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Heartbroken... AGAIN

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posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 01:13 AM

I bet it could be done with the right equations put in for it to calculate....However I hate math, and suck at it. But it technically can be done, but not by me, because math sucks.

So you admittedly suck at math and know nothing about it but are completely sure that love another thing you don't understand either is completely explainable through it? There is only one word for this: bollocks.

Let me tell you something about logic a word you seem to love. Logic is reasoning with the facts that you know to come to a conclusion. Yet here we see you assuming that love is calculable using math while knowing nothing about either love or math. You aren't even making educated guesses.

You are assuming that everything has a value without even knowing why or how those values exist.

I'm sure someone else could give you a better definition of logic but I'm pretty satisfied with mine for our purposes.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by Petrov62
reply to post by gabby2011

Hey Gabby, your persistent and unwavering attitude throughout this thread, in the face of I must say some strident and even bizarre criticism from some quarters, is worthy of high praise. _javascript:icon('
People of a certain age have to realise that, NO, it's NOT all about them, and YES, I am responsible for my actions and decisions._javascript:icon('

Thank you ..but I really am not worthy of high praise..

I felt painted in to a corner, and hit below the belt so to speak..and I fought back, which is my usual manner of dealing with this type of behavior.

I do appreciate very much your acknowledgement that I was under some bizarre criticism , and unfair accusations, but I'm not so sure I would deal with it in the same manner, if it were to happen again.

Thank you again for posting what you did, it did make me feel better than some of you understood, and could see what had developed through conversation in this thread.

edit on 24-9-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by FEDec

So you admittedly suck at math and know nothing about it but are completely sure that love another thing you don't understand either is completely explainable through it? There is only one word for this: bollocks.

Yes that is what i said, and yes it is very much so possible, and yes I really don't care at all to explain that.

Let me tell you something about logic a word you seem to love. Logic is reasoning with the facts that you know to come to a conclusion. Yet here we see you assuming that love is calculable using math while knowing nothing about either love or math. You aren't even making educated guesses.

Like I said I do not care.

But here watch this vid and I will explain it to you a little.

You know its so quite in here that I can hear you think, so quite in fact that I can hear the crickets chirp.

Do you know why cricket chirp?

Here let me save some time and link to a wiki.

Only male crickets chirp. It's actually called 'stirdulation'. This happens when it rubs the bottom part of one of its wings on the top part of the other wing. There are 3 reasons why crickets chirp;
1) to attract females;
2) to impress the female he has already attracted;
3) to warn other males to stay away.
Also, you can tell the temperature outside by listening to how fast they chirp; the hotter it is, the faster they chirp and the colder it is, the slower.

There has been much chirping on this relationship forum and not only in this thread.

Now to a more interesting question, do you know why female crickets do not chirp?

The answer to that is....i really don't feel like telling you. But i am sure you could figure out why they don't.

And lastly do you know what crickets and humans have in common, especially when it comes to making noise?

You are assuming that everything has a value without even knowing why or how those values exist.

You cant spell assume without ass, and you cant assume on something without making an ass of yourself.

You are assuming much when you assume that i do not know why or how those values exist. How many assumptions have there been on this thread, is not this entire thread just one long chain of assumptions, from the ops first post to the last that has been posted everybody is assuming things both about the op and about everybody else on this thread. So you know what that means, everybody is an A**.

I'm sure someone else could give you a better definition of logic but I'm pretty satisfied with mine for our purposes.

I think you could of done better, but hey I get it.

Like Bruce Lee once said in a movie.

Don't think..feel. what was that? An exhibition? We need emotional content.... Try again.

I will try to be more feel'y, and less pragmatic.

But then again Yoda once said.

"Do or do not, there is no try"
edit on 25-9-2011 by galadofwarthethird because: Yoda quote

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

darn those scientists, for assuming they understand why crickets chirp...or don't chirp

edit on 25-9-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 10:41 AM
I have zero--repeat, zero--sympathy when attractive women (who literally have a nearly infinite amount of options) complain they can't find the sort of guy they want. There isn't a lunatic in any asylum in the world as crazy as a beautiful woman.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 11:39 AM

Yes that is what i said, and yes it is very much so possible, and yes I really don't care at all to explain that.

