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China Bans Ancient Dog-Eating Festival After Online Uproar

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by rwfresh

Originally posted by redoubt

Originally posted by Solomons
reply to post by redoubt

I would agree with you, but these complaints were from the chinese people themselves so it is much different than some poncy foreigner thinking they have the right to interfere in anothers culture, the views of a society are constantly shifting...even moreso today than at any other point in our history, let the Chinese handle it. And i pretty much agree with others, the treatment and killing of an animal is more important to me than anything else, pigs are just as smart if not smarter than dogs yet we in the west have no problem having a bacon sandwich in the morning.

I won't argue your right to opinion. I won't argue the Chinese right to their own. I disagree if outside pressure is applied to force one culture's sense of morality on another.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Which is exactly what happened in Bejing during the olympics.. All restaurants within a 300km radius were forced to stop serving dog.

I recall that happening and PETA's celebratory victory banner for making them change their ways.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by OpioidFreud
reply to post by rwfresh

Struggle with reading comprehension?

Re-read my post and maybe you can decipher what I was trying to imply and how it was worded.

I'm not having a problem. "Right but we dont skin dogs alive... "

What thread are you on? You replied to me. Not the other way around. Should we get into the totally horrific things WE DO DO to animals here in NA? Like boiling lobsters ALIVE.

I'm here to point out the hypocrisy. You will never convince me that Chinese people are somehow MORE inhumane than the average NA. Sorry, i have a brain, eyes and ears.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by redoubt

Note how I offered to send you video proof.

Also there are numerous news articles about boiled alive cat being served in chinese restaurants. There is also video proof of this; care for the links?

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

Are you seriously comparing lobsters (I wonder how big their brains are? Are they capable of understanding on a higher level of what is happening to them?) to animals with much larger brains and intellect like dogs? LOL

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by OpioidFreud
reply to post by redoubt

Note how I offered to send you video proof.

Also there are numerous news articles about boiled alive cat being served in chinese restaurants. There is also video proof of this; care for the links?

Note how i said post them all here? Also do try and recall my confession (ahem) that I believe everything I read and see on the web, too.

Regardless... even if the Chinese (or any other culture) fries cats and mice alive in the same skillet twice a year to celebrate asparagus day, it's NOT our business. It's up to them to make their own choices.

Otherwise, we need to check our therapists to see if we're suffering from Gladys Kravitz syndrome.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by redoubt
reply to post by OpioidFreud

Right but we dont skin dogs alive... I could give a damn if they just caged them up, put a bullet in their head and then ate them, but the way they kill the animals over there is appauling.

I don't see why they would try and skin a living dog. It would simply make the process more difficult.

In fact, after reading the source link, there is no mention of live skinning.

Tell me that this wasn't added to yank a human leg or two...

I digress, the skinning of dogs while they are alive is more descriptive of the fur industry. However, my viewpoint still stands on the way they kill the animals. It is never humane.

And the primary reason is for taste.

Animal rights activists complain about the way the dogs are killed. Many dogs are dispatched by bleeding them to death after cutting a hole in their paw. A dog farmer told AFP, "It's true, and it take them about 10 minutes to die, but this way the meat tastes better."

Weird Foods in China

But really, I could disapprove all I want. This is just how people do things, but at least you and I have a choice not to. At least we can be grateful for that.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by OpioidFreud
reply to post by redoubt

Note how I offered to send you video proof.

Also there are numerous news articles about boiled alive cat being served in chinese restaurants. There is also video proof of this; care for the links?

Dude. What is your point? Chinese people eat animals. They boil them alive. Ever been to red lobster?

You are missing the issue. Chinese people are no different from you. Except maybe with the animals they like to eat Which is just about anything in the rural areas where food can be scarce.

Ever caught a mouse in a mouse trap? You do realize that one of the more preferred ways of catching rats and mice in restaurants all over this country is GLUE PAPER. Yeah that is TOTALLY humane. Rat poison. VERY humane.

You are in a trance. You cannot open your mind beyond the propaganda. Did you know many markets in Italy sell SONG BIRDS? Wrapped in plastic on styrene sheets like a steak? Finches etc. all kinds of birds.

