posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 03:23 PM
Whilst i agree that cats and dogs do pick up on things very often, before we do, they are also very good at reading or reacting to how their owners
are feeling. Perhaps this is more likely to be what is happening, i cant believe a cat would be on edge for a week, they are far more likely to react
to a fight or flight stimulus that they picked up on as a threat in a very short time. The same as if a dog knows you are scared of it it will take
advantage of the situation.
My cat and dogs are acting perfectly normal(well as normal as they always have) but then i try to be calm and relaxed all the time. Please do not
think i am knocking you, it is not my intention , but please try being calm and controlled and see if there is any difference in behaviour. I think an
awful lot of people think something is going too happen with all this doom mongering, so you are probably waiting unconciously for somthing to happen,
that is what i think youre cat is picking up on.
Good luck anyway, and i hope all is ok, in a way i hope i am correct because there could be nothing more sinister that would happen to you then.