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Andromeda Council and Ufology At Its Worst

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Erno86

Well, we're in a duality, light/darkness emeshed, kind of school that I don't like one bit. I don't call negatives ETs, for ETs are also here, striving to learn and grow, and even when they fall or make mistakes or harm, and experience the harm to themselves they've caused, they're eager to get back on the bike and keep trying to ride it without training wheels. We're all ET. That just means, people inserted into the book/story/dvd/school/practicum.

Entrenched negativity is loss, illness, distortion and illusion. I don't call those ETs. I call those who are losing themselves and they need to be helped to reach more of their light and gain back what they've lost which is consicousness, feelings for others, tenderness, kindness, goodness, striving to improve. These are the hallmarks of growing consciousness. I don't call them demons though. Don't know what to say, except they seem to have stayed off the bike or kept off the spiral that is evolving in infinity. And so aren't the same as cosmic citizens to me.

Yes I believe in good cosmic citizens and have received the message they're going to help. Infinity is more like a spiral here than a circle. I just don't cling to anything I've been shown, as envisioning something and saying its only this way, or these people who have shown me wonderful cities, are showing me home, may be a construct, a false paradigm that they're trying to magnetize my spirit to be pulled to. These are deep thoughts from an experiencer I go within and pray, seek more than anything. And strive to raise my freuqency and effectiveness in my family, ie, to overcome the gravity in our relationships.

So I hope so. In one of my experiences, just prior to seeing a craft appear, I had a meditation hijacked and it was a real test I guess I passed it because when I stood up to go inside, with rushes of vibrations, higher frequency, suddenly this huge white gleaming craft with platoons hugging the body at the back, appeared, and flew forward. I've learnt not to disk my own experiences any more. That was the only one my children couldn't see. Other times I ignored what was happenign, the methods of contact, as a daydream, crafts appeared my son and I both saw. And some we all saw. This occurred July 2009.

The words at the end after he kept trying to get close to me. He said this was a cultural exchange and had been approved through a council. My words were "How can I know you, when I don't even know myself yet?"

Thats my journey, finding my journey and aware that those cosmically have some kind of vested interest in us, and while they may be positive, and I sure hope they are, its still the Spirit within that guides us.

Plus I absolutely love them all. I try to shine light to wake up any in darkness when I've been monitored. My light apparently is to wake others up, and they're family even if vastly different intellects. Intellects are consciousness and therefore from Goodness and Love above, though some may be projections of these lost in darkness ones. When my frequency raises, and people say things that are really positive, if they're showing kindness, keep having windows open and know them, recognize and remember them from home.
edit on 31-10-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:24 PM
I forgot something very important in the above simplified family life, home and learning we all participated in. Here in this "school", its like the lower Chakra's, the real duality to overcome in survival and selfishness/selflessness, scarsity and pryamids/abundance and equality. The Higher Chakras are a big part of this too ,as they represent, unconditional love, and shining our light, communicating goodness in the world, and insight, psy, knowing, with the pineal/stargate, source of the Wellspring, if we have done the work and we're really striving to be love, because otherwise we hit the wrong channels, and get the wrong messages. But the crystal waters within and reaching the Love channel we raise our frequency.

There are lessons in the lower chakras but everyones circumstances are not the same.

So its a real school, and the chakras were used as an example, there have been many differing truths given, in different ways, different Teachers that came. However, the one that Christ gave, is still the way of Love and striving to allign our inner self with our behaviors. Though Seneca also had something to say in his benefits book, which was, when we give to each other, one may always strive to give back and look for every opportunity pray and seek, but their life circumstances are not equal, and so it is the yearning or intent to give that counts EQUALLY to the giving. For this is from something out of our means. Also he went on to add, if someone with the right intent to wish to shine their light too, still is in need even if they cannot give, they should not hesitate to ask to receive, because this is out of their hands and only the intent is real.

So it means, don't give up.

