posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by Quantum Logic
Sounds like we are about 10 or 20 miles south of you, also off I-55. I don't know if this helps (because I'm not sure of the date and time
exactly), but sometime around that date and I believe around the same time of day, my wife and I heard something like a low (but strong) rumbling
vibration. We did not feel anything shaking, just heard the sound. We both were reminded of all the strange sounds people are hearing, as we both
read ATS.
It was not trucks as near as we could tell. We are used to that, and they sound different. It was more constant than the Kiev sound, though somewhat
reminiscent of it. We thought maybe there was heavy equipment doing something nearby, but checked and could not find anything that would be making
the sound anywhere near us.
If it comes back, we'll try to note the date and time the next time.