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Republican: the party of ignorance and greed?

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posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Good hell, another Evil republican thread?

Yep, all Republicans and Conservatives are Satan's Spawns.
All want to kill brown people, make grandma eat out of the neighbors garbage cans, give babies M16s and chant "USA USA USA" at NASCAR events.

How original...

I can't believe all the hate coming from the op! I certainly hope he/she doesn't have children! What a travesty that would be....

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by FallenWun

Your use of semantical arguments distracts from the central premise of an idea. I merely made a suggestion of what ignorance was, and you determined something else from what I said. I really don't care, since it is not central to the premise that you cannot class half of America as ignorant because they are Republican. It is a foolhardy argument and simply a falsehood.

You may have pretended at delineating a difference between stupidity and ignorance, but all your arguments suggest that you really mean stupidity. In the end, what difference does it make when you insult all Republicans over the liberal premise that Republicans are almost all (ignorant) Christians who don't believe in science.
I don't happen to subscribe to the idea that the earth is only 6000 years old, so there's an immediate refuation that all Christians must necessarily subscribe to that idea and don't believe in science. I do however understand that scientific humanism has replaced traditional religion and is taught in the schools. I do know that humanists considered humanism to be a religion till they were challenged in a court of law, after which they proclaimed themselves not a religion so they could continue to teach their philosophy in schools without the separation of church and state problem.
I do know that Darwin believed in the Malthusian economics of the day when he came up with his "On The Origin of Species work".
edit on 25-9-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by spiritualzombie

No, it was not created by Dems to save the planet.

It was created to make this guy wealthy and powerful.

In the pursuit of denying ignorance as well as debunking the claim the the right wholly embraces ignorance, can you back up your claim that global warming was made up just to make Al Gore rich?

The above is an example of an honest question with no insults. I might just have a heart attack if I actually get an answer or response that is not some dismissive insult.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:25 PM
People, we can never come together and defeat the "evil empire" if we can't even get through an Internet post without tearing each others throat out. Good God, do you all really believe that it is that black and white? Do you really put labels on people like that?

What is the difference between labeling a person of color based on race and labeling an entire group of people based on their political affiliation? Did it ever cross your mind that we choose a party because they happen to be closest to our own beliefs? Did it ever cross your mind that a conservative could be pro-choice?

Are you aware that the majority of abortions are by minority women yet the democrats are supposedly the party of "choice"? Now, if conservatives were all about "choice" they would be labeled racists and be accused of genocide and don't tell me they wouldn't. How do you reconcile pulling up beside a huge-ass SUV only to see an Obama sticker on it? Or a Toyota Prius with a "Support Our Troops" magnetic ribbon on it?

It's not that simple and those of you who choose to blindly label people in that way are pathetic. Ever seen a gay conservative couple? I have. Oh no! That can't be! Something isn't right! Now, doesn't that just sound dumb and ignorant? I posted an earlier reply to this thread and didn't even get a star. You people don't even WANT to listen to reason. You are literally addicted to rife, conflict and misery. At some point you and I may need to stand shoulder to shoulder and defend our Constitution and our families. How could that be possible when you throw around labels like pinning the tail on the donkey? Oh, and the Left, the party of compassion and inclusion, labeling all republicans as greedy and ignorant. That's rich. I guess the whole "tolerance" thing only applies to other liberals.

And those of you, (you know who you are, as do the rest of the Internet population) who feel the need to reply to almost every single post; really? What mindset or psychosis would compel somebody to do that? Who actually thinks they have such a level of authority that they need to set the world straight on everything they say? This thread wasn't even a "discussion", it was a pissing match that could not be won. The ego takes control and refuses to give in. It's no longer about what is right but rather being right. You can never move beyond pointless bickering until you can check your ego at the door.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Thank you sky.

I pointed out the distinction between the two earlier. Some people just don't want to hear it or learn from anyone other than themselves.

It's not the ideals of our republic that are broken. It's the perversion of the founding vision that has lead us here.

Even still bickering amongst ourselves fixes nothing.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by FallenWun

And a good grief to you as well.

But, thanks for the grammar lesson.

I am sorry you missed the point. In any other thread it would not have been an issue but when the first response in a thread about ignorance is both a refutation of said claim as well as a demonstration of it you only serve to back up the OP.

And my reply was to show just how ridiculous the OP is, by overstating the issue.

Oh uh ok then. Great job

This is the party that has spent the last 10 years bashing higher education.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by FallenWun

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by spiritualzombie

No, it was not created by Dems to save the planet.

It was created to make this guy wealthy and powerful.

