posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:12 PM
You want us to watch this trash? Gladly!
0:58 Penn declares that anyone that believes 9/11 was either known in advance, or staged by the government/elite is an "!$@hole"
1:24 Penn says "BS" about the same thing (score: Slander 2, Evidence 0)
1:33 "we shouldn't just make !@#$ up" Slander 3, Evidence 0
1:39 "We hate showing the 9-11 footage, we should never have to see this again" Hmm I wonder why?
1:42 "it's important to nip this BS paranoid fantasy" Wow 3 back to back! Slander 6, Evidence 0
1:52 "9/11 conspiracies are BS" Slander 7, Evidence 0
3:00 "software developer, and developer of one of the softest piles of steaming BS in the history of paranoia" Slander 9, Evidence 0 Oh and by the
way Penn, if you are a genuine skeptic of 9/11 "conspiracy" theories, why did you bring someone on to take this position who, by your own statement,
has one of the "softest piles", i.e. weakest arguments to present?
3:12 "If you ever see anyone carrying (this 9/11 truther book), push them down a flight of stairs" -- this goes beyond slander, into actually being
a criminally-actionable request to the public to harm others. Slander 10, Evidence 0
3:30 Disingenuous rewording of an argument to make it look foolish. Slander 11, Evidence 0
3:58 More slander w/ swearing. I also count the choice to present this poorly-spoken man as representing the truthers, rather than someone
well-spoken and presenting clear evidence, as more slander. Slander 13, Evidence 0
4:00 Mr. Fireman finds it "absolutely unbelievable" that the government would do something so evil. Good for you Mr. Fireman. Your disbelief is
not evidence, actually your "disbelief" is the same thing Penn complains about. Bring some evidence next time.
4:14 Penn: "And then there's this a-hole" Slander 14, Evidence 0
4:15 Hand-picked "truther" with overtly limp-wrists and effeminate mannerisms. Again, clearly this guy was picked to be presented in order to
unwittingly slander the truthers. This is also, in fact, homophobia on the part of Penn. Slander 15, Evidence 0
4:28 "Little Jimmy" Slander 16, Evidence 0
4:35 "I bet he inherited the money to take out his truther ad" Slander 17, Evidence 0
5:02 "Little Jimmy Walter World" Slander 18, Evidence 0
5:16 Penn: "!@#$ YOU, !@$# UP" as response to truther's statement: Slander 20, Evidence 0
6:03 "What makes conspiracy theorists different is that they put facts together but they are tinged with paranoia" Oh ok. So on the one hand you
yourself applied the label "conspiracy theorist" to people presenting 9/11 evidence you disagree with. Then, you define all conspiracy theorists as
being "tinged with paranoia", knowing that many are. Guilt by forced association and definition. Very clever slander there, kudos. Slander 21,
Evidence 0.
6:16 Let's now show the ridiculous helmet, car, chicken dance and sound effects from this "truther". Nope no slander there. Slander 22, Evidence
6:30 This guy is a FIRE chief and FIRE expert and writes for FIRE magazine. Fallacy, appeal to authority.
6:36 "There's no evidence of explosives or bombs" -- you're right, in terms of the fact that you, the media, create reality. And inside that
created reality, there is nothing that you don't want to be there. In the real reality, where I live, if you want to make the statement that there
are no explosives or bombs, you would have to actually bother interviewing the many hundreds of people who did say there were explosions, address
their arguments and then disprove their claims.
7:15 "office furniture, hydrocarbons etc burned for a sustained period of time, weakened the steel trusses etc" say the experts. I'd really like
to be fair and count this in the evidence column, except for the fact that nowhere did you address the melting point of steel, nowhere did you present
any experiment or mockup of the towers with jet fuel and the hydrocarbons that you purport to have caused this, to demonstrate that indeed, the fire
at the temperatures possible and with the weight load it would have had to deal with, would or could have caused the collapse of the towers. Nor can
you, in lieu of scientific proof, even point to one other example in history where this type of collapse and pulverization of a steel-framed building
has happened. Thus, it is not evidence, but an unverified and unsubstantiated claim.
7:25 "2800 people died" buhu "and that's something we should never forget" -- fallacy, appeal to emotion
7:35 "But to conspiracy nuts, death and suffering are just entertainment. They (whack??) to tragedy!" Slander 25, Evidence 0
7:45 Montage of the worst-spoken and most ridiculous-sounding bits of the same 2 "truthers" Slander 26, Evidence 0
8:05 "Proffering conspiracy theories...are an insult" Slander 27, Evidence 0
8:15 "Ideas with no basis in fact" Slander 28, Evidence 0
8:25 "Truthers don't have evidence, they just want to make sense of it." Slander 29, Evidence 0
8:55 "Conspiracy nuts"
FINAL SCORE: Slander 30, Evidence 0