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Breitbart: Conservatives ‘outnumber’ liberals, ‘and we have the guns’

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posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by usernameconspiracy

Couldn't be more wrong? No such thing when it come to politics. My views are just as valid as yours. We don't have to agree, but neither of us are right or wrong.

I find this a very interesting stance. I agree on the whole "each is entitled to his/her opinion" idea....but I don't see how that translates to "no opinion is wrong".

Take a fictional event in american politics that happened in Robert Heinlein's books: a religious nut was voted in as POTUS....and that was the end of "elections" in the US for the next 150 years or so because it became a Theocracy. Hello second dark ages, etc.
You would say that the (fictional) people who had the "opinion" that this (fictional) religious guy would make a good POTUS were not wrong?

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by parksh

do you know that there will be civil war? ho will you feel if it is your side that starts it? how will you answer for whole sale murder of fellow citizens. step back from answering in anger and take a moment to really consider the repercussions of such rash statements. when its' all said and done where will you stand? freedom or tyranny?

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Seems its aimed at the lowest common denominator whom believes there can be a civil war.
Its for populist retoric and nothing more...its for ratings.


In the case of Waters, it was aimed specifically at the Tea Party. Up to that point, I was walking away from the Tea party - actually, running - because it appeared that Neocons were trying to co-opt them via their Republican juggernaut, and assimilate them. I'm reconsidering now. I'll still never actually vote for a Republican until they retain at least a semblance of conservatism, and throw off the Neocon yoke, but neither will I stand by and watch as the liberals steamroll them, guns a-blazin'. It's MY freedom the liberals are after, too - that includes the neocon faction of liberalism.

In the case of Hoffa, it was aimed generally at folks who won't kowtow to union extortion, and specifically at anyone opposing the Obama Agenda. Violence and coersion are the FIRST resort of Unions, and have been for as long as I can recall. I take Hoffa's "rhetoric" at face value, because I've seen that violence he is promoting first-hand via the Teamsters in the 70's, the UMWA in the 70's and 80's, the SEIU in the 90's and one other Union in the 90's whose name I never even bothered to ask. "The guys with the ax handles" was sufficient identification for me, but it was whichever Union had taken over Allied Chemical in Farmer's Valley (near Smethport), PA.

Yeah, when them good ol' boys start issuing threats, I sit up, take notice, and lock-n-load.

No liberals were threatened, hence a "commonality" cannot be claimed. It's NOT aimed at "the lowest common denominator" it's aimed at anyone with the temerity to stand up and espouse individuality over collectivism. Not many of those to be found on "the left", but the few that are there probably ought to reconsider, since they will be targets of the mobs as well.

"Believes there can be a civil war"? Very few ever actually believe that can happen - until the bullets start whizzing past their ears. It's only then they are convinced it's a possibility, and they are entirely unprepared for it, since they previously believed it to be "impossible". Even then, most think it'll be "over in an instant" with their own side coming out on top, and it's rarely ever concluded that quickly. that pesky "other side" has a nasty habit of killing 'em right back, and doing it well enough to surprise them.

A prudent man will be always prepared, and ever vigilant. When he hears the rumbling of the ground as the opposition horses advance, he doesn't automatically assume it's an innocuous horde of tap-dancing crabs heading his way. Nor does he assume those loud BOOMing noises are festive fireworks until he sees the pretty sparkles in the sky.

A unarmed yet educated man.

(I guess that makes me the most armed then...intellect always trumps violence. We are not top of the food chain because we are the strongest)

"Education" and "intelligence" are not the same thing. I can train dogs and monkeys. Intelligence assists with being educated, but they are different things, and should not be confused.

No species gets to "the top of the food chain" without violence. They must kill to eat, and killing is a fairly violent activity. Strength isn't necessary to prosecute violent action, but in it's absence, intelligence fills in fairly well. Being intelligent just make you, in particular, a more formidable predator, that's all. Intelligence doesn't "trump" violence, it augments it in a very lethal way.

As a matter of fact, the more intelligent predators are the ones I watch for closest, since they are the most dangerous ones.

I'll keep it in mind.

edit on 2011/9/21 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

A large amount of the military are composed of hispanics and blacks. Which side do you think they would take, hmmmmmmm? LOL, yeah, they would take the side of the people and defend against right wing traitors like Breitbart who want to overthrow this country.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by jibeho

No, it was founded by Dixiecrats, all of whom turned Republican after the Civil Rights movement. Stop being willfully ignorant and read your history.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

I can guarantee you that those numbers are skewed. First of all, the vast majority of conservatives in Blue States are really moderates. A friend of mine, who calls himself conservative, can't stand your Tea Party BS. He thinks you guys are insane. He is a New England conservative, and an heir of Dwight Eisenhower's Republican Party. In Texas, he would be considered a moderate or liberal.

