reply to post by dudeguyman
I agree with you completely. The Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) is a real monster in terms of what it can do. In fact, it's pretty well accepted these
days by most researchers in the field, that the subducting plate runs well in under the land there. Out by the coast the subducted plate is about 20
km (12 miles) down, further in near Portland it's deeper -- around 40 km (about 25 miles) down. So beside BC and Wash, it could well cause problems in
Oregon and down on into California. In fact some of us have been wondering if it runs a lot further south than scientists currently think it does.
In that map I linked I forgot to explain that there are some features you can bring up on it, including plate depth. Sorry about that. Here's a screen
shot of the map with the plate estimated depth lines showing. (Just click on the thumbnail for the big pic):
So yeah, the assumed subducted plate runs very close to you.
Trouble is, as we've never seen a megathrust event along the CSZ, all we have is the geological evidence and oral histories of previous events.
I've said this before in a few threads ATS but I'll say it again here. I'd be happy if the CSZ sits and does almost nothing for another good century
or more. It well might. But as we know that the really big quakes there can happen less than 300 years apart and it's been 311 years since the last
one, we have to take notice of any signs. Because while it might do nothing for even another 500 years or more (as that's happened before too), it
could let go any time.
You're a realist and that's what we need. You're not posting scaremongering BS, you're saying it like it is. If that subduction zone lets go like it
did last time then it may very well be the biggest quake that the US has ever seen since it
became the US of A. For my side of it, it's not
just that I have plenty of friends in the US, all the way down from Wash to Cal, it's that you're all
people and you darned well
It doesn't have to be a mega-disaster in human life if people open their eyes like you've got yours open and are prepared. Trouble is, too many are
more interested in Dances with the Stars and such stuff and stay ignorant.
edit on 28/9/11 by JustMike because: of a typo or something.