So welcome to the world of adulthood. Where we are forced to admit humans are a sick hungry bunch. Chinese people are human. They are no more evil than your mother. But if it helps you to sleep at night, thinking you are on the good side than have at it.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

For 1) Dogs are (mainly) carnivores and thus the meat isn't very good to begin with and 2) dogs are so on many levels more intelligent than cows or chickens. Same reason why I hate the dolphin hunting trade.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by redoubt Chinese fur market -- animals skinned alive & the meat is later harvested

& as I said before if you don't beleive me why dont you take a trip to china or better yet, do a google search.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by OpioidFreud

I'm sorry are you tarzan? Or a world renowned scientist animal whisperer? Do you get to tell everyone which animals are OK to torture and which one's aren't?

You see i really don't see anything more inhumane about killing a cat than killing a rat or a lobster. Sorry.. i am allergic to cats and i hear they taste like rabbit.

You are so disconnected with reality. Our own food industry.. It's pointless. But people who have been to a farm cannot agree with you.. You just don't have a clue. You think every piece of meat you eat, was provided after a spiritual ceremony where the animal was honored and humanely killed?

Every single COW in this country dies an inhumane death. Same with Chickens. and ALL MEAT IS BLED. ALL OF IT. You can tell yourself they are all killed first. go ahead.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by OpioidFreud
reply to post by redoubt Chinese fur market -- animals skinned alive & the meat is later harvested

& as I said before if you don't beleive me why dont you take a trip to china or better yet, do a google search.

Why... is simply because I am not going to assume the right to impose my version of morality on another nation's culture.

Beyond that, I know how I would react if someone did the same to me... so, I do tend to try and treat others as I would like to be treated. In short, I mind my own business and you mind yours. If we should ever someday meet an share a cold beer and a burger (OMG! He said BURGER!), it will be beautiful!


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by OpioidFreud
reply to post by redoubt Chinese fur market -- animals skinned alive & the meat is later harvested

& as I said before if you don't beleive me why dont you take a trip to china or better yet, do a google search.

Let me know how many you need. Here is a 1 minute search worth:

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:58 PM
What is my point?

In many meat markets animals are killed in an inhumane manner before being eaten in china (and other countries that beleive endorphin soaked meat is an aphrodisiac) which complys with their traditional beleif that animals that have suffered before death produce more endorphine rich meath which offers aphrodisiac quality.

"You are missing the issue. Chinese people are no different from you. Except maybe with the animals they like to eat Which is just about anything in the rural areas where food can be scarce."

Did I ever imply that? LOL

"Ever been to red lobster?"

Again, how large is a lobster's brain? Are they truely able to comprehend the depravity of the situation? they are in & even if they were, they die very quickly in boiling watter as their body is much more heat conducive than fur bearing animals with skin.

"You are in a trance. You cannot open your mind beyond the propaganda. Did you know many markets in Italy sell SONG BIRDS? Wrapped in plastic on styrene sheets like a steak? Finches etc. all kinds of birds."

Again you're implying things that I never said; I am not at all against eating any and all meat just so long as the animal isn't friggin tortured before death. I would gladly eat a dog after I put the bullet in its head.

" Chinese people are human. They are no more evil than your mother. But if it helps you to sleep at night, thinking you are on the good side than have at it. "

Again there you go with the absurd incinuations

edit on 22-9-2011 by OpioidFreud because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by rwfresh

Originally posted by OpioidFreud
reply to post by redoubt Chinese fur market -- animals skinned alive & the meat is later harvested

& as I said before if you don't beleive me why dont you take a trip to china or better yet, do a google search.

Let me know how many you need. Here is a 1 minute search worth:

LOL at you guys incinuating i am some kind of china hater...

This thread IS ABOUT CHINA...

I am well aware of what goes on in America too and they are equally as sick; the fact remains that this thread is about china.
edit on 22-9-2011 by OpioidFreud because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by OpioidFreud

Originally posted by rwfresh

Originally posted by OpioidFreud
reply to post by redoubt Chinese fur market -- animals skinned alive & the meat is later harvested

& as I said before if you don't beleive me why dont you take a trip to china or better yet, do a google search.

Let me know how many you need. Here is a 1 minute search worth:

LOL at you guys incinuating i am some kind of china hater...

This thread IS ABOUT CHINA...