In the pursuit of denying ignorance as well as debunking the claim the the right wholly embraces ignorance, can you back up your claim that global warming was made up just to make Al Gore rich?

The above is an example of an honest question with no insults. I might just have a heart attack if I actually get an answer or response that is not some dismissive insult.

Well Al Gore, the quintessential Progressive Democrat, started the carbon credit trading company that made him quite wealthy. Yes it did make him rich. He did use those faulty hockey stick graphs, and he did make a documentary that was not completely accurate. There are many dissenting scientists, it is not a consensus as the IPCC at the UN tried to claim. Some scientists have come out and said their work was portrayed in a way they didn't intend.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by FallenWun

This is the party that has spent the last 10 years bashing higher education.

Would you mind bringing some citations or proof of this? Perhaps you are creating a myth by confusing the opposition to the Progressive agenda in higher education with an opposition of higher education altogether. See you can be caught in your own semantic lies.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by FallenWun

Further more, again, your crystal ball is broken as your assumption that I am a republican is wrong. Again.

You push their agendas.
You repeat their talking points.
You defend their politicians and their policies.
Yet you are not one of them.
I guess I am pretty ignorant as to why anyone would press so hard for a group they refuse to claim allegiance to. I guess that explains how there seem to be no Republicans on the planet that voted for Bush anymore.

I am not sure if any of you got this yet but so far the OP's point is being made quite well for him.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by axslinger

You certainly have not made friends with me by making a diagnosis over the Internet of people in a heated debate having psychosis because of an unwillingness to cave to an onslaught of aggressive opposition.
Whining about posts being off topic or saying continually to deny ignorance is not an acceptable position for a genuine debate.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by FallenWun

In the pursuit of denying ignorance

Don't you ever get sick of that mantra? Please, could you bring something else to the table here? It is not enough to go about saying deny ignorance.
I want you to tell me with citations that values clarification is not a Progressive agenda, as a refutation of my premise. I have told you why it is Progressive and what it's purpose is, now you could come up with a genuiine argument refuting that position, instead of just saying that conservatives don't believe in science.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by FallenWun

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by spiritualzombie

No, it was not created by Dems to save the planet.

It was created to make this guy wealthy and powerful.

In the pursuit of denying ignorance as well as debunking the claim the the right wholly embraces ignorance, can you back up your claim that global warming was made up just to make Al Gore rich?

The above is an example of an honest question with no insults. I might just have a heart attack if I actually get an answer or response that is not some dismissive insult.

Dear Leader probably wanted to be the first to try the carbon tax but looks like Australia beat him to it.

Reuters) - Australia unveiled its most sweeping economic reform in decades on Sunday with a plan to tax carbon emissions from the nation's worst polluters, reviving hopes of stronger global climate action with the largest emissions trade scheme outside Europe.

It is clearly an International scam, and promoted locally by Democrats. The real plan emerged from the Bilderbergs and the Club of Rome and the UN.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:00 PM
Both sides are bought and paid for by big business lobby money. Just look at medicare part D "Bush" and healthcare reform "Obama". Both programs that have benefited large healthcare companies at the taxpayers expense. Sorry to burst your bubble but when your talking about evil repubs, there just the flipside to the same coin as the evil dems.
To both scumbag filled parties in my opinion.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:04 PM
There are billionaire democrats in Washington D.C. also.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

impact of humans
When Europeans first came to the Americas, you could drink from every river and lake. Today you can't drink from any river or lake. This can't be blamed on Republican or Democrat as our society is at fault, but humans have a huge impact on our environment, this is easy to see unless you happen to be a republican. Humans are also indoctrinated into believing in falsehoods, we see and experience this everyday. The belief that global warming caused by human interaction could not happen is a belief held by most republicans. The conservative religious side of the republican party believe we are in the end times, so pollution doesn't matter because we are at the end of the world anyway.

mankind's struggle for survival
We have invaded several countries on false pretenses. These are clearly resource based wars in a effort to continue our American way of life. This American way of life includes less than 5% of the worlds population consuming nearly 25% of all the worlds resources. The republican mindset on this is that we are a good and just people and somehow deserve this lifestyle, while we destroy cultures that have existed for in some cases thousands of years. We attack and kill and take what we think we deserve, instead of research and fund new technologies that would avoid worldwide conflict. This is a trend in American history.

love of diversity
Republican's are anti immigration (Latinos) anti homosexual, and anti poor. I have not seen any evidence that republicans have a love of diversity, as it seems the party line is if your not like us then go away. It's interesting that I have never heard of a democratic white supremacists group, they are all right wing and republican. It's my opinion that entitlements are the new n-word.