Another thing, Tea Party members are by and large old and dying off. Gen Y, which is coming of age, doesn't believe in the loony moony ka ka that you Tea Party members promote. Gotta suck knowing that the Tea Party and the ideology that goes along with it will die off in twenty years or so.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by hideleehoneighborino
reply to post by centurion1211

A large amount of the military are composed of hispanics and blacks. Which side do you think they would take, hmmmmmmm? LOL, yeah, they would take the side of the people and defend against right wing traitors like Breitbart who want to overthrow this country.

I missed the part where he said he wants to "overthrow the country". It seemed a pretty straightforward reaction to calls for violence from the left. Are YOU trying to claim that unions are "the country" too? Doesn't matter, really - anyone who comes a-gunnin' for you is fair game in my book, government or private citizen.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by hideleehoneighborino
reply to post by jibeho

No, it was founded by Dixiecrats, all of whom turned Republican after the Civil Rights movement. Stop being willfully ignorant and read your history.

Before admonishing another to "read their history", you might want to brush up on it yourself. Try to get back beyond 1960 when you do. The KKK was founded quite a while before that, and history goes a LONG way back beyond 1960.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by hideleehoneighborino
reply to post by centurion1211

I can guarantee you that those numbers are skewed. First of all, the vast majority of conservatives in Blue States are really moderates.

Well then, they aren't really conservatives are they? Moderates were counted in the 35%.

A friend of mine, who calls himself conservative, can't stand your Tea Party BS. He thinks you guys are insane. He is a New England conservative, and an heir of Dwight Eisenhower's Republican Party. In Texas, he would be considered a moderate or liberal.

Then he's a "neocon", which I have stated time and time again are neither new nor conservative, and so own a misnomer.

Another thing, Tea Party members are by and large old and dying off. Gen Y, which is coming of age, doesn't believe in the loony moony ka ka that you Tea Party members promote. Gotta suck knowing that the Tea Party and the ideology that goes along with it will die off in twenty years or so.

I hope they enjoy the chains they forge for themselves. It's not like I'll be around to give a crap about it when I'm dead and gone, is it?

edit on 2011/9/21 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:44 PM

generation Y as in

jersey shore

generation Y

yeah yeah hilarious

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by NoHierarchy

You obviously have a VERY POOR understanding of how unemployement, wealth gaps, poverty, wealth stratification, and market hierarchies work. Go back to school and drop the "pull yourself up by your bootstrap" crap.

Uhm, it's not mind power? Mind bullets maybe?

Engaging within an interdependent Republic society can create all kinds of "crap" including ostensibly authority.

Personally I'm not interested in this particular etiology since it is not I who hold any power of another, therefore I can not change another individual.
After saying that I must add that your post was salient, my mind effortlessly engendering stratification such as entitlement, division, dependency, and also societal Darwinism.


America is largely built on those who chose to "pull up their bootstraps" and try try again.

We the people, as a whole, and as individuals are compassionate and giving. We know how to bridge the gap between those who are more fortunate and those who are not-as-fortunate. When the unwanted and unwarranted government criminals and their ilks stop treading on us is when we thrive.

Peace to you.

K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple silly, sometimes I forget this)

Apologies if I didn't fully answer your question, I'm exhausted from an extra long day of work.

edit on 21-9-2011 by sweetliberty because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Speaking to a Massachusetts tea party group recently, conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart made some comments that are raising eyebrows online this week, telling the small gathering of Republicans that he sometimes wants to “fire the first shot.”

Is this a threat against libs? Sounds like it. I wonder who he would target first and how would he identify them as the "enemy"?

I also wonder how many of the ATS conservatives agree with him and Michael Savage that also thinks violence is an answer.

No, I believe that was President Obama who referred to his political rivals as "enemies." His union thugs have a bad habit --a documented recent history-- of showing up at houses and threatening people, or committing outright violence.

To "fire the first shot" is a common metaphor, by the way. If you characterize conservatives as violent then I would have to wonder what sort of whacked out microcosm you inhabit.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by whaaa

1) Of course it isn't a threat. It is a fact that there are far more conservatives than liberals, and it is also a fact that conservatives are far more likely to own a gun(s) than liberals are.

2) There is no need for him or any other conservative to identify the enemy, because the enemy has already identified themselves, and they continue to do so on a daily basis.