I am well aware of what goes on in America too and they are equally as sick; the fact remains that this thread is about china.
edit on 22-9-2011 by OpioidFreud because: (no reason given)

The original message is about a dog eating festival in China. Where they eat dogs like we eat cows.

Your message "Well we don't skin them alive" was not related to the dog eating festival.

But your message had a point right? What was it? That the people participating in the dog eating festival were all skinning the dogs alive before they ate them? If not then what was your point?

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:16 PM
You made a comparison to US animal abuse and I said in relation to that particular comment "well we don't skin dogs alive"

So my point was made in the very first post & then I addressed the points aimed towards my origional statements to which I adressed with new statements in regards to what you said.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by OpioidFreud

Well i apologize for misunderstanding you. Still can't say i get your point. Which is probably why this discussion went off into the useless message zone. The idea of skinning a dog alive is inhumane. No argument here. I agree.

But just for the sake of argument
, not sure what brain size has to do with cruelty. If it boils down to the complexity of the organism (as we subjectively perceive it) then we enter into some dangerous territory. Pretty sure there are some beings out there that might have a hard time considering us complex enough to care about. After a night of browsing CNN and Fox News i can relate to the lowly lobster. Which btw are boiled alive for taste.

Anyway, peace. Killing things is mean.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by predator0187

Hey i am all for humane treatment of any animal.. But i am getting sick of the hypocrisy.. People running around feeding their dogs with bottles and cooing them and practically making out with them while the sit around and stuff burgers and chicken fingers in their faces. Then ANY story about anything they deem as mistreatment to dogs sets them off in a wild tirade.

GO VISIT ANY LARGE SCALE ANIMAL FARM IN NA!!!!! It is BEYOND comprehension.. the absolute horror. F OFF with the dogs. sick of it. Generation upon Generation upon generation of cows and chickens living in the most disgusting and appalling, horrific conditions anyone can ever imagine. It is absolute insanity..

BUT OH NO! Don't you dare yell at a dog! that is worse then pedophilia in some of these sick individuals eyes. They would rather watch children die in the streets in some other country then have poopsie the mutt miss it's pedicure.

Want to wake people up to the inhumane horrific reality of meat production? Open up a dog burger joint. You would literally be dragged out into the street and killed.. while pedophiles and rapists live next door. Demented society.

Cry me a river you hypocritical peta loving eco-terrorist. people are sick of your kind and the moment the left is out of power peta and other leftist terrorist organizations will get the Guantanamo treatment.

How about you choke on the fact that PETA's founder brags about killing animals every morning for "fun". And how animal rights activist's want the extinction of dog's and cat's. You sick wacko's view those species as a disgusting sham compared to wild wolves and feral cats. Look up how PETA butchers 90%+ of animals it takes in.

The only one demented is you.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 01:04 AM
Ugh! This is one thread I wish I had not clicked on when I saw that lovely dog. I cannot bear bad treatment of animals in any shape or form though I admit to killing the fly that was buzzing around my head when I was doing the dinner - OK thats an insect I know - (hands up to that one!) Meanwhile, there are cultures in society that do have bizarre rituals that seem barbaric to some but are fully accepted in their own customs. I deplore all of these rituals/customs/traditions that involve animals getting hurt or maimed and more should be done to stamp it out but thats me getting involved in society by retaliating against what I read. What we have to accept is that other countries and cultures have their 'ways' that are natural to them. I.E. Bull fighting in Spain? is that acceptable? to them yes, to some of us - absolutely not.

In an ideal world we should respect and take care of the animal kingdom - dogs are highly intelligent and can be trained to save someones life - horses are trained to plough fields and carry heavy machinery as well as be used for transport or sheer pleasure. I wont go through the animal kingdom and the virtues of each type of species (David Attenborough would likely shoot me for my lack of true knowledge). Point of fact, if an animal is hurt or is injured and feels PAIN then that is a form of cruelty. Any infliction of pain IS cruelty. If an animal is killed to be eaten and it is done in a humane way then consideration has taken place at some interval.

Animals that are killed or hurt and/or have physical sensation or suffering is completely off the scale of humanity.
edit on 26-9-2011 by ELEVATOR7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2011 by ELEVATOR7 because: (no reason given)

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