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China Bans Ancient Dog-Eating Festival After Online Uproar

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:55 PM

China has banned a dog-eating festival that dates back more than 600 years after a Chinese internet uproar over the way dogs are slaughtered, the official Xinhua news agency reports.

Dogs are chopped up and skinned in the streets of Qianxi township in coastal Zhejiang province during the ancient festival, which is usually held in October, state-run Xinhua says.

The festival marks a local military victory during the Ming dynasty, in which dogs in Qianxi were killed so they would not bark and alert the enemy.

After the victory, dog meat was served at a celebratory feast, and since then local people have eaten dog meat at temple fairs held during traditional Chinese holidays.

I am happy to hear this as the way the animals are treated and anytime that an uproar is raised on the mistreatment of animals I am happy.

Although, to play devil's advocate, what the difference between this festival in China and the good ol' Thanksgiving of our cultures? Both exploit animals and make a holiday out of eating them...

Any thoughts?


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:59 PM
Good news.

About a year ago I saw a video about a chinese fur market which showed the torturous methods in which the fur is obtained.

The dogs were skinned alive and thrown into a pile, most still breathing, as was the fait of many other animlas.

Supposedly it is a chinese beleive that by giving an animal a most painful death, endorphin levels in the blood spike during the animals period of intense fear and pain which then leaches into the meat giving the meat aphrodisiac qualities due to the high endorphine levels.

I'm almost certain the dogs at this "festival" were killed in a simular manner.

Sickening really.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by predator0187

Hey i am all for humane treatment of any animal.. But i am getting sick of the hypocrisy.. People running around feeding their dogs with bottles and cooing them and practically making out with them while the sit around and stuff burgers and chicken fingers in their faces. Then ANY story about anything they deem as mistreatment to dogs sets them off in a wild tirade.

GO VISIT ANY LARGE SCALE ANIMAL FARM IN NA!!!!! It is BEYOND comprehension.. the absolute horror. F OFF with the dogs. sick of it. Generation upon Generation upon generation of cows and chickens living in the most disgusting and appalling, horrific conditions anyone can ever imagine. It is absolute insanity..

BUT OH NO! Don't you dare yell at a dog! that is worse then pedophilia in some of these sick individuals eyes. They would rather watch children die in the streets in some other country then have poopsie the mutt miss it's pedicure.

Want to wake people up to the inhumane horrific reality of meat production? Open up a dog burger joint. You would literally be dragged out into the street and killed.. while pedophiles and rapists live next door. Demented society.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

Calm down dear,

You do realise a person can be concerned about a number of animal subjects.

This thread happens to be about one animal subject in particular, another thread may be about another animal subject. Thats how threads work. The hint is in the title.


edit on 22/9/11 by EnigmaAgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:16 PM
The issue I have with this whole thing is how the animals are killed.

I mean if you were to be eaten (lets say a species comes into play that feeds on humans), would you not want to go out as fast as possible?

It used to be about just getting the meat from the dog, feeding your family, end of story. Now they beat the dogs until they are barely conscious and then skin them alive. Why? Because they think this makes the meat taste better.

There is no reason for that, food is food, and to put something living through suffering so a few of your taste buds can have pleasure.. well that's just not right to me.

Since I have seen these videos and the like, I have strayed more away from pork, beef and chicken. I now go hunting for deer with my girlfriend and her family. The deer is killed fast, painlessly, and still ends up just as delicious.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by OpioidFreud
Good news.

About a year ago I saw a video about a chinese fur market which showed the torturous methods in which the fur is obtained.

The dogs were skinned alive and thrown into a pile, most still breathing, as was the fait of many other animlas.

Supposedly it is a chinese beleive that by giving an animal a most painful death, endorphin levels in the blood spike during the animals period of intense fear and pain which then leaches into the meat giving the meat aphrodisiac qualities due to the high endorphine levels.

I'm almost certain the dogs at this "festival" were killed in a simular manner.

Sickening really.

This reminded Me of one of Icke's pieces where He talks to - I can't remember the Guy's name now - a Guy in Africa, who told of ET's in the earth and describe Them eating children, waiting until the adrenaline kicks in, letting Them escape only to be chased down and eaten. The Guy said the ET's like the meat better that way.

I am no dog lover - I tolerate them - but I am happy to see the stay of execution for that lot.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:21 PM
Isn't odd how we can assume to impose our views of morality and humanity upon other cultures?

Humans are by definition, omnivores. Others, like dogs, are carnivores. Eating meat is not unnatural despite what the politically inspired special interest district tells you.