However, once out of this risky school where consequences can really set us back and where harming others can harm ourselves for some time, we never forget who we are again. Learning is a much more joyful experience with more gifts and skills to be competent in helping others, not awkward attempts, but the fruits realized.

Love, Peace and Joy.
edit on 31-10-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:39 PM
The first video you have posted is inflammatory, racist hate speech. It says, of course with no evidence at all, that white people came out of caves and are inferior beings.

This post has nothing to do with aliens, UFOs, ancient mysteries - it is thinly veiled hate-mongering hiding badly within New Age nonsense.

This thread should be deleted and the OP reprimanded. I have filed a complaint.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by Nicorette

I know, that is why I titled the thread this way. A friend kept sending these to me and arguing their validity. While I felt the energy and knew there was truth, there was agendas. But I still regret spot lighting the negative too, and wrote posts about how, when someone comes forward with a bigger microphone, they get distortions forced into their stories, or they would be in danger. We're being completely hipocritical to think we, who do no work to search, to ask for persistently disclosure and positive changes in this world, we don't have the right to judge those who distort the truth, because they wouldnt have to if we were acting grown up ourselves. We can't expect them to sacrifice themselves and whole families for flash in the pan, information uploads. People are so apathetic towards others.

So Kerry in the George interview spoke specificially about the Sword of Christ that could cut through BS, and then she said, "take only what resonates" Pretty clear what her message was.
edit on 31-10-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 04:28 PM
Something else in this info, those correspondences in scrutiny above. Over and over keep encountering this negative view on souls/spirits, as if , we're akin to AI here, and the only ones who put this message out are the dark siders. Bloodlines who think they're all that, while we're all like tares, that can be reformatted. We're souls, even as projections/seeds/small lights growing to reach our potentials, or larger lights coming in, we're intellect and infinite, life/consciousness/spirit;soul, all the rest is just definitions and unless you really undertand the platform of Love you came from, you are and will return to, you really shouldn't be thinking on these things, because you're going to be in error. I cannot stop from speaking up when these things are shared. Because to allow this out there with a following, real people influenced by these messages, and at least not attempt to shine the truth forward, is to allow False Testimony Against the Highest Love and Goodness in Existence to Stand Unchallenged. Thats not going to happen. I am not so faithless.
edit on 31-10-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 04:52 PM
What I get from this is people who are so depressed they cannot deal with the real world, so they embrace an imaginary one. I see it as a cry for help.

Groups like Project Camelot and many others take advantage of this weakness as have people like Astrologers, Palm Readers and fake Psycics. Since the first Shaman threw a handful of rudimentary gunpowder on a fire to take control of people this has been part of society.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

No, thats not it. When you have experiences, and your family as well, including crafts you all see, and your own son is calling you out to watch them get chased by black choppers, its not illusion. It does take some real seeking when you start waking up, no longer are you content to just go day by day, with the flow. You start to buck it!
edit on 31-10-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Nicorette

Hate mongering? You really don't understand? We have a right to look at the information presented by ufology and criticize it, to look for where the flaws are. And I'm doing it from the position of being an experiencer, and felt it was a real responsibility to look at these things deeply. These are all things that need to be looked at. George was added as he was also sent to me the same time period as this other info. By the same person, and has the same type of hallmarks, some real info mixed with agendas.

We're supposed to look deeply. The Ufology at its worse part means: Cia type duality type agenda!!!! And you bet that's been woven in. However, I also see that those who get the bigger mikes get compromised more.

Also what you just put down as new age, whatever lines most skeptics try to discourage REAL THINKING AND DEEP THINKING, because they want everyone in boxes I gather. Sorry man, my box blew its lid a long time ago. And these issues, these deep spiritual issues ARE THE ONLY THINGS THAT MATTER AND ARE CONNECTED TO REAL UFOLOGY. Because we're in a matrix. And they're the only things that really matter! They're the heart of the matter.

