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Ask a Bodhisattva Anything

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posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
little surprised you still have an interest in politics and sport after becoming enlightened.

i have to say as well that some of your posts from this year really don't give the impression they are coming from someone claiming to be enlightened.

If i am creating this, why not enjoy the fruits?
and smell the flowers. After all, this is what i was striving for.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by rudeboyrave

i was addressing the op

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Buddha1098
reply to post by Shuye

I was didn't desire to escape for duality for my own sake, I desired to escape because all life feeds on life and if all life is one then non existence is the only escape from suffering. But I didn't desire to escape for my sake it was for the sake of others.

I'm not saying your desire is selfish, I'm just saying for me it wasn't the escape that I desired it was the desire to end suffering for others.

What do you mean specifically by do I still experience duality?

Wow, that's the bigger right there. Good goal, but I guess there is only different ways of achieving things and not the best way?

By experiencing duality, I mean whether are you still viewing experiences sometimes as good or bad, or merely as it is? Or perhaps do you see the immediate perfection in every single experience as good -and- bad, occurring at the same time? Or in more general perspective, how do you view duality?

And if I can ask one more thing... :-) After what do you think it is more important to follow, heart or intuition?

Thanks again, I really appreciate your kind responses.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by JohnySeagull

i am him and he is me.
you are too!

edit on 20-9-2011 by rudeboyrave because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by YodasQuotas

"Before enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water. After enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water."--Basho

perfect - I love this

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by rudeboyrave
reply to post by JohnySeagull

well excuse me... princess.

if you need to be excused, i excuse you.

do you usually answer for other people in life?

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by rudeboyrave
reply to post by JohnySeagull

i am him and he is me.
you are too!

edit on 20-9-2011 by rudeboyrave because: (no reason given)

do you often completely change your posts without reason?

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

The illusion I'm liberated from is Maya. The illusion that the material world is the only reality to experience. For me to get angry, worried, or saddened by reality would be like getting angry, worried or saddened by a video game or the characters in it.

What other world is there to experience? To me, the belief that there is another non-material world to be experienced is itself an illusion, not freedom from one. But to each his own. Have fun on your journey and thanks for your time.

TD, I sense a real curiosity in you. If you'd like to experience something beyond mundane existence you should read up on lucid dreaming. The types of worlds you can explore are mind boggling. While I'm sure I have a perfectly good imagination. It's hard to believe that as I'm asleep, and for all intents and purposes unconscious, that I'm able to visualize whole worlds I couldn't even draw or properly imagine while awake and conscious. There's something truly magical about the worlds dreams let us access.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by JohnySeagull

I used to be a sports fan, as in fanatic. Now it interests me, meaning I'll watch a game if it's on or I'm at the bar (My wife works in a bar) and it gives me something to relate to people with. But I don't take it very seriously. Two years ago I would have been downtown rioting after the Canucks lost game seven. This year I sat at home and shed a tear not because my team lost, but because I felt empathy for what Roberto Luongo felt.

Politics, well I'm not active in politics but I'll vote for the people which align with my values. I'd rather have Tax and spend liberals then conservatives who'll take away services but give me a little more money in my pocket so I can consume things I don't need. But again I don't take it that seriously because it's like a game within a game.

I may have come across as unenlightened in some posts. I'm curious as to which ones so I can explain my position or admit that I was acting out of character.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:54 PM
So you have seen where your true self is and who he is... Being a Christian I was very surprised.
The real eye opener is when your shown how you are and why you are.
Any faults? They are shown to you and it is part of the journey.....

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Buddha1098
On the solstice I thought "If everything is me then all animals are me too, the spiders and ants i stepped on and the chickens and cows I ate were me. I should treat all creation as if it were me." Instantly I felt and energy inside of my body and a smile crossed my face. I thought "My existence causes suffering, the only way to ensure I didn't cause suffering was to cease to exist." At that point I felt and overwhelming sense that I could "come home" I decided I wanted to and the room I was in had light begin to shine through it. Things went from opaque to transparent until I bluish white light was all I could see or perceive. I was laughing hysterically and what I felt was indescribable, but the closest word would be love.

Others realized or believe this exact same thing, so what allowed you to reach enlightenment while others have not?

The law of attraction works like this. Whatever energy you give out, you will get back. Whatever thoughts you have about something you will manifest.

This seems contradictory to some peoples lives I have witnessed. Quite often, overly positive people living miserable and unfortunate lives, yet taking it and keeping hope for better things to occur. In some instances, these positive people come to tragic or lonely endings.

Considering that most people want good things, and many people behave and live positive lives, why would there seemingly be more negative energy in and affecting the world and individual lives?

