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Republican: the party of ignorance and greed?

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posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 11:18 PM
Here is Ron Paul speaking on the real compassion and heart of true Liberty and Freedom for every individual.


posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by spiritualzombie
If you aren't smart enough to know that dems are as bad as republicans..then brother you might want to move back to sheep land and go back to sleep.Do you REALLY believe that???

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by spiritualzombie

I am tempted to defend them for the sake of argument but I don't want to play devils advocate. Compare number of Democrats turned Independent to Republicans turned Independant and you will see they are not independant at all. You can't leave the corporate club. They must be in lockstep with their party or they are ruined. Nazi much? This was an interesting thread posted here not too long ago by inforeal - "GOP Defector Spills the Beans" Ex GOP aide admits Republicans are much worst than Democrats

Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult

Both parties are rotten - how could they not be, given the complete infestation of the political system by corporate money on a scale that now requires a presidential candidate to raise upwards of a billion dollars to be competitive in the general election? Both parties are captives to corporate loot. The main reason the Democrats' health care bill will be a budget buster once it fully phases in is the Democrats' rank capitulation to corporate interests - no single-payer system, in order to mollify the insurers; and no negotiation of drug prices, a craven surrender to Big Pharma. But both parties are not rotten in quite the same way.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Good hell, another Evil republican thread?

Yep, all Republicans and Conservatives are Satan's Spawns.
All want to kill brown people, make grandma eat out of the neighbors garbage cans, give babies M16s and chant "USA USA USA" at NASCAR events.

How original...

That was fast. I thought it might take a few posts before an ATS republican came in and helped the OP.

Republican: the party of ignorance and greed?

Yep, all Republicans and Conservatives are Satan's Spawns.

The plural of "spawn" is "spawn."
"Spawns" is a present tense action verb.

Yeah I know it may seem petty but when someone posts something calling a group ignorant it is usually best not to be the first person of that group to rush back and respond with actual ignorance.

The OP never said anything about babies and guns either but that would be nitpicky.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by FallenWun

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Good hell, another Evil republican thread?

Yep, all Republicans and Conservatives are Satan's Spawns.
All want to kill brown people, make grandma eat out of the neighbors garbage cans, give babies M16s and chant "USA USA USA" at NASCAR events.

How original...

That was fast. I thought it might take a few posts before an ATS republican came in and helped the OP.

Republican: the party of ignorance and greed?

Yep, all Republicans and Conservatives are Satan's Spawns.

The plural of "spawn" is "spawn."
"Spawns" is a present tense action verb.

Not like Shrimps or Fishs

I think it is like Prawns not shrimps, those are different.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by neo96
yes indeed lets talk about ignorance and greed like:

throwing billions upon billions of dollars at the educational system of america that produce nothing but ignorance

Let's talk about that ignorance right there.
We used to have a top notch education system. What happened to it?
You seem to blame Democrats for spending money on a failing system. So the Democrats throw money at it.
Do you honestly believe the CAUSE of the failure is too much money?
What has the other party been up to?
Firing teachers.
Cutting funding for schools and related after school programs.
Trying to insert imaginary friends into Science books.
No Child Left Behind.
Tell me the problem is too much money so we can really discuss ignorance.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by neo96

Well , at least the Commies Still Love him for those things.....(Roll Eyes) .......

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by FallenWun

we have been trying it the democats way since 1970 really since 1935

since the creation of the department of education whats happened?

the people are poorer and not that bright

whose in control of this country not the people who think like me

the ones who think like you

hey and guess what?

that aint working out.
edit on 25-9-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by neo96

The Liberal Motto ............" If it ain't Broke , Fix It . " ................

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Zanti Misfit

if its broke break it worse

for the 21st century

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by neo96

Obamas Motto for 2012 .........." I Never met a Sucker I didn't Like " .............

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:35 AM
Calling Repbulicans ignorant for denying global warming is much like how in the old world they called those that believed the earth wasn't flat ignorant.

I once voted Democrat soley because I was a union shop steward and was told it was my responsibility to vote D across the board no matter what.

Once separated from the Union, I voted Republican because they as-a-whole represented what I believed in; less government, less entitlements to be taken advantage of, more perks for business since they keep our economy alive, etc..

Now I vote for the person regardless of party. Odds are that I will lean toward Republican of course, but that doesn't preclude me from voting for Democrat or Independent.

And for the record, if by chance I vote Democrat, it certainly doesn't mean I am liberal, for I believe that ideal to be the most dangerous weapon a government can be armed with.

Please stop these bashing threads, and instead try to create positive ones with reasons why people should follow your party or candidate hopefuls. Or at least give your reasons why the other party is wrong instead of resorting to the typical name calling and broad generalizations of an entire group of people.