No you can't explain it because you have absolutely no clue of what you are talking about. That's why you made a giant off-topic post about crickets chirping that seemingly has nothing to do with ANYTHING at all.

I'm seriously beginning to question your grasp of reality.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 03:16 PM
This thread has developed into what can only be described as hilarity

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 04:03 PM
I think Galad is actually some renown performance artist who is attempting to stretch the limits of internet tomfoolery for his latest installment.

Well I want credit!

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:13 PM
Hey BMM, looks like after 9 pages I'm a little late to the discussion, seems you've gotten quite a following. Though I'm sure this statement had nothing to do with it

Thanks. I actually do hope to meet someone here.. lol.. Any single ATS'ers out there ?

(I kid I kid)

Anyway, as sad as I am to hear about your broken heart, after reading the description of this creep I'm actually quite happy for you, I'm positive you can do better than that. I really do hope you find what you're looking for, keep true to yourself and I'm sure you will.

It's been my experience in interactions with you on ATS that you are willing to step up to help a situation, you have a sense of humor, and you're on the level. And with eyes like those (shwing!), I'm sure you'll have no problem finding the one you deserve, so long as you never sell yourself short.

- LS

After reading through more of these pages I've realized the line I quoted has apparently been thrown back at you by users who obviously lack a sense of humor, trolls I say. I can see it for what it is, and didn't want you thinking I was trying to be demeaning in any way shape or form.

edit on 26-9-2011 by Lighterside because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ
reply to post by gabby2011

Ok....let me just put this as plain as I can.

You are totally ruining this thread and making it ALL about what YOU THINK others should do and how they should do it.

I really do not care what you think ....could care less about how my advice to HER influenced you.

I just do not care.

While I am in this thread talking to the OP about HER relationship issues.... I am more than focused on my own porch all the while trying to help a girl out instead of kicking her while she is down....ya know....kind of what you are doing. Hey...just calling a spade a spade.

To shed even more light on YOU....I have to say that while reading through your rants about the OP it does appear that you are so jealous of the fact that she may be trying to hook up. Jealousy is a very unattractive trait...but hey.... that is on YOU.

You picking on her, post after post is annoying and I am sure I am not the only one who sees this....I have no idea why you have been allowed to do it this long but I really wish you would get over it and move on.

Well freaking said MamaJ. This is where I am at in the thread thus far, and I couldn't agree more with your statement. Personally, I would pay good money to see BMM scratch this attention [snip]'s eyes out on pay per view, but that's just the chauvinist in me.
(am I allowed to say that?)

Seriously Gabby, you're drawing conclusions based on a tounge in cheek remark all because it's 3 posts down? Pffft, she only made the statement because BMM knows I'm a member here on ATS (LOL, there's that chauvinistic side again! I kid I kid).

And BMM, cheers to you for having a sense of humor about your own situation. It's a good way to pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and get back to having fun again.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 07:09 PM
Well, end of thread.... seems I was actually right about why this thread got so many replies. However, I imagined it was 9 pages of drooling single guys *wipes drool off*. Turns out it was a cat fight fueled by what I can only describe as jealousy and attention whoring.

Anyway, I applaud you for standing your ground BMM,
the nay-sayers!

Gabby > < BMM

Me >

edit on 26-9-2011 by Lighterside because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Lighterside
Well, end of thread.... seems I was actually right about why this thread got so many replies. However, I imagined it was 9 pages of drooling single guys *wipes drool off*. Turns out it was a cat fight fueled by what I can only describe as jealousy and attention whoring.

Anyway, I applaud you for standing your ground BMM,
the nay-sayers!

