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Andromeda Council and Ufology At Its Worst

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posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 04:08 PM
So many amongst the skeptics and probably general public, look to the disclosures and the credentials of the leaks or those reporting sightings and experiences. And in some cases this is good, there is good supportive evidence released, by intent, but often with a spin.

As an experiencer, on the search for real answers, which have gradually come together to some extent only, the grass roots experiences appeal the most. Ordinary folk.

Now this Andromedan Council appears to be originating from or connected with Alex Collier:

Its a very good read. But not for real ufology. This is not just Spin, but a deliberate agena, put forth by luciferans or what I actually call satanic illuminati representatives. Why?

First lets take a look at Alex Collier and how he contradicts himself by first of all saying humanity came from 22 cosmic dna groups. And probably that or more, I'd say. We're all cosmic, all the different races. If you follow Lou Baldin/Sleeper, the different countries are like slave pens, and relate somewhat to place of origin of souls and/or races. There is never a coincidence.

What I would like to add, is we are not caring enough about the plight of the third world and are not mature enough to even comprehend yet, the level of unity and both Love/equalizing/sharing AND Freedom, something beyond our political stripes and ideologies, it takes to transcend this realm to a level 1 civilization!

That being said, the western world or free world has better human rights and equality, with child slave labor laws. Just saying! Now our leaders are partly responsible for capping this growth in these areas, so we should never pat ourselves on the backs, but its not like this video either.

Here is the slip, that Alex makes, that reveals the AGENT to me:

White race is genetically the weakest - By UFO/Alien Contactee.

In my second post I will look at that site, and discuss the KEY POINTERS there to the deception.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 04:17 PM
Here are some Key Markers in the site.

One the Council of 12. Gee, I think of Majestic 12 actually, but I've heard of another earth council, that even Al Gore was on. Hmmmm.....

Two, we're supposed to be ascending to 4D. Interestingly enough this is a Star Wars realm of planetary warfare.

Well, I'm not ascending there, not at all. The Higher Frequencies are truly more like Christ and they don't war at all. Higher Frequencies beings only have to show up to protect you, touch you and raise your frequency, or hold Light and Higher Frequency. Lower cannot stand in this.

Conversely, starting between now and 2014, we will be raising to 4D. In 4D, right where our planet is, there is a black hole, so this will cause many problems for us! In the end, after earth tipping and crust moving experiences, some of us will be happy, and settled in our new home: I guess inside that black hole!

Now lets look at this from another persective, the true one.

There is NO SUCH THING AS BLACK HOLES. Electric Universe explains things alot better. No ET would talk about Black Holes.

There is something akin to a black hole, has intense gravity, heavy with guilt, consequence for harming others.
Its called the Destroyer. The Abyss. Nibiru. The Eye Of Horus. The Gates of Hell. The Great Dragon of Old.

Many names really. I prefer to think of a Hospital or Correction Healing Center, since its all about choosing what Light and Love we see with. And rather than a heavy security prison, this would be fully staffed by Counselors and those going through the harm they have caused others would do so with Support. But that is how I see and will continue to see and has been shown to me.

Its in a channel, I don't like dimensions they're not really true. We're in a duality school, with infinite frequency ranges in between, so like Jesus said, My Fathers Home Has Many Mansions.

This Destroyer is in this other realm, close to ours, where alot of the negativity that guides our PTB for many thousands of years, dwells. Dracos and all that!

So, maybe you can see where I'm going with this?

This elite group of dark siders here, is putting out an idea, for those awake and aware seekers, especially ufology buffs, to try and picture ascending into a War Zone Realm, and send yourself straight to the Abyss.

Its a very dark plan.

Real Ets wake people up to these agendas and its all about Shining the Darkness Away!

edit on 26-9-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 04:45 PM
The answers are so much better. We're stive to be loving, kind, equal,nonreactive, non retaliatory, non warring, mature people, both individually or collectively.

Its kind of a twist on trying to turn someones visions heaven into a dark siders hell.

Not the progression. I don't even truly call that level 1 civilizations.

This is Not the answers, and if we search our hearts, and the skies, with good intentions and concern for others, the answers will begin to come into our lives.

Page 11 of my thread has some of the clues.

edit on 26-9-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:53 PM


I have not even gotten far in this interview. And I have to say that it wouldn't matter if something strikes me as odd, or a distortion. Because there are so many races of "ETs" working out of and surrounding earth, some very much ET by our standard, some entities. Many different agendas, some similar, some neutral, some scientific. Some postives are here to join the transformation, and go up with us even. With so many angendas, one could imagine something might be off.