By the way because I like bringing up points in discussions and don't mind debates, willing to hand in minority reports as in school because the truth isn't in a majority opinion, I still feel bad about coming out so strongly in the thread against this and exposing the down side, or agendas. That came out of being sent these and other videos from the same person, and a few ohters that were doom and gloom and I really reacted strongly in drawing the line to ending this kind of thing.

But I still wish I'd named it the "Andromeda Council, Ufology and Some Concerns" as it would have been softer. And if I could change it I would. The title above was more in a forceful rejection of the videos and agenda being sent to me nonstop.

Edit to add: Tolec from the Andromeda Council Website is most definitely Collier. So, why would it be hate mongering or attention seeking to show that he is not always saying things that are true, but reveal agendas, NWO ones. Which is precisely why that video on race was put in. That is crapola, not true, and obvious regime change propaganda, a part of NWO agenda. And so, why would that not be included? That IS Alex Collier, not an imposter, and he DID say that. But to expose this is propaganda. What a joke!!!!!
edit on 31-10-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

You may be aware that I've seen one of the classic saucers up close for an extended time in the 1960's. My first thought was not spiritual, religious, nor did it cause me to look to things like that for an explanation. It hovered at low altitude over my head for an long enough I got a clear look at it. Might have been Alien, might have been military? Either way it was a result of technology, not any ethereal or spiritual thing. It was simply a machine.

I still think the leaps that people make to find some hidden meaning in the fact we may be being visited are people grasping for comfort when they encounter something their minds can't come to grips with.

Having also gone through night terrors as a child I can understand the compulsion to go that direction. In the end all it took was a person explaining to me what the night terrors were and they stopped the next day. Once I understood I was not being attacked, when the events started I simply reminded myself it was not real and after a short time it stopped for good. Now as an adult I know its very common and most people don't worry about it because they understand what it is. If I were prone to look for other, unreal explanations it probably would drive me off the deep end.

The most likely outcome is that we will in the end find these are mostly unmanned scientific probes if they are not our own. Nothing spiritual, nothing in the realm of the bizarre. No messages. Nothing other than vehicles that we can't right now identify for whatever reason. The rest is what people want them to be, not what they are.

This stuff of people claiming to be in contact who can never seem to do the simple act of taking a photo I think in many cases is just people with low self-esteem seeking attention. That and people pulling a scam for money somehow.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:41 AM
if anyone were in contact with anything non human (and intelligent), the sanest way to "spread" whatever agenda was proposed to them is by NOT mentioning said contact in the first place.

The main reason i generally never buy what people sell is because i always want what people never want to give up.The best manipulators are the quiet ones.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 08:39 AM
Unity_99, you need to stop brainwashing people with your nonsense?

Luciferans? There are no Luciferans or Reptilians. Both are fabrications made by Cro-Magnons to scare humans away from the Zhor'i and to the Nazi arms of the Cro-Magnons.

Prior to 10,000 years ago, the Cro-Magnons had rule over this entire planet and instigated many acts of genocide and cruelty over what they had called "the impure," meaning you and I.

They instigated the holocaust by deluded poor and very stupid humans from Germany to get rid of the half-bred Jewish population, since Jews and all Afro-Asiatic people from Somalia to Morocco to Iraq are all hybrids of the impure and the Cro-Magnon. By impure, they really mean not them, like barbaros or p'lishtim. "The other" you can also call it. Atlantis and Mu are two of their civilizations.

The Zhor'i who created the Cro-Magnon and "the other" (our race), want nothing to do with this. That is why they destroyed the Cro-Magnon civilizations, or the Cro-Magnon destroyed their own civilization, since at that time Cro-Magnons were at war with each other and used nuclear weapons. We were their slaves, entertainment, food (yes cannibalism), and sex toys. And the Zhor'i wanted none of that going on, since they sought to create a terrestrial replica of themselves, not some savage antithesis.

Anyways, the Cro-Magnons now control our politics and economy (wall street), while the Zhor'i have been creating various protest movements such as the Occupy Protests that have been going on.