Now, I would never eat a dog unless there was nothing else. But there are those in India who don't eat cow flesh or Islam and Judaism that don't eat pork or shellfish. We have learned to respect those who DON'T eat certain meats but we don't have the same tolerance for those who do.

Again, this isn't to suggest we all run out and eat a dog. It merely points out that these celebrations go back centuries and we really have no right to interfere with their cultural traditions.

I know that I wouldn't appreciate a gaggle of soy nuts from PETA coming buy and telling me I couldn't cook a rack of ribs or a T-bone on my grill.
edit on 22-9-2011 by redoubt because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2011 by redoubt because: redoubt's typical typos

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by predator0187

Hey i am all for humane treatment of any animal.. But i am getting sick of the hypocrisy.. People running around feeding their dogs with bottles and cooing them and practically making out with them while the sit around and stuff burgers and chicken fingers in their faces. Then ANY story about anything they deem as mistreatment to dogs sets them off in a wild tirade.

GO VISIT ANY LARGE SCALE ANIMAL FARM IN NA!!!!! It is BEYOND comprehension.. the absolute horror. F OFF with the dogs. sick of it. Generation upon Generation upon generation of cows and chickens living in the most disgusting and appalling, horrific conditions anyone can ever imagine. It is absolute insanity..

BUT OH NO! Don't you dare yell at a dog! that is worse then pedophilia in some of these sick individuals eyes. They would rather watch children die in the streets in some other country then have poopsie the mutt miss it's pedicure.

Want to wake people up to the inhumane horrific reality of meat production? Open up a dog burger joint. You would literally be dragged out into the street and killed.. while pedophiles and rapists live next door. Demented society.

Right but we dont skin dogs alive...

I could give a damn if they just caged them up, put a bullet in their head and then ate them, but the way they kill the animals over there is appauling.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by redoubt

I would agree with you, but these complaints were from the chinese people themselves so it is much different than some poncy foreigner thinking they have the right to interfere in anothers culture, the views of a society are constantly shifting...even moreso today than at any other point in our history, let the Chinese handle it. And i pretty much agree with others, the treatment and killing of an animal is more important to me than anything else, pigs are just as smart if not smarter than dogs yet we in the west have no problem having a bacon sandwich in the morning.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:28 PM
Yeah im Kinda of two minds here...

Mistreating animals is wrong...

Farming animals to be eaten im totally down with,

i really see no diffrence in Eating Dog to the Many other animals i have eaten

(boar, pig,sheep, goat, cow, various fish including some larger ones, horse, zebra, alligator, springbok, deer)

So as long as the animals are farmed, shipped to an abatoir (sp) then slaughtered and prepared i am down with eating any animals.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by EnigmaAgent

Sorry, watching children die while listening to how cute poopsie the dog is is not very relaxing. Having to refrain from sitting on the grass in a park because it's been shat all over by a 1000 dogs is also not relaxing. This thread is about inhumane treatment of dogs and it's also not relaxing. I didn't come to this thread to relax dear. Thanks.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by OpioidFreud

Right but we dont skin dogs alive... I could give a damn if they just caged them up, put a bullet in their head and then ate them, but the way they kill the animals over there is appauling.

I don't see why they would try and skin a living dog. It would simply make the process more difficult.

In fact, after reading the source link, there is no mention of live skinning.

Tell me that this wasn't added to yank a human leg or two...

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Solomons
reply to post by redoubt

I would agree with you, but these complaints were from the chinese people themselves so it is much different than some poncy foreigner thinking they have the right to interfere in anothers culture, the views of a society are constantly shifting...even moreso today than at any other point in our history, let the Chinese handle it. And i pretty much agree with others, the treatment and killing of an animal is more important to me than anything else, pigs are just as smart if not smarter than dogs yet we in the west have no problem having a bacon sandwich in the morning.

I won't argue your right to opinion. I won't argue the Chinese right to their own. I disagree if outside pressure is applied to force one culture's sense of morality on another.

Nothing more, nothing less.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by predator0187

I am happy to hear this as the way the animals are treated and anytime that an uproar is raised on the mistreatment of animals I am happy.

Although, to play devil's advocate, what the difference between this festival in China and the good ol' Thanksgiving of our cultures? Both exploit animals and make a holiday out of eating them...

Any thoughts?


Exactly my thoughts.
As long as meat is nicely packaged and presented no one gives a damn. The world screams aghast at the killing and eating of dogs and pours more mint sauce over their lamb dinner.