He's real. Compared with what I read above, this man has the energy signature i recognize in fact he feels familiar, but thats locked so far. I hope this video and perhaps meditations on this, will unlock that memory or portion. I'm so happy to see this. His energy vibrates so strongly, even with the video paused it keeps moving on me. And stirs something so strongly. Doesn't mean I am going to even agree with it all, its the energy I recognize and the words he's using.

It is the same friend who sent me both, and this time I have to really thank him, almost in tears over this. Wow. He's for real, and recognized within. I still can't understand why my friend couldn't understand the first part with Andromedan Council was so phoney, even tried to say, you won't listen to me trying to share something of my own, but want me as an experiencer to endorse something i don't recognize, or feel any energy from, in fact every warning signal I have in me is going off in alarm. But he sent this too.

I guess when it comes to something like this, skeptics won't be able to "feel" it, until they decide they want to wake up,and work on forming the rainbow bridge, ie, binaurals, meditations, sungazing at dawn or dusk when the UV is non exsitant, nature even, anything that creates the unified brain experience between right and left hemisphere. Even trying to access your pineal itself in a variety excercises helps. Or doing a heart chakra meditation. Simplest is best. Because its something you have to "feel" and recognize within. There are some who can.
edit on 26-9-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:36 PM
Somewhere just before 18 minutes into this, possibly earlier, he is talking about how it took Love, he had to have this unconditional love for them,in this case the greys, and yeah thats is bascially the beginning of protection. He has far more memories than myself consciously, but the chronic fatigue, mine from no thyroid being produced, to me this is something I suspected all along came from them, also the PU testings as well, the atmospheric ones, almost like a combination of what was done first by what I call negatives, with this atmospheric poison.

I don't recognize the Andromeda Council and that agenda. Even where they cross over, this one is from truth and real experiences. I don't even think 5D is accurate for the progression, because its more channels and even a frequency tests for the channels we're on, different groups will reach different eutopias and levels, but be able to interact and work upwards endlessly. The way this works is by overcoming harm to others, overcoming our earth programming and basically its overcoming a planet of war and starvation, in our allegiance basically. Our own family is first in our responsibility and the circles widen with awareness, energy and direction so to speak. We have some good role models, great Teachers, Christ and Budda.

But over that 4D,if you have to see it like this, then its 5D, I guess, one way of putting it. Its not the war realm.
And forgiving, loving unconditionally. This is when George I guess begins to find his sheilding from the negative experiences. That happened with me, when I was in a checkup, and was angry. Unable to free myself from it, because its like an altered state, almost meditative and the way he describes it they work on your will. And when I finally just thought, its not her fault, she is just doing her job, and responded as if in a doctors office being as pleasant as I can to make her day easier, because they don't like causing pain either. That was the breakthough for me. It all turned around in a matter days and never had another experience like that again.

I am going to go one step further in this and say, some of the actual background for this race may be accurate or not, though in my mind, greys are bots, some could be worn as suits. And not all the races that do this are greys. They werent greys for me at that point.

It was if when I accomodated the technician knowing she was doing her job and overcoming the anger enough to be kind and try to make it as pleasant on her as possible. Giving to someone who you didn't really trust even necessarily because your nature would not be to hurt. It was like passing a test.

To me, this wasnt negatives exactly. Mirrors? Something interactive with our level of awareness? I think its very much more almost like a simulated reality with tests, we're sharing with others and at times who knows, private room even.
edit on 26-9-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:43 PM
So you would rather live here in this mundane reality rather than extend into godhood? I think you are psychopathic and narcissistic my friend. I think you are a disinfo agent directly from the elite, trying to get the rest of us to remain here (the only place where your power means anything), because you know the moment we extend into the fourth dimension he escape the binds of spacetime and reach immortality, and then the mortal global elite of this planet will cower in terror as the greater galactic community sends them to their impending doom.

Humanity will be freed from its oppressors! Long live the Andromeda Council!

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by Davian

I'm not sure who you are, but you're not speaking with insight and awarness. That which you speak of is about something else. Its just a story, and it has 4d, a black hole where earth is/destroyer in my books, and a war zone. So be careful what you wish for, frequency and the state of our consciousness, compassion, love is very important. Not harming. No wars.