poor have benefited
I'm reminded of the movie Robin Hood Men in Tights when they would give to the poor a man would punch each person in the face, when Robin asked if it was necessary, the guys responded yes sir it is. The republicans only love the poor because they are the ones to fight there wars of aggression. The last thing the republicans did for the poor was to give tax breaks for the wealthy, they said it would create jobs. Republicans don't care about the poor or they wouldn't have issues about feeding the hungry or housing the homeless. I would love to see any evidence that Republicans have done anything for the poor. It's easy to post what they have done for the wealthy.

hatred and fear
Would republicans vote for a Latino, or a Black man, or some one different from them like a homosexual? A republican president and a republican congress was in control the last time this nation was attacked. They used that attack to change this country from a free society to a fear based society. Republicans gave us the department of homeland security and added the "your with us or against us" mentality. You can't even take pictures of your family at airports or train stations thanks to this fear. We are more like Nazi Germany with check points and show us your papers.

Because of republican leadership you are less free in this society than you were 11 years ago. You can be charged and imprisoned for life without trial, you can be tortured, and your property can be taken from you by law. Because of the republican appointments to the supreme court, the police now are the focus of safety. Policemen and women know its a dangerous job when they sign up for it, but now they are often the judge jury and executioner on the streets. Republicans and there zero tolerance society does not make a free society.

Political correctness is not freedom, what the republicans have done in the last decade is not freedom nor is it beneficial to our society. All you have to do is look around and see the damage done.

edit on 25-9-2011 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2011 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:28 PM
The OP asked some very specific questions that apply to the Republican platform. Why don't people respond to these, rather than vague statements of corruption on both sides. Yes, both sides are corrupt. But that does not explain why the Republican platform has the ideas that it has. When 90+% of scientists agree that global warming is real and man-made and dangerous, why do Republicans only listen to the rhetoric spun by the oil companies, rather than those who are honestly trying to do their jobs and are most qualified to do so?

The one thing that gets me is that those rich, undertaxed people that the Republicans support have gotten rich by off-shoring our jobs and laying off possibly overpaid U.S. citizens. To me, what has been happening is obvious, so why support those people? Why don't you understand that the trickle down theory is a fraud perpetrated by the very ones to benefit from it?

And, Republicans are all against the EPA? Why? The EPA's regulations most assuredly do NOT threaten jobs - they make jobs for those who provide the technology and services needed, and lower our health insurance and thus raise our take-home pay, by keeping us healthy. What the EPA threatens is the personal income of those who rape us and our world in pursuit of their personal greed. If we stopped regulating those people, they would not hire more people, they would keep their money for themselves.

So, what is the definition of stupidity?

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:35 PM
I'll take just this one since my time is short....

Originally posted by LDragonFire

poor have benefited
The republicans only love the poor because they are the ones to fight there wars of aggression.

The Dems see the poor as only faceless votes... it the businessman that provides them jobs. Dems need a devil, and so they picked anyone who has done well with their lives. When you focus your platform towards the low or no income then to create a devil to seemly fight against and champion their cause is pure gold in the voting booth, not that the poor has ever benefited from a democrat program.

The last thing the republicans did for the poor was to give tax breaks for the wealthy, they said it would create jobs. Republicans don't care about the poor or they wouldn't have issues about feeding the hungry or housing the homeless. I would love to see any evidence that Republicans have done anything for the poor. It's easy to post what they have done for the wealthy.

God I love the Democratic spin on this.... it has been one of their most successful one to date.

Lets do simple math shall we?

If 47% of American Families end up paying zero federal taxes what kind of tax break do they get.... lol ZERO

If another 20% pay well under 10% over all Federal taxes what kind of tax break do they get.... damn close to ZERO

So this statement is true...the rich get the most tax breaks... the rich also pay the vast majority of all taxes even with some tax breaks, the rich are who provides America jobs....

Ok so you say Republicans don't do a thing for the poor, others say Republicans are religious nuts, and it just so happens those "Religious nuts" give the most in aid to the world's poor, work within their churches and group to help the poor within their community and all across America. The problem is you think, and as other Democrats, that it is the responsibility of the Fed Government to do all this, but the Government fails and the private orgs are successful.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Just exactly right. I would ask that anyone come up with ONE government program that was targeted at a problem that didn't create at least three other problems in the process! I'm willing to bet no one can! The worst thing to hear when you're in trouble is' Hello, I'm from the Government and I'm here to help'!


posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:51 PM
Way to generalize, doofus.

Think before you type next time.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:59 PM

You thinking that the Dem party holds all the cards in morality, logic, critical thinking and do goodness?

They hold most of those cards, the Republicans maybe have one or two, and those are mainly just for show anyways.

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