BTW, Ron Paul 2012 regardless of the ticket because I am voting for him and not his party.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by primus2012

I often Wondered how Union Members REALLY Felt about who they would decide to Vote for if Actually Given the Free Choice they have to Begin With in this FREE Country............Hmm........

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by FallenWun

we have been trying it the democats way since 1970 really since 1935

You have? What is a "democat" and where can I read about how they have been running everything their way for the last 80 years?

since the creation of the department of education whats happened?

Are you suggesting are schools started trending downward the moment the department of education was created? I would love to see something on that.
Do any of you know what a fact is and how to back one up?

the people are poorer and not that bright

whose in control of this country not the people who think like me

the ones who think like you

hey and guess what?

that aint working out.
edit on 25-9-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

Well English seems to be an issue for you. Is it not your first language? You are here to prove Republicans are not ignorant right? Did you and I both attend school in the same country because I learned how to write above a 3rd grade level. What happened with you? Democats?

By the way, thank you both for the laughs. I almost feel sorry for the fact that neither of you understood the thread title or OP but I love what you did in support of it.
edit on 25-9-2011 by FallenWun because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Sure I want a healthier, cleaner planet, I just don't advocate scams disguised as saving the planet but which are really the Bilderberg plan for a Global Tax. If you don't believe me, it's been talked about already by Richard Trumpka and his European socialist friends. The anthropogenic global warming theory is faulty and even the IPCC used data from scientists who subsequently did not want to be associated with it. The hockey stick graph was also a misrepresentation. One can research the UN Agenda 21 and the Club of Rome behind this environmentalism to find the truth that the Elite are using it to launch their One World Totalitarian govt.
After we moved into a cooling trend, the Gore climateers had to change the name to Climate Change to accomodate the theory. So what we get is "the more it warms the more extremes we get". Yah way to wiggle around that one.
Then there's the World Heritage Foundation, which is in the business of seizing as much land as it can and turning it into World Hertiage sites keeping people out.
Here is a site discussing Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park was designated a United Nations World Heritage Area in 1978. In the original request for designation as a World Heritage site, a buffer zone made up of the six surrounding National Forests was proposed. Part of this buffer zone was established in 1978 with the designation of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness area to the north and east of the Park. However, this designation excluded a mining area near the North border of Yellowstone, as a result of the U.S. Geological Survey's prediction of future mineral development. Part of this excluded region had already been mined.
I suspect that at least a part of this is to claim importnat gold mines in the area for the UN One World Govt. and the rest of it goes according to the UN Ugenda 21 plans to ration resources to all humans( the ones who are left after depopulation down to about 500,000).
Also, this site discusses a "smart grid"

It's pretty freaky stuff.
People need to pay attention instead of falling for all this nonsense the Elite keep pumping into the media.

edit on 25-9-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by FallenWun

Since the Inception of the Federal Department of Education , I think their Record speaks for Themselves . Education in America has Suffered Greatly , do you not see this ? .Hmm.........

edit on 25-9-2011 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by Zanti Misfit
reply to post by FallenWun

Since the Inception of the Federal Department of Education , I think their Record speaks for Themselves .

You guys are killing me.
Either their RECORD speaks for ITSELF or their recordS speak for themselves and the latter is still not proper.

Anyway. Neo just said that exact same thing. I did not ask anyone to repeat it, I asked him to supply some facts to go with it.

Education in America has Suffered Greatly , do you not see this ? .Hmm.........

edit on 25-9-2011 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

Oh I see it. I see it all over this page. I am curious how I learned how to write complete sentences though.

Nice that you caught that one in time to edit it.
I am loving this thread title and the subsequent posts.
edit on 25-9-2011 by FallenWun because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:46 AM
Both parties bathe themselves in ignorance and greed.

Americans are embarrassingly ignorant, and we are getting what we deserve by flocking to these shame political parties, and allowing the controlled media to dictate public discourse and decide our opinions.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by FallenWun

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by FallenWun

Are you suggesting are schools started trending downward the moment the department of education was created?

Well English seems to be an issue for you. Is it not your first language? You are here to prove Republicans are

I don't normally get involved with these childish tactics, but the door is soooooo wide open.
"are schools"? C'mon, you're trying to bash someone's English skills...get it right.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by FallenWun

my english is fine i just choose to annoy people because they think they are so smarter than anyone else.

not even close.

and yes the decline of america began with carters department of education guarantee probably didnt even know who started it.

and the decline of america began with every liberal policy championed today

never before in the history of this country has the american public been more ignorant and more broke

try as they might that aint all on the republicans gurantee without those republicans this country would be a hell of alot else worse off

sorry have better things to do hey but whatever hells you sleep at night.

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