We're here to overcome that in ourselves, ability to harm, control, walk by those in need, argue with others, this the whole purpose of earth school. Its a mirror and shows us who we are and what we need to overcome. That place spoken of by the andromedan council is not the place this planet is progressing to, but everything is a frequency match. So its really important to overcome that in us, while there is still time.

I'm not sure that this 4D type realm doesnt exist, in fact I think that channel does. I f anything that realm is Star Wars realm with Darth Vader empires and a Abyss jail cell/Destroyer. We're in a duality and thats not the way home. The other group is taking that microphone and promoting it.
edit on 27-9-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:56 PM
There is a lot we can learn from intergalactic civilizations.
Especially ones that have been here many times longer than the civilizations of Earth have.

If anything religion is the ultimate tool of the NWO. What happens when you throw together a bunch of religious radicals? War. What then? The war debt. Who profits off of that? The elite.

You should read the Urantia Book.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 12:08 AM
All these so called...experts...that some of you have posted vids of...are nothing but scam artists with not even a glimer of what the reality is concerning E.T. I especially like to laugh at the connection to religion or supposed higher planes of existence.

And by the way...for whoever posted it...we are already living in a state of 4-D as we have length, width, depth and TIME as a fourth dimention. Our Universe has most likely at least TEN dimentional states as is theorized in M-Theory...there maybe more.

What really tickles me is the cheezy names like ANDROMEDA COUNCIL...LOL! Too Funny!
Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Davian

The codes in the religions true, but the way back home is the very message of Christ. Its a duality, the white and dark squares two hats. You have to choose which one, unconditional love or vengeance and smiting. You can't wear both, though most try to, we're expected to use discernment.

I have tried a few times with Urantia papers.

I'm very much aware how populated the galaxy and universe is, but I'm not from this galaxy inside. I can look at pictures of them and feel and recognize life, some are overwhelming. And have been experiencer of both sides, though not too much harm, was protected in childhood more and then in greater amounts when awareness came.

There is a very strong element here that controls through harming others, and creating harm. Earht is like final exam to many, mature souls here. Its a hard test, to overcome the ability to harm and to ignore the plight of others/apathy, and to force control tactics. To not naturally create eutopia out of the school.

We have family watching over in these tests as well. Some big wake up calls. And we get tested by ET as well.

But the duality side of the controller, paramilitary, co-op, and majestic 12 is not a push towards freedom and enlightenment.

Example of more words that should alert us: betelgeuse and beetlejuice.

Discernment is needed. Its not the war zone we wish to see as our next step. Though lend a helping hand to all who are striving to overcome that realm and find peace, yes. We all need to do this, to have that compassion.

If someone uses discernment and gets pulled into something, its not going to matter if they think something is good, and they're doing what they can to see through the world. They'll still be in a good place, because we're not expected to see everything, its the intent of our hearts that count. So choosing to believe in Andromedan Council if someone is working on seeing through the world , shouldn't change things. Though I'm worried about an attempt to put that destroyer in our minds and have us aid in it making the transition between there and here.

But we need to pay attention too, not all thats being promoted is the real thing, OR, its badly compromised, made to bend over to an agenda. When you're dealing in those circles you probably don't even get a choice in the matter.
edit on 27-9-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Experts? This thread is due to two things being sent by one friend and the first was the andromedan council, which is basically akin to Alex Colliers info. And I agree with you, spent a few days trying to express how much this information did not appeal to me, and that was based on my own experiences, understanding and energy recognition.

However, the one he sent today, is for real. That man I recognize, and will be searching for the where and why's of that in depth. Still watching that video. When you are an experiencer, with energy recognition you are pulled to those people, cases, that you recognize, you find them. Thats all I can say, some won't be able to, but others will. So if someone doesnt see it and has to use their left hemisphere to reason it out, I would understand totally why they couldn't. If anything this is more of a challenge to expereincers to search inside and make comparisons and use their feeling.

There is no expectation for someone who cant do that, how would they be able to? Of course they can't. Even several years ago might not have been able to myself, because that took something crumpling in me to do it.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Experts? This thread is due to two things being sent by one friend and the first was the andromedan council, which is basically akin to Alex Colliers info. And I agree with you, spent a few days trying to express how much this information did not appeal to me, and that was based on my own experiences, understanding and energy recognition.

