posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 08:47 PM
Soul and God are alive, and both have divine quality. However there are many qualities of God that soul does not have.
Only a true seeker can understand God. God cannot be found in temples and statues, not even in pictures, or in mountains and rivers, or by gazing at
sun or moon.
God is everywhere but hidden from view. Why? Because God’s power is so limitless, compared to soul, that a soul could not perform any action, if God
was visible.
What does a human seek then. Yoga Shashtra provides the answer to the biggest mystery facing humans. When we are seeking God, we are actually seeking
‘SELF’. The soul has degraded and soiled from countless lives of sin, and so is unaware of itself – its own glory and power. It is grinding into
an unending cycles of birth and death, suffering endless pain due to its ignorance. Yoga takes a soul from darkness to light, from powerless to power,
by burning the sins and making the soul purer, that eventually it sees its own true form, a form of pure knowledge, pure bliss, and true power.