posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 02:52 PM
Let them monitor all they want. Any of you really want to do something? Try demanding of your representatives in congress and your state senators to
have the Fed audited. That's all lay it all out on the table and let the people see the carnage wrought by damn near 100 years of corruption and the
ultimate abuse of power. It is our right as citizens. WE THE PEOPLE demand to see the purpose of the Federal Reserve beyond stealing from the people
of the world and redistributing wealth on a scale you and I can never imagine!
Demand Paul Bernanke, and Timothy Geithner first and foremost as well as Allan Greenspan and all the rest of the crooks. Demand they tell the truth!
LOL Everything you were taught as a child is the compete opposite with these wolves in sheep's clothing. It is up to you and I to STOP them! What
will you do?
Non-cooperation with the machine! You all are aware of the machine and if we choose to depend upon its workings we are contributing to the problem. It
is not easy but it is the real way to change the system. Use cash, get rid of credit cards, pay off bank loans, go with the smallest amount of
insurance you can do with, limit your dealings with banks to the bare minimum. Use cash to pay for things, use bartering which is the best way to
break their backs.
But sadly it is up to each and every one of us American, European, and Asian to determine if we choose to make the choices needed in our everyday life
which will contribute to the beast. It isn't easy. I have been doing this for many many years. It is up to you, do you really want it to change for
the better? I'm sure you do so just take a moment to see how you can do your part to limit dealings with the machine!
S+F OP!!
edit on 9/28/2011 by americanbuffalo1 because: Spelling error