However, the one he sent today, is for real. That man I recognize, and will be searching for the where and why's of that in depth. Still watching that video. When you are an experiencer, with energy recognition you are pulled to those people, cases, that you recognize, you find them. Thats all I can say, some won't be able to, but others will. So if someone doesnt see it and has to use their left hemisphere to reason it out, I would understand totally why they couldn't. If anything this is more of a challenge to expereincers to search inside and make comparisons and use their feeling.

There is no expectation for someone who cant do that, how would they be able to? Of course they can't. Even several years ago might not have been able to myself, because that took something crumpling in me to do it.

I will not debate whether or not an individual is a sensitive or posses any form of extrasensory perception. What I will debate is the complete fiction and absolute nonsence that groups such as these spout about E.T.

There are a very small number of people of psycic abilities and the people that ACTUALLY HAVE THESE ABILITIES are the least likely to be creating videos or groups. The people of REAL ability are introverted and quiet by nature as what they can do is a deeply personal thing.

Any of the Snake Oil salesman seen here have no ability whatsoever. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:12 AM
Some of George's information sent up alarms, for example I take it he's not Christian, even in his own unique way. To me whether you see that example as metaphor, real or both real and metaphor, its the heart of the message that counts, serving others, seeing through the world, forgiving, peace, striving for that within us. Then the Orion wars, well that part is very much like the Andromeda Council info, there is probably this epoch of knowlege within us, not sure what realms we all came from, but we don't want to go back to those realms, if we were there at any point, and they are interacting. And then wow, just clinched it all again speaking a bit on this inspiration. Kerry is saying how he is being inspired. Mild understatement.

He can barely keep his feet on the ground, he is being pulled along that river, pushed inside. The water is flowing and its swift, the speed of the energy and downloads to try and share or reach. Wherever he's going to be headed, he's in the Force, and guided, almost hyper with it at times.

Then, talks of being in contact or connection with his Greater Self/Higher Self, or even one could expanded self, your spirit, but in connection with more Progressed Higher Self. The force is moving through him that moves through me, though he is probably remembers many more experiences in greater clarity and detail.

There are ways to reach more into your knowing and right hemisphere. I recommend prayer alot, but feel its more important to be universal and inclusive of all rather than religous just, the tools are varied. I've never met a skeptic yet that has tried these out. I wish they would, would love to see if there are any results. Just that natural curiosity. But others too. A lot of my earlier threads were on tools to wake up with, connect with. So tomorrow hope to add them because you have To Feel Through Info,and everyone has some of this information in them.

I don't even know with the first link and Andromeda part how much fits their agendas, how much is real info on that realm. Just don't recognize that realm, and alarms went off on the markers that speak of the opposite duality.

They claim that there will be Ets amongst us, just walking up on the street to chat about issues. Be on guard, if that were beyond human and black op, then there would be an energy that influence you. So its the subjects they bring up, its all in the details really, if there is no recognition of the energy. So tomorrow will try to put some of those markers down too. For example, money. But that could be twisted around too. There is a way to live, with our without money that is equalizing to others, an inverted pryamid structure. And then theres the pyramid. The Power of Love versus the Love of Power.
edit on 27-9-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

I stopped reading when you mentioned Lou Baldin/Sleeper.

I guess it makes people feel better to apply all sorts of "new age" aspects to the ufo phenomenon.

Personally you would be better off going to church if you want to believe in magical beings with magical powers that are also after our souls.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 11:09 AM
Right now I'm takign notes on George's video, so only just over half way through. Was up until 2 30 doing this, and this terrible storm, it was roaring outside. The sunspot activity is what we are going to have some trouble from?

I recognize his energy and some of what he is saying, it stirred some memories. For example, I've always remembered shooting into my mothers womb, like a ray of light or a shooting star, since early childhood. Not through earth's core. In meditaitons, for the grounding parts, reaching into cyrstals down below for example, I cannot do that at all. He did say the process was different for souls, but so far, no one has brought up mine, I wish he had since he did stir things in me never thought of recalling. Its like stepping into here from another universe. This is something we have to do, to make it real, the Light construct and body, to make choices within, and to help. But this is not my home or where I feel comfortable at all. Too much harshness, also always seemed to recognize the souls here. So that is a part of this. I'm going to be searching for more as walls are cracking inside.

Not sure I endorse what he says about religions beause while I don't approve of the dark squares in them, its intent of heart. communion really is bread and wine. If you havnt attended a ritual sacrifice and eaten someones body, and your intent is not to do that, it would not matter if the wolves in sheep clothing tried to make this your paradigm. When people go to communion, from my own experience, they are seeing themselves caught up in the arms of the Highest Love and Goodness, not in the holgoraphic bread and wine. To try and plant seeds to turn their good intentions around isn't right to me. Its not needed. Love is what is needed.