Gabby > < BMM

Me >

edit on 26-9-2011 by Lighterside because: (no reason given)

Youre too cute !!! lol

I can sense the wrath of a certain someone in 3, 2, 1.... lol

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 07:33 PM

Youre too cute !!! lol I can sense the wrath of a certain someone in 3, 2, 1.... lol


I was never about wrath.. just honesty.. you just couldn't deal with that, and dealt out your wrath.

plus I know I'm right.. this was all for attention.. nothing at all about a broken heart.. considering you seemed to be advertising for new love before you even broke up with the dude..or he broke up with you..

. and no matter how many people stick up for you..I know I'm right on this...and I think deep know I'm right too..

have fun..all the best to you...hope your broken heart heals fast (chuckles)

what you say? you're already over it.. AMAZING
..what a little attention will do..

be careful though... lest you get another .. BROKEN HEART ..AGAIN

I really do think you want a good boyfriend bmm ..and I hope you get what you are searching for....just be careful about the quality of men you may be attracting.
edit on 26-9-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Lighterside
Well, end of thread.... seems I was actually right about why this thread got so many replies. However, I imagined it was 9 pages of drooling single guys *wipes drool off*. Turns out it was a cat fight fueled by what I can only describe as jealousy and attention whoring.

Anyway, I applaud you for standing your ground BMM,
the nay-sayers!

Gabby > < BMM

Me >

edit on 26-9-2011 by Lighterside because: (no reason given)

You have the right to your opinions..which doesn't make you correct.. but hey..have your say..

..your opinion matters little to me..

The fact that you would try and stir this up again, just for a little entertainment, pretty much verifies what I thought of you already.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by blackmetalmist
I can sense the wrath of a certain someone in 3, 2, 1.... lol

omg.... please make it stop..... tears rolling down face..... BAHAHAHAHAH!

It's funny cause it's true!

Originally posted by gabby2011
You have the right to your opinions..which doesn't make you correct.. but hey..have your say..

..your opinion matters little to me..

The fact that you would try and stir this up again, just for a little entertainment, pretty much verifies what I thought of you already.

I'm a narcissistic dirt bag honey, so of course my opinions make me correct!

Oh, but please, since you're in the business of bashing others, please please please do tell. I could use more hysterical laughter. Just what is it that you already thought of me person I don't know? You're obviously an expert on judging the character of others, I would love to hear it.

Oh god, my belly hurts. Thank you for making my posts completely and totally worth the time, what a pay-off. Don't think I've laughed this hard in a minute.

And seeing as how you've spent the whole thread bashing on BMM, I'd say I am hardly stirring anything up "again". Unfortunately I was in the desert gambling and drinking this last week, so excuse me for catching up on threads from members who's opinions actually carry weight with me.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Lighterside

so from the looks of this , it sounds like Gabby has history with most of the people here (arguing wise)

Death_Kron, MammaJ, now you.. What the heck ???

I guess I'll be added to the list now !

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Lighterside

I'm a narcissistic dirt bag honey, so of course my opinions make me correct!

You pretty much answered your own question...

that was pretty much along the lines of my opinion of you..

but does it really matter ?.. I'm sure you care as little about my opinion of you, as I care about your opinion of me..

now go flash your pearly whites at someone who feels the need for some dirt bag narcissistic attention.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by gabby2011
now go flash your pearly whites at someone who feels the need for some dirt bag narcissistic attention.

I thought that's exactly what I was doing?

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 09:22 PM
Hey Gabby!
I guess your teeter-totter feels really uplifting from up your birdview. A for effort old sweat. I think it's time for abandon ship and it also comes for all the mud fight fans.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Pantherapardus
Hey Gabby!
I guess your teeter-totter feels really uplifting from up your birdview. A for effort old sweat. I think it's time for abandon ship and it also comes for all the mud fight fans.

trust I leave this is only because I have said what needed to be said, and some which didn't.

the mud fight fans created the mud flinging.... for their own twisted form of entertainment.

They know that..I know that....and for me it is finished.

Now I suggest you all get back on topic , and help bmm with the healing of her broken heart.

good bye.

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