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Roll over Einstein: Pillar of physics challenged

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posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 05:41 AM
Nothing is impossible.
I've always believed that physics is primarily about the perception at the time, and I've always said that when a scientist says something is impossible because of what a previous scientist/physicist says, they're not a true scientist.

And long ago I also pointed out that those who trust "theories" and "hypothesis" could be building their science on quicksand. If something as basic as this could be wrong, imagine all of the work that has been done - and never done - to those false restrictions and limits.

When the concerns about CERN itself were being expressed around the world, the scientists in support of it used all of the basic building blocks of science to state that nothing bad would happen. And it was that arrogance that disconcerted me.

If the evidence of this is confirmed correct, it won't only change physics completely, it will also mean that those who had concerns about CERN itself we right to be worried. They've used all of this theory to guarantee that CERN could not cause harm, and it turns out that it very well could have, and will continue to be a risk too.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by DragonFire1024

I've always thought that it'd be a detriment to science to just stick with one theory, especially when working with subatomic particles, and the world of physics.

Albert gave huge insights into those things, but you don't just stop looking for answers when you think you might have one.

So Bravo Scientists at LHC! I knew that huge discoveries would be made with that amazing piece of technology.

It's truly amazing.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 05:49 AM
Im sure you would agree , there is always a necessary amount of risk involved in any human venture.
Most notably science , we wouldnt have got where we are today without risk !

Every one knows that , without taking risks we would still be using wooden tools !
I think that in order to further science , large things like CERN should be set up in space , out with earths influence , incase anything did happen then it wouldnt destroy earth , just be a space disaster !

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

I couldn't agree with you more.

I've followed the LHC since it's inception, so it's always peaked my interest.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by spikey
THIS revelation is henceforth going to be my defacto answer to any of the shorthsighted, terminally unimaginative, or broomstick / textbook up the backside amongst you who continually argue in circles that ET's coming here, Free / alternative energy, exotic theories are all totally impossible, due to the 'laws of physics'.

The law is an ass..and we have been held back due to the arrogance of those who have strived, not in the name of science and progress and betterment of fellow humanity and our world, but strived in the name of the almighty status quo, and the funding that results from toeing the 'official line' for decades.

The majority of so called 'experts' have been particularly expert at demonstrating intellectual cowardice.

60ns faster than the 'impossible'...within a 10ns margin for error, so at the very least, 50ns faster...and surprise, surprise, no infinite energy was required to achieve it.

Impossible...isn't, and never has been, the only limiting factor in this entire existence is human imagination and courage to pursue unorthodox thinking and experimentation.

I agree 100%
We've seen it in every field from Archeology to Particle Physics, the old stuffy brains who built their knowledge through reading what others tell them is correct, trusting blindly and never daring to move beyond what they are told is true.
For me, that is not true science.

As I said previously, if just one of the building blocks of modern science is wrong, everything since also changes.

The biggest change will be in what scientists actually achieve. Instead of factoring this (and numerous other theories) into their data, they'll be forced to try things, and all those great leaps forward that we didn't take because it would have been "impossible" will now be revisited.

This could actually advance our world infinitely within a decade - if those said scientists manage to finally break away from the entire status-quo rather than simply seeing this one as "something Einstein got wrong".

Of course, it could also be that it's just an error in data. But I fail to see how the most advanced scientific installation on Earth could miss something that someone in a lab elsewhere might point out.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:03 AM
they just haven't realised that everything is speeding up.

if the measure light speed again they will realise its got faster too and is still the fastest of all.


posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:03 AM
mark this day..while we may already have access to FTL tech from alien spacecraft, this is when we start developing our own. This whole week..dunno. something's going on. look at world events, add this discovery. There are dots to be connected, I think..

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by alfa1

I wonder if those man made machines at CERN that are recording the measurements have a SMALLER margin of error than 0.00025%????

60 nanoseconds divided by the speed of light is a very very very very very small number. Maybe what was just discovered with better equipment, is the actual (new) speed of light.

E=MC2 is a theory that could be off, but it sure has served us good for the last century. Everything we do in technology today is based on our understanding of superconductivity and relativity. It is due to this understanding that even make us able to question and investigate E=Mc2.

