I looked at their "grievences" and have read more than a few of the reasons for the protests. Lots of talk about "todays youth" and "rights" and what
people deserve.
Frankly, the whole lot, for the most part, want to blame someone else for their shortcomings and failures.
It's the bank's fault that I lost my house... Who applied for the loan? Who signed the contract and mortage knowing the terms? Who didn't make
payments and lost the house?
I have bought and sold properties... it is not like buying a happy meal, you have to put some thought into it and realize that their are consequences
if you don't hold up your end of the deal.
It's the bank's fault or the government's fault that I have too much student loan debt. Really... did you pursue all the options when you were looking
to finance college? I went to college...my folks paid a portion, I worked to pay my portion, and I got student loans to cover the rest...usually, the
loan repayments are reasonavble and you have a decent amount of time to pay them back...I paid mine back early.
But things were cheaper back then! OK.. but pay sucked too and I was making 3.25 an hour too...when I went to full time I was making 5.45 an
hour...wow. My daughter is in college and about to graduate...she made it through with scholarships, grants, help from her dad...me, and working...no
loans... She went the first two years to community college in state and transferred the credits her Junior year to a regular in state 4 year school.
It can be done....
Women's equality in the workplace...really? My wife makes more than I do. Many, if not most, of my contemporaries are women...managers and asst
managers. In my previous work experience, about half of my bosses and supervisors have been women....I don't know, maybe I missed something here.
Poisoning of foods.Grant you, I am not a fan of GMOs...I don't like all the hybridization and genetic alteration of our food sources. So...I moved to
the country and grow my own. Many can't go to the country...so go to the farmer's markets, look at packaging...there is a vast availability of organic
and natural foods out there. Even the grocery stores in rural...and I mean rural... southside VA and NC have organic sections...or grow your own...in
planters and patio gardens.
Children shouldn't have to choose between an education and food...ok, but my father did and my mother...and my other relatives that grew up during the
Depression and WWII. All the kids I know of have the opportunity to go to public schools...and get free or reduced lunches...my dad worked on the farm
and never finished the 6th grade...He and my mother are retired now...comfortably so and doing well...after working for it.
But schools aren't as good as they used to be. Really? How about a little effort on the part of the child and parents...maybe a card at the public
library....some extra reading... a few vacation visits to some historical sights... maybe cut out some of the TV and video games. Read a book...or use
the internet. My daughter went to public school...is graduating college with honors.
But the poor can't afford the internet...it's free at the public libraries here in NC.
But both parents work now a days. Both my parents worked in a factory...left at 630am and came home about 430-5pm... sometimes they worked
overtime...my brother and I stayed at a daycare... or with my aunt.
See, the biggest problem and common factor in all of these complaints and "grievences" is effort on the part of the individual... do something about
it yourself to improve your lot in life. Work for it.
My parents told me many times..." No one owes you anything, and no one is going to give you anything...so if you want it, you have to work for it."
But many of todays youth come from a culture where no one loses, no one is cut from the ball team..."we don't have people that lose, everyone is a
winner." Then they get out in the real world where every thing is not always equal, where sometimes you do lose, where sometimes you have to put in
the extra effort...and then suddenly..."This isn't fair."..."This is too hard."...so it must be a conspiracy or discrimination or a ploy by the powers
that be to hold me down.
Don't play that game. Make your life, you have the ability to excell. Here in the USA, if you want to sit on the couch and eat Doritos all day and
watch TV...go for it. If you want to go out and work or make work and work 10-12-14 hours a day...go for it.
But don't complain to me if you have nothing after doing nothing and I have something after doing something... that was your choice.... and your
edit on 2-10-2011 by AlreadyGone because: spelling
edit on 2-10-2011 by AlreadyGone because: spelling