I am constantly amazed by the weird market driven image of meat as being a product and not the putrefying corpse of a once living, feeling and sentient creature. I am not a militant vegetarian (ie. I don't preach about it) but am amazed at the incredulous reactions when it comes out that I choose not to eat meat.

Don't get me wrong though, I realise that I am lucky to live in a time and place where I can exercise my right to choose not to contribute to suffering in the world and not eat flesh.
But if we crash in a plane on a remote mountaintop and there is no food,
whoever pisses me off most, is sushi in a heartbeat.

Carnivores who mock me quite readily, (you'd be amazed how often it happens so thats why I never usually make an issue of it )usually fail to understand that as they laugh at my assumed unmanliness and assumed squeamishness that I am often wondering how they would taste themselves.
You know what I mean!
Plane crash, mountains,
not Saturday night in my apartment!!!!!

I wish to state that I haven't ever,
hope to never,
and have no desire
to eat meat.
human or otherwise.

Next time you are on a flight crossing a mountain range,
Just take a good look at the guy in the next seat who orders "The vegetarian option"

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by OpioidFreud

Where in the article did it say they skin the dogs alive?

If i remember correctly it's based on a event where they had to kill the dogs so they wouldn't be killed from the barking.

But now it's been twisted into the "Demon Chinaman" hellishly skinning them alive and defecating in their mouths while they whimper in pain right? THEY ARE MEAT TO MANY PEOPLE IN CHINA. It's MEAT. They eat DOG like you eat a burger. And sorry pal, if you don't want to face the FACTS, Cows and Chickens do NOT enjoy themselves in their 1x1 feces infested cages. It's not pretty. It is HORRIFIC. If you have an open mind go and look into it. Go visit a farm. I have a chicken farm down the road from me. Trust me.. these chickens are not even considered to be animals. They are LOWER than animals. they are literally nothing more than a meat plant.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by redoubt

Well if you read my origional post I said it is a traditional beleif that by giving an animal the most torturous and painful death that the animal's blood endorphin levels spike and leach into the meat giving the meat an aphrodisiac property so I wouldn't be surprised if the animals weren't killed this way as they are in fur markets (and then the meat is harvested from the carcasses, of the still conscious living skinned animals, dogs among them)

I can send you the youtube link to the fur market video if you want, and you can look it up for youself.

In fact, in many chinese restaurants and homes, cat's are boiled alive for the very reason I just mentioned.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by HumansEh

Carnivores who mock me quite readily, (you'd be amazed how often it happens so thats why I never usually make an issue of it )usually fail to understand that as they laugh at my assumed unmanliness and assumed squeamishness that I am often wondering how they would taste themselves.

Unless there are dogs or large cats or raptors making fun of you, then you weren't mocked by a carnivore.

Humans are omnivores.

Did they bark or growl before making fun of you???

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

Struggle with reading comprehension?

Re-read my post and maybe you can decipher what I was trying to imply and how it was worded.

Note the words "almost certain"
edit on 22-9-2011 by OpioidFreud because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by redoubt

Originally posted by Solomons
reply to post by redoubt

I would agree with you, but these complaints were from the chinese people themselves so it is much different than some poncy foreigner thinking they have the right to interfere in anothers culture, the views of a society are constantly shifting...even moreso today than at any other point in our history, let the Chinese handle it. And i pretty much agree with others, the treatment and killing of an animal is more important to me than anything else, pigs are just as smart if not smarter than dogs yet we in the west have no problem having a bacon sandwich in the morning.

I won't argue your right to opinion. I won't argue the Chinese right to their own. I disagree if outside pressure is applied to force one culture's sense of morality on another.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Which is exactly what happened in Bejing during the olympics.. All restaurants within a 300km radius were forced to stop serving dog.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by OpioidFreud
reply to post by redoubt

Well if you read my origional post I said it is a traditional beleif that by giving an animal the most torturous and painful death that the animal's blood endorphin levels spike and leach into the meat giving the meat an aphrodisiac property so I wouldn't be surprised if the animals weren't killed this way as they are in fur markets (and then the meat is harvested from the carcasses, of the still conscious living skinned animals, dogs among them)

I can send you the youtube link to the fur market video if you want, and you can look it up for youself.

In fact, in many chinese restaurants and homes, cat's are boiled alive for the very reason I just mentioned.

No problem. I believe everything I read and see on the web. Just post it here and we'll all educate ourselves.


My original point was, and remains, that outsiders have no right to interfere with cultural events such as this. If the Chinese choose to change it, that's fine. But we should keep our fat noses out of their affairs.

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