I have a feeling this whole massive drill *coincidence* is confusing lots of peeps. I see lots of threads about people wondering why would the POTUS
go to Denver is this is where the *mock* event is being staged for the *drill*
For starters NORAD is there, and the bunker....
After sleeping on this I have a theory that I feel explains most if not all of our coincidences.
Like I said in an earlier post, there are a lot of tweens happening at once. They don't all need to happen on a single day to be connected.
We are in the middle of a few things: we are in the *eye* of the measure of day to night. We are going to be coming out of a tween of Regulus and
the Earth (the moon has been between them) Happening about the time of the MOON itself being in between, which due to the Super Moon affect will
cause lots of electromagnetic fluctuation, hence the reason it is also known as an earthquake moon. I'm wondering if this satellite was already
*dead* or if maybe things in space happening currently have cause it to fall....
I have not looked into Elenin much but I will be after work today.... I would suggest NASA and NORAD and FEMA all have their own perspective specific
concerns. As to the Denver Airport and the bunker etc etc, think about it people, this area was selected a LONG time ago for this stuff, I am sure
there are many reasons, some are logistical I'm sure, how many are occult in nature, not so much ----but I see the signs in the airport and in the
numerology around this week as perhaps being HIGH
The UN is doing some big stuff at the moment as well that will affect the hot bed of the MIDDLE East at the same time....
The heart of Leo/Regulus (heart is in the CENTER of the body) is one of the 4 Watchers of ancient astronomy as well as being an interesting astrology
I am beginning to wonder if OMG is about *seismic* change- real possibilities, as the POTUS has stated we can expect. If there is some severe quake
or other natural disasters, at a time when the tension between Israel and Palestine... ON a Jewish Festival time Rosh Hashanah (Sunset of September 28
through nightfall of September 30) Either way the decision goes the fallout is going to be intense.
Rosh Hashanah
The anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, a Day of Judgment and Coronation, the sounding of the shofar
Now you do not need to believe in the occult, or in God or religion, however if you do believe NWO OR Tribulation are REAL..... It might be a good
time to remind yourself that what WE/YOU believe doesn't matter nearly as much as what TPTB believe.
Here is a snip I found at the link below: There are 5 SuperMoons during 2011 with one more Extreme to occur:
February 12 2011 Spanning up to the 21st
March 19 2011
April 18 2011
September 27 2011 = 13
November 25 2011
I find the 13 pretty interesting.
The gravitational pulls and pressures are going to be bearing on the planet from multiple directions and angles.
We don't need to have DEVASTATION on all fronts, but if we have some devastation on many fronts, OMG could certainly be the common cry. Kind of an
eerie coloration to the *sounding of the shofar*
Yom Kippur October 7-8, 2011
On Yom Kippur of the jubilee year the ceremony was performed with the shofar as on New Year's Day. Rosh Hoshana is the Jewish New Year. A ceremonial
horn, called a “shofar” is blown, reminding Jews that God is king. A feast with symbolic food is eaten on Rosh Hashana, and the next ten days are
spent in repentance. Rosh Hashana ends on Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur is a day of judgment, during which prayers are made asking for forgiveness.
Moon Phases, October 2011
First Quarter – October 4
Full Moon – October 12
Last Quarter – October 20
New Moon – October 26
Don't let these dates throw you off! The full moon Oct 12 will be celebrated by those who do the night of Oct 11, then after midnight around 2am the
moon will be 100% full, and Oct 13 is a very significant day to anyone that knows anything about the Templars.
Followed by another Super Moon the next month, November 25th which is also, interestingly an eclipse. Another tween.
The economy is tanking, the middle east is escalating, if there are random events, be they man made or naturally occurring- all these things happening
at once could possibly compound one another.
If there should be a pole shift or whatever else is possible-- say segments of time when magnetic forces drop incredibly more than usual... well damn,
the possibilities are countless.
I do not want to be a fear monger but I am thinking now is a good time to have some extra supplies around, and a gas tank 3/4 full versus 3/4 empty.