The other things, well he can say what he wants, but is he a mason then?

However, we do not graduate from this school by being the most evil and the most loving. We dont' walk the paths all equally. This school is about choices. The one path, harming others is so very painful to boht the victim and to the one doing it, for they are harming self in a serious way. To say what was said can be misleading to another, someone who is borderline, needing Light shone, or a helping hand, it could tip them the wrong way. And it makes me worried about a soul I recognize, as if, well did he get roped into that mystery school dualistic gnosticism where right and wrong are illusioins and you need to balance and where both hats?

We need to pray for people to be strengthened and choose right in the world. Not to make train wrecks of their lives and others.

Yet some of it is in error too, it could lead someone into making the wrong decision. Not sure why he came to that conclusion, there are a lot of traps here: law of one, HH message, channeled works, mystery school gnostic beliefs.

I just want him to hold firm to the Love and know this, Love never harms. Ever. Thats what we're trying to weed out of ourselves, the ability to harm.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:18 PM
Do people put out this foolish and absurd Andromeda council rubbish just to make us all look stupid? Because that is the only thing it accomplishes (that and it lets us know who has a head on their shoulders around here and whose brains have fallen out when they titled their head too much).

Yeah yeah, I know...just ignore the thread if you don't like it, mainlinethis. No, I will not. This is a board where every opinion can and should be expressed and weighed in on. If you want crazy, there are plenty of boards out there where moronic stuff like this gets seriously discussed by nothing more than tin foil hat wearing like minded believers.

Oh how I long for the day when I can log into ATS and, for once, not be embarrassed by what I see people foolishly posting. And then everyone being scared to even point out the fact that it is complete and utter rubbish because we are all told we have to be politically correct and "open minded" in order to participate around here. Another embarrassing, sad day here I say.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:44 PM
So far, I can't endorse either but George has energy signatures and activated some memories. Official ufolgy is groomed, though can some grooming be from the experiences? The Orion signature is noted.

He is speaking his truth and one thing he talks about the sword of truth. Kerry even said, Yeshua had a sword and said, I come not to make peace but discord, that is often misunderstood. The sword is that which cuts through the distortions and spins, and gets the truth.

In the end, it won't matter what the truth feels like within because it will prevail and nothing will halt the progression of this planet. So there are interesting points in this and ones that slant the understanding of the school to a mystery school one, to duality as being both sides needed as in incorporated into our paths, and some odd ideas on Christ and Mary Magdelene straight out illuminati ideologies. So, its odd really.

He's right about 4D, its not where we're going, and in some ways we're already apart of this. The Andromedan Council is trying to send people off to there, hook, line and sinker, so this information has more truth in it than the Andromedan, but one still needs to avoid the hooks, oddly enough.

So if someone where to publish their story, and speak up more publically, and it was different than the popular new age and this other mystery school combo information, who would show up at your door? Do they automatically send out groomers? Just curious, I'll speak up my truth just fine, but always had this feeling we were supposed to stay under the radar for a reason.

He talks about 6000 years ago and a war that was much older. But the moon is different. The "positive" races involved that apparently lost this war were from, Pleiades, Sirius, and Orion. Well our pyramids in Egypt and Mayan ones too point to Sirus B and Orion, and the Terra Papers talk about the 2 ple'o'sha'n brothers fighting, enki/enlil.

Earth is surrounded by rather negative areas, we're kind of in a bad location, and near the access point from other systems, so if renegades were driven out of andromeda galaxy say, for example, they could have come here.
edit on 27-9-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Davian
There is a lot we can learn from intergalactic civilizations.
Especially ones that have been here many times longer than the civilizations of Earth have.

If anything religion is the ultimate tool of the NWO. What happens when you throw together a bunch of religious radicals? War. What then? The war debt. Who profits off of that? The elite.

You should read the Urantia Book.

if you were not prejudice and looked at the world objectively you would realize it is the world banking system that is the ultimate tool not religion. the motivation debt gives to people to remain enslaved is greater than any religion or any political ideology.

if you got rid of religion they would find something aliens or something related to that... grow up the whole blame religion for everything deal is old. really old. it makes people squabble like children.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:32 PM

All I know is this:

K-Index=over 8/9

Iran planning to send ships near U.S. waters

In addition we saw Chinese subs off the coast. Kind of Gives the Red Dragon from Revaltions a new name.