It is going to get much more violent before our autonomy expires in 2012, so everyone needs to be on guard.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
You may be aware that I've seen one of the classic saucers up close for an extended time in the 1960's. My first thought was not spiritual, religious, nor did it cause me to look to things like that for an explanation. It hovered at low altitude over my head for an long enough I got a clear look at it. Might have been Alien, might have been military? Either way it was a result of technology, not any ethereal or spiritual thing. It was simply a machine.

I would love to hear more about this... in fact it's the only thing in this thread of any interest to me.

Is there a thread where you go into more detail?

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Davian
There is a lot we can learn from intergalactic civilizations.
Especially ones that have been here many times longer than the civilizations of Earth have.

If anything religion is the ultimate tool of the NWO. What happens when you throw together a bunch of religious radicals? War. What then? The war debt. Who profits off of that? The elite.

You should read the Urantia Book.

Yes, there is a great deal we (humanity) can learn here, if we choose to do so. And I agree that Religion, coupled with Military are the ultimate tool of the Dark Force that means to enslave us all and keep us here. Humanity, for the most part, will ascend, and there is not thing one TPTB can do about it. All they can do is mess with your mind, and make you sick with microwaves. They cannot change your mind about a thing.

Greetings, Unity_99, good to see you posing again.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 03:23 PM
The title is erroneous to the concept of ufology itself. I am not only a believer but an experiencer. It was a look at AGENDA, that being, paramilitary, nwo, bildenberg type agendas. Period.

Normally when I post anything, or write any thread, most of them are metaphysics and intended to wake people up, to start to seek within, to weed out the programming. But not good at structuring threads, or the OP on them IMO.

The best way of looking at this thread is thats its an attempt to weed out, real ufology from agendas. And ironically the two sent to me, that got put into this thread, are perfect examples to me, along with Exopolitics itself and alot of interviews on Project Camelot as well, of agenda and truth mixed in.

What does agenda look like: Race card= Regime Change!!!. Money/economics. Now this one has to be said carefully because environmental issues are true issues, and we are damaging this planet, but focus on enviroment over people and equalizing, is a NWO agenda. They want to send everyone back to serfdom and fundamentalism which is what Nazi Germany and the current Fourth Reicht promotes, instead of disclosing their advanced clean science. Well Positive/Benevolent ETs, don't support slave systems, so environment is already solved with the black op science. Ie. use it, and stop running a pyramid system. Prince Philip's really interested in the wildlife preservation, its AGENDA. We have to be really careful of what they're mixing in with ufology.

No ET promotes religion. Not what I call ETs. Infinity is a spiral, and all things are made to upgrade. Those waters are swift and deep and just keep on flowing. You either are a part of the spiral or you're off in the deeper shadows. Those ones off the upward moving spiral are NOT ETs. Don't have a name for them, but cosmic citizens is not what I see them as. The dark side, the empire is defeating the very concept of progression and halting ongoing evolution and upgrades, or trying to kick people off the spiral. So, ET = positive to me, only.

These are markers in looking at things.
edit on 1-11-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Religion is the box they keep the world in. Yet everything is spiritual, or infinite, metaphysics, and quite Quantum. The Quantum spiritual is very quickly suppressed.

Like this:
I was told to take it off my post. When I said, no!!! I would not give into orders to suppress the truth. They can't keep us in these boxes, he said simply, "I understand." So I put it under my profile, then after a bit, linked it anyway.

But knowing the door they lock shut, is a good thing! For example, the astrology in the scriptures is very significant, so is the presence of some of the great pearls of the philosophers, especially some of the stoics, like Seneca. And when Alex Jones went on a rant about Clockwork Elves and the substances the bloodlines have abused for thousands of years,its oddly enough one of those substances that most represents this: Which explains their negative connections, because that is all a frequency match. If you're an elitist, war general or ruler, you're not going to get a pure frequency in this.

