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Ron Paul Receives loudest Applause,Size of Government Fox Debate 9/22/2011 Full HD

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posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 07:12 AM
The only reason I have not voted for this man before, is because he wouldnt have won. It would have taken a vote away from a canidate that had a chance.

However! There is a time for everything, and I think this is his time. This country has been pushed around enough by government bullies, we are more educated across the board than EVER before. He has my vote.

As for him being killed before he has a chance, all I can say is Obama is still standing. That gives me hope. Not that I think anyone needs to be killed off, it was just assumed by everyone that he would not make it.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 07:40 AM
If I’m honest I'm rather suspicious of whether Ron Paul will really follow through with what he says. It is fact that governments put in place good and bad guys to assert control. Think of it this way, if you were in power and you felt a rising anger and need for revolution what would you do? Well I would give the people a saviour, someone out to put things right and get the backing of all the "truthers". Then once in power what’s the worst that can happen, he loses his good reputation when things continue to get worse and the next puppets move up in the line.

I know politics is not something new to him and he might not of changed much over the years but he might not have the same intentions as before. I guess he is the best choice still but I think people should not put too much trust and praise into him until we see what he does.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:00 AM
vote in O'reilly's poll

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by OwenGP185

You know other candidates that got ignored by the main stream media?
Remember George Bush ran an anti-war election campaign in 2000.
That's how you know he will follow through.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:10 AM
we just had election here in Denmark, and the best candidates I could find had some bad policies, but they were the best I could find.
Ron Paul I can not lay a finger on, I can not find any bad policies of his.
Ron Paul is the only libertarian constitutionist in the world, maybe.
The who world will hold its breath to see if America votes for the only decent candidate in this century.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:21 AM
Hopefully that is not the outcome TPTB are seeking, because in the past they seem to thrive on mass rioting and chaos.

Just a thought.

Originally posted by L00kingGlass

Originally posted by Supernatural
I'm afraid Ron Paul won't be elected for nomination.

Either that, or he might be killed if he gets too close to winning.

If Ron Paul gets killed there won't be any second chances for TPTB this time, it will be EXTREMELY obvious. There will be mass rioting and chaos, and those responsible will eventually be found and likely beaten to death by an angry mob.
edit on 24-9-2011 by L00kingGlass because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:29 AM
It is too bad this awesome video has less than 3,000 views. Our country might be screwed. However, the comments on this thread are so clear and insightful that I think, or at least hope, there might be a chance.
edit on 25-9-2011 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2011 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:34 AM
Some celebrities who are behind Ron Paul
Clint Eastwood, Vince Vaughn, Chuck Norris etc....

edit on 25-9-2011 by conar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:36 AM
ATS suffers from what i call "Insulation Syndrome". You spend most of your time talking with people who are like you and believe the same things you do, therefore you have an inflated sense of how many people actually share those views. How does that apply to Ron Paul? As a woman with average friends all I have to do is ask "What do you think of Ron Paul". I generally get a "Who?" or an eye roll. His name only comes up among his political ardent who really seem to annoy conservatives in my town. I've found this to be true with almost every group of average people I have encountered. Big on the internet does not equal big in real life.

Start flaming guys, but the reality here is Paul will never win the nod. Assassination fantasies are pointless, the guy will never win and you know it. maybe he will run as a third party candidate and split the Conservative vote. Stop putting all your faith in this guy like he is the Messiah and move on to something productive because this bird is never coming off the ground guys.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
My biggest concern with Ron Paul is his stance on social health care and social security, meaning the lack there of. I am disabled by multiple sclerosis and cannot work. I have been fighting for Disability for the past 5 years. The day I get it will be the best miracle of my life. For those like me who can't work and NEED Disability, what would happen to us?