Sensational statements like "Einstein proven Wrong" is not doing science any good. Imagine a man who raised a child for 60 years as his own child, suddenly with DNA science telling him his son is not his biological child. Then the headlines then read: "Father proven Fake".

So irresponsible.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:08 AM
What kind of Title is this: Roll over Einstein!

If it were not for Einstein, this blog would not exist. Let us respect those who have advanced the human race.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:19 AM
Someone on the BBC news website has commented this.

"If true,it could explain why some particles appear to be in 2 places at once - the particle gets from a to b before the light leaves from a. Something I've been thinking about for a long time"

is this accurate?

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:26 AM
Einsteins Relativity is just wrong.

Sure, it APPEARS right... but its just a mathematical model... it's not reality.

Relativity is the same as the Geocentric theory of the solar system.

Sure, the wobbling planets in the Geocentric model seems to line up with the retrograde motion of the planets all right.... but the theory is still *WRONG*

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:27 AM
This NewScientist article just posted...

"Dimension-hop may allow neutrinos to cheat light speed"

I hope this begins the discovery of the extra 'hidden' dimensions.

Adding: "Extended Heim Theory" needs those 'extra' dimensions to implement it's f-t-l hyperspace ship drive.

edit on 9/23/2011 by Larryman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by Larryman

Thank you Larryman. I was just going to post something along those lines.

In our dimension as we know it, the speed of light, c = approx 286k mi/sec.

In dimension X, the speed of a neutrino = y kmi/sec

So, the dimension hopping theory sounds plausible until the prove it once and for all.

This would also explain why UAPs "jump" from one spatial location to another in a matter of seconds. Interesting.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by Larryman

Nope, you can't do that either.

Special relativity states that FTL travel is synonymous with Time Travel.

"Oh, it looks like Relativity was just violated!!! So lets make up some stuff that makes it seem like relativity is still intact!!!"


posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

I totally agree. I am happy about this new finding but it also disturbs me HOW it was found/observed. It has been a concern of mine since 08 when I first heard about the Large Collider.

What we DON'T KNOW is what concerns me. I understand taking risks....BUT...not when that risk involves the possible extinction of our race. Lets be real.....just because we have not noticed major changes does not mean they do not or will not exist in the future. Since it turned on for the first time we have no idea of knowing for sure what if any harm it has caused.

Don't get me wrong....I LOVE physics and science but like you I like seeing them not get hung up on old theories and allow new theories some weight....even when it goes against Newton or Einstein and that is exactly what has taken place here.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
Einsteins Relativity is just wrong.

Sure, it APPEARS right... but its just a mathematical model... it's not reality.

Relativity is the same as the Geocentric theory of the solar system.

Sure, the wobbling planets in the Geocentric model seems to line up with the retrograde motion of the planets all right.... but the theory is still *WRONG*


If relativity is wrong why does GPS work?

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 07:31 AM
Tesla already predicted this many many years ago! Thus proving he was the greatest of all time

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 07:39 AM
Im sure most of us must know by now that if moving faster than light in theroy you will get to your destination before you leave isnt this a step towards time travel this is what we were told by MS science.

But this cannot be as the results from this test show if correct.

From what Ive read on this it seems that the results they get are gathered from something like a race from point A to point B until all the particles reach the finish in Gran Sasso laboratory, Italy 732km away from the start of the test, scientist watch and study each particle until all have crossed the so called finish line and they measure speed, amount, density, and lots of other amazing things.

So how come the neutrinos didnt get there before the test started.

What im saying is if photons can appear in two places at once then so must neutrinos or it implyes that they dont move faster than light and that photons may do.

edit on 23-9-2011 by GreatScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 07:43 AM
Isn't it interesting that they discover this, right before funding is slated to get cut?

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
reply to post by Larryman

Nope, you can't do that either.

Special relativity states that FTL travel is synonymous with Time Travel.

"Oh, it looks like Relativity was just violated!!! So lets make up some stuff that makes it seem like relativity is still intact!!!"


interesting stuff there...thanks for posting that. also, which field of physics does the study of FTL travel fall under exactly?
edit on 23-9-2011 by dragonseeker because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2011 by dragonseeker because: (no reason given)

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