But that doesn't take away from the Teachers or what is real, and I do prefer to see both the real mixed in with their metaphors in Christ.

edit on 1-11-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by SuperSmartGuy

Have fun with your paradigm. But you'll not be leading me into your box, I'm out of mine.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I've seen them up close too, and remember being on crafts. And the spiritual or Quantum interchannel reality we live in is the real existence. Earth is just an altered astral, or density too. It all comes down to what is reality. We thinks its something its not, because our minds, are like the computerized dvd player, playing the matrix around us, the limited range we can perceive. Everything in this hologram, which is built out of real energy waves, the ocean of space, more like an ocean than void really. Which explains those manta rays and critters they keep picking up. But everything in this hologram, including the chair you're sitting on to type, is in your mind, inside you. The universe is inside you. Now while there is an intergrated ocean of energy, that has an "entanglement" principle, what our brains are doing is: taking in the energy and using different programs to decode it and then errecting the image, including the spacial, including the milllions of light years away, stars systems, on a screen on the back of your mind.

You have no proof any of this is real. What is it?

To think that they, capable of space flight, at these "great distances" are at our level of understanding, or even use our conventional science, (of course we're not talking the toe in to real science or black op science), is ludicrous.

Lets use the Drake Formula and be ultra conservative. Take off many zeros. They've already found some very old stars, by their estimations. If you had the smallest number of species/races achieve unity so as not to self destruct, and reach level 4, that would have occurred billions of years ago. Guess what, that happened. Mathematically it had to have happened. And those small numbers in this "infinite" universe, or very very very large finite one, is quite impressive. And at those levels, it would mean, every single planet, moon and asteroid here would be utilized. That nothing would be random. That evolution would always be initiated and helped along from higher ups.

Period. Been done. Mathematically, it could be no other way.

Thats reality.

What is spiritual? Well we could discuss infinity, and what this all relates to, including what is, both animate and inanimate energies, with, much like the double slit experiment, all possibilities being expressed. We are a from of animate energy, and that energy is infinite, in one form or another. So what is spiritual to us, the twighlight zone, of the unknown, is simply the reality of existence. Real and Tangible.

Edit to add: Contact is a Frequency Match Too! Be Uncondtional Love and Kindness!
edit on 1-11-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
The title is erroneous to the concept of ufology itself. I am not only a believer but an experiencer. It was a look at AGENDA, that being, paramilitary, nwo, bildenberg type agendas. Period.

Sure you are...

Normally when I post anything, or write any thread, most of them are metaphysics and intended to wake people up, to start to seek within, to weed out the programming. But not good at structuring threads, or the OP on them IMO.

Wake people up to what? Something else they need to wake up from?

The best way of looking at this thread is thats its an attempt to weed out, real ufology from agendas. And ironically the two sent to me, that got put into this thread, are perfect examples to me, along with Exopolitics itself and alot of interviews on Project Camelot as well, of agenda and truth mixed in.

Weed out what? What real UFOlogy? You mean YOUR UFOlogy. The UFOlogy of diabolical demonic entities of planet Skunkbutt.

What does agenda look like: Race card= Regime Change!!!. Money/economics. Now this one has to be said carefully because environmental issues are true issues, and we are damaging this planet, but focus on enviroment over people and equalizing, is a NWO agenda. They want to send everyone back to serfdom and fundamentalism which is what Nazi Germany and the current Fourth Reicht promotes, instead of disclosing their advanced clean science. Well Positive/Benevolent ETs, don't support slave systems, so environment is already solved with the black op science. Ie. use it, and stop running a pyramid system. Prince Philip's really interested in the wildlife preservation, its AGENDA. We have to be really careful of what they're mixing in with ufology.

Regime change would be a good thing. The current status quo is already in the hands of the Cro-Magnon. So any element of dramatic change would only upset the powers that be that currently control our system, which certainly is not us.

