that happens on their plane is their business.
edit on 2-10-2011 by Sanndy because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-10-2011 by Sanndy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:36 AM
i to am a lesbian woman and i was outraged by this1 yet in a LGBTI magazine they where said to be LGBTI freindly, its BS! discrimination all over! i would have went ballistic! i hope some sever action is taken by anti descrimination groups, peace and love xoox

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by Tahnya86
i to am a lesbian woman and i was outraged by this1 yet in a LGBTI magazine they where said to be LGBTI freindly, its BS! discrimination all over! i would have went ballistic!

What exactly are you outraged at? I want specific details, please. Obviously you were there, right?

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:43 AM
One thing severely lacking from this thread would be "I know these two women and they are good honest women who would never do something to warrant this treatment." I am starting to think that no one in this thread knows these two ladies yet so many are having no problem jumping on their side and not the side of the company that employs so many gay people.

Is it because they are lesbians they must be right? Is it not possible to be a liar, scumbag, pervert, ass, if you are gay?

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:54 AM
What bogus. Nothing to do with homophobia I think. Just plain sexual conservatism. Don't make out in public, I know it's ridiculous, but that's how it is.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by DarthMuerte

Correction, Southwest Airlines is a PUBLIC company that is traded on the NYSE.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by NEWclearMind
reply to post by PsykoOps

And one last thing. If your country was so great, I'd be speaking Finnish. FYI you are speaking to me in English on an American website.

And before you make a smart comment, I know three languages. French, Spanish, and English.

Is this another exhibition of America logic? I mean, sir, seriously, what kind of reasoning is this. Grow up please.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by NEWclearMind

@"new clear mind"
I rarely get personal with people here, I just try to keep on topic and relevent. This will be a first for me, but I can't really take a pass on this and say nothing when I read a narrow-minded post such as yours.
IMO, what I want to say to you is relevent to the topic. The problem is people like you. I think you're a bigot, and I'm sure you're proud of it, too. You may deny it, however, your post speaks for itself.

No we didn't see the incident. Yes, all people should have some discretion and manners in public, no matter who they are. And yes, bigotry and intolerance is the manifestation of ignorance. It's what fuels the Taliban, and the KKK, Shiria "Law", and anyone else who chooses hate, intolerance and oppression over enlightenment and acceptance of other people. You are no different than anyone who's a member of the groups that I mentioned above. I know that there's no debate possible with a person like you, and frankly, you don't deserve any more of my time or energy.

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