Multiple Sclerosis is a horrific disability for sure. A good friend of mine also suffers from it.
Friends, family and other loved ones help. I can see that if someone has nobody then there is no help there, So the only help without personal health insurance, would be to take it from those who can, and do work. On the one hand, I don’t think it is my responsibility to take care of people I don’t even know, and on the other, I don't want to see you suffer and die for lack of support.

So I am torn, and I am sorry for you and all who are in similar dire situations.

I don't have a problem with Dr. Paul's stance on stealing, (social health care and social security), because our socialist country is making it hard as hell for me to take care of my family. I work my ass off for my income. And for our government to steal from it to maybe give a tad bit to someone for aid, is a huge pill to take.

You have had to fight for 5 years to get the money they steal from us every paycheck. Sickening, they never have a problem stealing it but it's a huge problem distributing it.

So I don't get your problem with Ron Paul on this issue. You got nothing under Bush or Obama. Paul has said a million times he would never cut these off but would faze them out. If elected, he would, for sure, bring all our troops home from every FN country to make sure we have those funds for health care and social security. We have none now. They keep it and say, "Screw you, get sick and die scum" (not in so many words but through their actions or lack there of).

So lets do the right thing and get Paul elected, so we can really redistribute wealth from the military industrial complex to those who are suffering and dying.

If I even remotely thought the money they steal would go directly to you and others, I might not be so apposed to helping. But we all know those sick, rich, part time working, full benefit drawing, son of bohemian grovers in DC are just getting richer off of these scams.

Lets hope we the people do the right thing this time.

Good luck getting help from the government. They have nothing to help with, its all we the people's funds.
Oh and if any of the money they have stolen ever gets to you, your welcome. I hope you do get it, and not their chauffeurs, chefs, jewelers, pilots, maids, prostitutes, and foreign banks. You get the idea, good luck.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by Lightbringer38
You have to wonder why with such a great applause he came out 5th in the straw pole.

The real problem with RP not being able to brake out is the Limbaughs of the radio wave's being "shills" for Perry and Romney and not giveing equal time to all the candidates.These so called "fare and balanced" bottomfeeders are really showing there true colors finally.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by antonia

I respectfully disagree. While you are correct, a winner on the internet doesn't equate to a winner in the polls, but after this last debate it is more clear than ever as to what is the GOP's agenda on ousting Paul. Did you notice anything NEW about this last debate? His name is Gary Johnson and it is very clear as to why he was on that stage. The GOP brings in this Libertarian to distract and confuse voters. Why was Johnson included in this GOP debate? He probably has the least bit of chance to win the GOP nomination out of any of the candidates, but if he is not on that stage, Ron Paul's questions double and there is much more focus put on Paul rather than being distributed over the two candidates. Maybe I'm looking into this a little more than the average voter, but if the media is against Paul, who's to say the GOP hasn't been the main contributing factor to this censorship?

In my opinion, the GOP is recognizing that Paul is gaining respect and support because of his consistent views and balls to not change them. This scares them because they know they can't control him and he's "a bad-ass mother who don't take no crap off nobody!" So, they bring in Johnson (who they obviously believe they can control and manipulate to do as he's told) to basically be the mirror image of what Paul represents, with a few slight differences in views and policies. Hell, Johnson even gave Paul the respect of the hypothetical Vice Presidency. The GOP is scrambling to stop this Paul movement. They're running scared, which leads me to believe maybe Ron Paul really is bigger than these Internet polls and has a very good chance of becoming the GOP candidate.


posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Lightbringer38

I love the last answer of the first video. He deferred choosing one of those on the stage to be a running mate.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by jrmcleod
reply to post by Lightbringer38

I aint american and i wish this guy gets elected! Wish we had someone like this in the UK instead of that kn*b David Cameron!!!

Believe you me, if Paul gets elected the whole FN world will be better off.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by wlord
the voters in FL are mainly racist old white people who have no idea what the internet is.

Originally posted by Strype

The person behind this post seemingly appears more racist than the idea behind the post itself, in my opinion. I think it was poor wording, my friend.