Of course we are damaging this planet, if we were to say that there is just evil aliens out there, then we would be full of ourselves in assuming we are perfect little goodie-to-shoes.

No ET promotes religion.

Pssk... Angels = Aliens.

Not what I call ETs.

I don't think you can call figments of your hyperactive imagination and self-intoxication, ETs.

Infinity is a spiral, and all things are made to upgrade. Those waters are swift and deep and just keep on flowing. You either are a part of the spiral or you're off in the deeper shadows. Those ones off the upward moving spiral are NOT ETs.

The Zhor'i are from Andromeda and reincarnation into their species = Heaven/Paradise. If you don't believe me look into your spiritual memory and recall the good ole times. Big busty gray skin girls with blue or red hair. Men with no physical abnormalities. No stress. Work seems fun. Family is everywhere. All love, kindness, and happiness. NO STDS. No disease. No anxiety. No psychopaths. No yelling.

That is life as a Zhor in Zhor'i society. That is not them trying to brainwash us. That is how life is in their society amongst each other. That is heaven.

Don't have a name for them, but cosmic citizens is not what I see them as.

They call themselves, "Zhor'i." It means people in their language.

The dark side, the empire is defeating the very concept of progression and halting ongoing evolution and upgrades, or trying to kick people off the spiral.

That is not aliens. That is Cro-Magnons. That is humans. That is us. Well partially us, more so the Cro-Magnon or failure of the Zhor'i.

I can inform all kinds of stuffy about the Cro-Magnons. They look a lot like us, more so than the Zhor'i. Except, Zhor'i are full of personality. Think of the movie "Paul." Cro-Magnons are devoid of emotion and act almost like robots. Think of all the accounts of Men in Black. The Men in Black are often Cro-Magnon agents sent to keep the Impure (us) in line. The Cro-Magnons think they are the rightful ones to inherit this planet, because they are so much smarter than the rest of us. But in truth, they are the failure. But they will not accept this.

It is going to get quite violent till our autonomy ends in 2012.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by SuperSmartGuy

What you believe about another does not change their experiences one iota. Nor does it change my son's. Or our sitings. Now you weren't there and are living on a planet where this is suppressed by the establishment so while I don't blame you for not believing unless you experience it yourself, nonetheless, that doesnt change what we've gone through, nor will it ever prohibit me from speaking up.

The Zhor'i are from Andromeda and reincarnation into their species = Heaven/Paradise. If you don't believe me look into your spiritual memory and recall the good ole times. Big busty gray skin girls with blue or red hair. Men with no physical abnormalities. No stress. Work seems fun. Family is everywhere. All love, kindness, and happiness. NO STDS. No disease. No anxiety. No psychopaths. No yelling.

That is life as a Zhor in Zhor'i society. That is not them trying to brainwash us. That is how life is in their society amongst each other. That is heaven.

We're not here to reincarnate into a species. We're here to go home beyond duality itself. And to not lose ourselves any longer. But to not be cut off from any postiive race, or anyone we want to help. I have never had encounters with anyone of those colorings. The rest is somewhat right. except there is far more than just planet life. I have family waiting, and that is where my journey needs to proceed, in addition have experienced Dad saying it was time to come home now, and just sagging with relief. So most important is to know your own soul, you know the way back home, and to not allow anything to magnetize or pull you off target. But it takes doing the work you came to do, seeking, and striving to shine light/love, to be the best of our abilities.

One of the things I was told in a contact with someone who was very much loved by me, was that he would be able show me his home, one day, but only after I returned home first. There were things I had to do, and basically he was telling me to not get caught up in any distractions, its homeward bound. He was tall, roughly 7 feet in uniform, which is perception and from what I've been told when ETs interact physically, its like a form of projection, and they hijack our input signals so the only height and characteristics I can give are what was shown me direclty, what I saw. He had a very strong chest. My son also shared being onboard a craft before a veiwing screen, he called MIB's, tall strong chested men in black uniforms. He's had missing time several times. The women have always been blond. The blond men were taller, closer to 8 feet tall.