SO, what do you bet that the US ptb are waiting for this huge storm to knock the power out, they've stopped funding their Gov and Fema and have IRAN/CHINA off the coast?

I noticed a code in this last video:

----Its kind of like its rising to the surface, we've got all these things around us but, do we have the eyes to see? Its about awareness again, because what I see going on around me is different that what other people see going around them, even my closets friends don't see what I see. ….

the divisions he said needed to happen, that we allowed this era to plunge down and the last little bit of the feminine hold needed to plunge down, (what a joke!) bottom out and come back up....

so for me what is happening now is, the feminine is rising, she is coming to the fore, she is reclaiming her sovereignity over this domain. She is starting to shake, rattle and rolling, saying everybody “Hey I'm coming Back!” I'm now starting to flex my muscle, you know, whatever you want to call it...its that Feminine Power that is saying, this is My Body! You've forgotten, you're all visitors here. This is actually my body, you know. And its time you woke up,and if you're not going to wake up, and if you want to continue to play these games, I've facillitated your games long enough, its now time for you to leave. Only those who are going to resonate with my heart and my intended journey can stay.

Any other energetic vibrational pattern will be forced out. Anybody who has any differing energetic pattern to my heart and my intended outcome will find this reality very detrimental to their state of well being OK.

Thats reality. Thats the message that I get from Mother Earth to share with everybody. Its that, I'm Changing, so you either get with the program, you either become, resynchronize your energies with me, awaken, and re-connect with me, and come along this journey with me or you leave.

I read between the lines very well. The Sacred Feminine IS NOT BAREFOOT IN THE KITCHEN! Savvy?

I was wondering what Kerry was going on about how it didnt matter what people wore, how that was all irrelevant as if she knew something we didn't. I always connect dots, am led to.

Odd that I recognized him too. Still find that very very odd. Must have been for a reason. CODE.
edit on 27-9-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 10:55 AM
Thinking deeply on this, makes me realize, every person here, even those on assignments, just needs a lot of undonditional love sent to them. There are black ops, and many who seem to be expressing real ET contact, some of what Alex Colllier says, and some of what is presented by Exopolitics is real. But there is an agenda.

Its similar to Steven Greer, and whatever he's working at, I question it a lot, while at the same time, there are videos he put out, Orion Tones and orbs at Mount Shasta that I recognize the energy in. He has experienced legitimate contact.

We all have, every human on this planet, though our memories are often blocked, and for those memories we do get, its like a cover of the report, an altered memory, whatever is wanted to be put out.

There is a duality, with infinite spectrum between those two points, and out of the thousands of possible ETs, ie in every expression of that word, from Past/Present/Future, beings, corporal and spirit that have inhabited this area always, (there is no time), to corporal from a variety of space "time"/density channels, to entities. Time is a program in our heads, and relates to your planet and its "orbit" around a said star. So we're only going to see a limited range of whats out there with Hubble, (though it does pick up more than our minds are programmed in the UV range, and cameras do have more 4D sensing than we do), basically our so called 3D, time/frequency universe. But its like an infinite collage with layers.

George, added some things that would give it the mystery school understandings, and slant, and there seemed more than ufology being discussed, but he has so much information in his video, and its interesting. Because as an experiencer it has those markers. I also think there are these two forces here, Terra Papers describe them as the two brothers, that are at odds, and have been for ages. Who knows what is going on.

But I really liked his energy, and think he's a good guy anyway, no matter what he has to go through to get some of his points out.

So I guess, its searching for answers but avoiding the traps. A duality that you think means you do dark things, as if both are equal. They are not. The CHOICE only is needed to progress as we need to make this real, but both journeys are far from equal. Anytime we harm another we harm self. And the realms where this occurs are deep pits of despair, and Love/Light needs to shine as much as it can muster, this away, and encourage the hope, faith, kindness, and that problems have loving, good compassionate answers.

Believing in Goodness/Love, having Faith (and this is actually the natural outcome for those who think deeply on life, the universe, why they're here), seeking within, working through all the distractions and those things that block the SUN shining through us, the Light within us shining out, and the Love within us. For the sun is a good parent to the solar system, and we're Sunlight and need to be warm loving rays.

Love/Light, Peace, and Happiness. Its time to really give thanks for the good things in this world, and work to overcome inequality and harm, to both humanity and this planet.

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