Since a black man named Cain, won the Straw Poll in FL. gees

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by darkbake
It is too bad this awesome video has less than 3,000 views. Our country might be screwed. However, the comments on this thread are so clear and insightful that I think, or at least hope, there might be a chance.

The count thing on youtube is just a glitch, don't be a conspiracy theorist.

Sarcasm intended.

Oh hell yes there is a chance. I am going to keep positive on that score.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by LobeDethFaurt
Yes, yes. Ron Paul is awesome, and he's going to change the world. I swear I've heard all of this stuff before. About 4 years ago, if I'm not mistaken. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Paul supporter. I sincerely hope that, if he gets elected, he does change things. continuous rule still applies: power corrupts people, and complete power corrupts completely. I really hope for change, but I'm not holding my breath.

edit on 24-9-2011 by LobeDethFaurt because: (no reason given)

It only corrupts if they aren't ready, most of them are never ready or are bought and paid for.
I suspect RP can handle it just like Reagan did

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Lightbringer38

Yes we have all heard this before. I just hope Paul is not a some kind of sleeping elitist that changes his policies as soon as he gets into office but this is no reason not to vote for Ron Paul cause there's no way to tell if he is not the man behind the ideals he puts forth. What looks good so far though is the way the rest of the GOP is trying to compete with paul but i don't believe a word of what these liars are saying. We need to stick with Ron Paul especially if the media does'nt. Though I don't expect Paul to get elected especially if he is a candidate thats for the people and not cause he wont have the votes but because i don't expects these electronic voting machines to actually show the consensus of the voters. So America don't get your hopes up again like in 2008 just to be disapointed once again and especially don't depend on someone saving us from TPTB cause it's up to us to save ourselves from these the most evil beings on the planet!

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by antonia
ATS suffers from what i call "Insulation Syndrome". You spend most of your time talking with people who are like you and believe the same things you do, therefore you have an inflated sense of how many people actually share those views. How does that apply to Ron Paul? As a woman with average friends all I have to do is ask "What do you think of Ron Paul". I generally get a "Who?" or an eye roll. His name only comes up among his political ardent who really seem to annoy conservatives in my town. I've found this to be true with almost every group of average people I have encountered. Big on the internet does not equal big in real life.

Start flaming guys, but the reality here is Paul will never win the nod. Assassination fantasies are pointless, the guy will never win and you know it. maybe he will run as a third party candidate and split the Conservative vote. Stop putting all your faith in this guy like he is the Messiah and move on to something productive because this bird is never coming off the ground guys.

Sounds to me like you have a desire for bigger government, more loss of freedoms, jobs, value of your dollar, ETC and though you may be right that not many people know who Ron Paul is, it's also true not many people IRL know what is actually happening besides what propaganda that is shown to them in the main stream corporate media. I feel that most Americans are totally ignorant, optimistic and arrogant, they are always expecting someone to save them from the massive amount of fear mongering we deal with in the corporate media and so you are more then likely correct with your assertation that Paul will lose but this time the majority of Americans will get what they deserve! As for those of us that know the truth, all i can say to you is hope for the best and prepare for the worst because America is about to decide whether they want a hollywood leader who will continue to destroy our country or Ron Paul who has been proving himself a loyal conservative like the founding fathers of our past!

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by nosacrificenofreedom
Sounds to me like you have a desire for bigger government, more loss of freedoms, jobs, value of your dollar, ETC and though you may be right that....

How in the hell does stating the reality that Ron Paul would never win correlate to a desire for bigger government? You guys hero worship the man and that isn't my fault. You have hung every hope on him. I'm sorry, you are going to get let down. Santa isn't real, the Easter bunny doesn't exist and there is no tooth fairy while I am at it. Hey, if this fantasy makes you happy go for it though. You guys need to move on to more productive uses of your time besides cheerleading a man who will never win. Might I suggest finding the next savior who will single-handedly save the world?

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