Have you had experiences with these andromedans? Do they work intergalactically with other groupings of humans? I do believe there is a good team up there, and that they have monitored for a long time. And there are many sectors of space involved. But we're striving to go beyond wars and duality and grow to the next level here, in addition, we don't want to walk both paths, that is the very long way home, and any harm do to another we do to ourselves.

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by SuperSmartGuy

What you believe about another does not change their experiences one iota.

What I expose about their behavior can dismiss them no matter what is their experience.

Nor does it change my son's. Or our sitings. Now you weren't there and are living on a planet where this is suppressed by the establishment so while I don't blame you for not believing unless you experience it yourself, nonetheless, that doesnt change what we've gone through, nor will it ever prohibit me from speaking up.

Well you know what. I have my own experiences and they do tell me you are wrong and making up a lot of crap.

We're not here to reincarnate into a species. We're here to go home beyond duality itself.

This planet, this universe is our home. And reincarnation is the only afterlife there is. You reincarnate in order to grow and progress. If you don't grow or progress, then you would get swept by the tides of change and become nothing or no-thing over time. You have to evolve, you have to reincarnate.

And to not lose ourselves any longer. But to not be cut off from any postiive race, or anyone we want to help.

There is no such thing as a truly positive or truly negative race. Even the Zhor'i have mischief individuals in their species, but it is commonly those from an alternate universe.

I have never had encounters with anyone of those colorings.

Then you really have not met any authentic aliens. Look delusion that is caused by genetic abnormalities can be inherited, maybe that explains your son being as delusional as you.

The rest is somewhat right. except there is far more than just planet life. I have family waiting, and that is where my journey needs to proceed, in addition have experienced Dad saying it was time to come home now, and just sagging with relief.

Oh dear me... would you just take something that could possibly help you behave normally. Or maybe get a job so the anxiety of work could filter over this obsession for attention.

But it takes doing the work you came to do, seeking, and striving to shine light/love, to be the best of our abilities.

This is what makes you a looney. That sentence right there.

One of the things I was told in a contact with someone who was very much loved by me, was that he would be able show me his home, one day, but only after I returned home first. There were things I had to do, and basically he was telling me to not get caught up in any distractions, its homeward bound. He was tall, roughly 7 feet in uniform, which is perception and from what I've been told when ETs interact physically, its like a form of projection, and they hijack our input signals so the only height and characteristics I can give are what was shown me direclty, what I saw. He had a very strong chest. My son also shared being onboard a craft before a veiwing screen, he called MIB's, tall strong chested men in black uniforms. He's had missing time several times. The women have always been blond. The blond men were taller, closer to 8 feet tall.

Yeah, that is quite delusional. MIBs are commonly not described being nearly eight feet tall, but rather slightly over six feet. Blond hair is a rare phenotype amongst the Zhor'i, which means you won't find as many of them like that. The Zhor'i are very cultural and full of personality. They will engage in smart talking whenever it is convenient and they may humor in things you may not. The Cro-Magnons are not like this, but I had never heard of a Cro-Magnon that was quite well over six or seven feet tall. The Zhor'i are over seven feet tall.

The girl in this photo was over seven feet tall. Leaning over quite a bit with her legs bent when I took this photo.

Have you had experiences with these andromedans? Do they work intergalactically with other groupings of humans?

They don't work with humans. Other groups of Zhor'i sure, other alien races throughout the universe and beyond, sure.

I do believe there is a good team up there, and that they have monitored for a long time. And there are many sectors of space involved. But we're striving to go beyond wars and duality and grow to the next level here, in addition, we don't want to walk both paths, that is the very long way home, and any harm do to another we do to ourselves.

Well the moment you start talking without raising religion or spirituality in everything you say will be the moment I can take you seriously. Otherwise, you sound like you are preaching and that concerns me.

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