3) The second amendment is the only thing standing between what little freedom and liberty we have left, and the progressives rounding up anyone that disagrees with them. As far as I'm concerned they can come get some.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 05:03 PM
I don't label myself as a conservative, liberal, etc. I have a universal belief system that's harmonious with all life. But I do believe the second amendment is the "root" right of freedom. Without it, we wouldn't maintain the other rights that keep us "free". I must also say that TRUE freedom is not obtainable until after we leave our bodies. WE ALL NEED TO BE PREPARED FOR ANY POSSIBLE SCENARIO... EVEN DEATH. It's all happening very fast people. I hope you're ready.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime
reply to post by whaaa

1) Of course it isn't a threat. It is a fact that there are far more conservatives than liberals, and it is also a fact that conservatives are far more likely to own a gun(s) than liberals are.

2) There is no need for him or any other conservative to identify the enemy, because the enemy has already identified themselves, and they continue to do so on a daily basis.

3) The second amendment is the only thing standing between what little freedom and liberty we have left, and the progressives rounding up anyone that disagrees with them. As far as I'm concerned they can come get some.

Never in all my time on ATS have I seen so many Keyboard Commandos (with Action Avatars!) crawl out from their bunkers to hurl such threats of violence at their fellow citizens.

And you wonder why the international component of this site posts threads like "Is America a nation of psychopaths?" I happen to know you're not...but folks...this ain't your finest hour.

Re-read the thread, please, and give some thought to the levels to which you've reduced yourselves.

edit on 21-9-2011 by JohnnyCanuck because: ...just because

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 05:12 PM
Violence is not the answer but how come through out history war and violence always happen when madness breaks out? I guess violence ends up being reailty and sadly happens every single time the world turns into a mess.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

So, if it didn't turn out so well, why are you pushing so hard for it again? didn't you learn your lesson the first time?

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 06:23 PM
I really am starting to think there is something in the water we drink, or in the air we breathe, or in the food.
It has been theorized that the Romans went slowly insane due to lead in the water they drank.
I wonder what is doing us in.
Because most of you people are off your rockers.
Left, Right all of you.
I don't see a bunch of comments by Americans. I see a bunch of comments by psychos.
Get your heads screwed on straight before the REAL psychos end up on your door step.
Remember we are ALL Americans and WE are ALL going down the tubes at the same pace.
Vent your anger at the TRUE villians.
You can start with Wall street and work from there.
I am about to give up on all of you............signed GOD.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by masterp
reply to post by nenothtu

So, if it didn't turn out so well, why are you pushing so hard for it again? didn't you learn your lesson the first time?

I'm untrainable. Just ask my wife!

What, pray tell, makes you think I'm "pushing for it again"? I don't much care who lives where, nor do I care of liberals want one patch of ground and conservatives another. I'M not moving - they can do as they like. All I'm saying is that when they come to lay violent hands on me - whoever "they" may be, since totalitarians march under all colors and not just red or not just blue - I'm likely to get excessively rude about it until they figure out that it ain't going to be as easy as they think.

You've never heard me say "boys. lets go git them progressives - they ain't thinkin' like us", but you have heard me say "boys, if it's a fight they want, don't disappoint 'em when they come for ya."

See, I rather enjoy having liberals around and conversing with them on all manner of topics. In general, they're not bad people. One of my best friends is a gen-u-ine tree huggin' flower pokin' hippy. No, the problems come in when some decide they're coming for me and "my kind" just because we "ain't thinkin' right", and send out the thugs as front men to work the crowds up to a violent pitch. I think it's only fair to deliver a warning that it might not go exactly according to plan, and to give fair notice that violence can go both ways, really fast.

If unions and progresives and such have to resort to violence to achieve their aims, then their aims aren't worth achieving, and will be resented by those they are trying to steamroll. They really ought to expect a few hitches in their giddy-up then, because those hitches will most definitely be forthcoming.

Personally, and pursuant to your notion of dividing the US into two nations, I think that if the liberals are right, and the current wars and occupations are "illegal", then so it the occupation by the US of the CSA. Don't need to "push for it again" in that case - we just need to evacuate the US from the CSA.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 08:00 PM
Hahahah "we have the guns?"
No buddy liberals have guns too. And believe me they know how to use them. Personally I hate the tea party.
I love conservatives but the Tea Party are a bunch of cry babies.
I mean really? These people are a joke!!! I cant believe that the media even gives them attention. Hell, they make me embarrassed to even say I am a conservative. But in retrospect I would love to take my REAL republican buddies and go against the tea party in a shooting contest any day

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