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Buddha1098

oh, there is no need to drag previous posts in here. if people are interested they can go and check them out themselves and make up their own minds.

you mention your empathy for a professional ice hockey player. thats nice you could feel empathy for someone so fotunate in the world. you still feel effected by your emotions after reaching enlightenment? your emotions still play a part in your everyday life?

did you see yourself when you became enlightened. i don't mean your physical body. do you see your true form? if so , how did you look?

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Buddha1098


I am fully and completely willing to accept that in the moment you became enlightened, you were indeed enlightened.

My questions to you are these: are you enlightened now?
And now?
And now?

And now?

A truly delightful thread. Thank you most kindly.

And now?

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 05:01 PM
hello me,

The question I ask myself this incarnation of that incarnation is why do I keep forgetting to stop coming back here?

Signed me to me

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 05:01 PM
To the OP:

Based on what you describe in your first post, I believe you had an opening of your heart chakra. Zen is not really my area of expertise, but what happened to you might be what they call an experience of satori. It is an awakening or realization of a kind of special insight.

You have a good attitude. I would advise you to ripen slowly and don't talk or teach about things you haven't experienced personally.

Best wishes to you.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Shuye

I don't experience things as good or bad. There are things I'd like to change (The suffering we inflict on the people of the third world) but I don't dwell on them because I can't change them I can only change myself. Also I realize that I can't see the whole picture so suffering could be and probably is necessary for growth. So I change what I can and accept the rest.

So no I don't believe in good or evil, Just service to self and service to others, which are ultimately the same thing because all is One.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:02 PM
you are a matrix created by your brain and nerve system...

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:05 PM

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Wolf321

Originally posted by Buddha1098
On the solstice I thought "If everything is me then all animals are me too, the spiders and ants i stepped on and the chickens and cows I ate were me. I should treat all creation as if it were me." Instantly I felt and energy inside of my body and a smile crossed my face. I thought "My existence causes suffering, the only way to ensure I didn't cause suffering was to cease to exist." At that point I felt and overwhelming sense that I could "come home" I decided I wanted to and the room I was in had light begin to shine through it. Things went from opaque to transparent until I bluish white light was all I could see or perceive. I was laughing hysterically and what I felt was indescribable, but the closest word would be love.

Others realized or believe this exact same thing, so what allowed you to reach enlightenment while others have not?

The law of attraction works like this. Whatever energy you give out, you will get back. Whatever thoughts you have about something you will manifest.

This seems contradictory to some peoples lives I have witnessed. Quite often, overly positive people living miserable and unfortunate lives, yet taking it and keeping hope for better things to occur. In some instances, these positive people come to tragic or lonely endings.

Considering that most people want good things, and many people behave and live positive lives, why would there seemingly be more negative energy in and affecting the world and individual lives?

I don't know why it happened for me and not for others. Maybe it was my heartfelt desire to end existence for the sake of others, or maybe it was the energy of the solstice or maybe it was both in conjunction. I don't know, obviously, I can only speculate.

I'm not an expert on the law of attraction, but in my experience what I've said appears to be true. I notice and experience a lot less anger in the world now that I'm a lot less angry. It's like when you buy a new car and you start noticing all the other people who have the same car as you. Maybe that's not the law of attraction but that is my experience.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Buddha1098
reply to post by Student X

Shadow figure was much later. During meditation I felt a presence opened my eyes and I saw the entity. I've also communicated with an entity as well.

How about you?

I wonder how many more of us there are out there? Did you see there is another person on this thread who had the same kind of experience the same day?

edit on 20-9-2011 by Buddha1098 because: (no reason given)

Your post brings me so much Joy as do many of the replies. I had a very similar experience to yours and others. I had been experiencing significant generalized and acute anxiety starting in '06 (later to realize my mind/body initially sensing Source). Medicated and it persisted. In '08 made a decision to get off the pharmaceutics and cut out alcohol for a few weeks. I was a new father and husband caught up in the game of materialism; an agnostic leaning towards atheist (just didn't have the drive to prove there was no god). I unknowingly began a process of surrender and forgiveness for primarily myself. I had begun reestablishing my relationship with my estranged mother after almost a decade. July '08 I found myself at my grandmother's death bed. After two days without sleep vigiling IT happened July 6th at 3AM. I was holding my grandmother's hand and was between the state of awake and sleep. A silent BOOM! Ego-Collapse, Universal Knowledge, Infinite Awareness, The Mind of God, Enlightenment, Awakening, The Tao, I AM, Christ Consciousness and many other names. I saw the Christ Fire in all; I saw me. Everyone that knew the old me asked me where the old me was and who is this new me. I was trapped in a perpetual miracle; the proverbial Now for over two years. Initially I was evangelical in trying to share with the other me's our perfection. It included a spiritual quest to Hopi Nation. I have since grounded enough to chop wood and carry water in this dimension Knowing IT is coming for All and there is Nothing to fear.

Currently I spend more time in the Maya than I prefer to. For example, I was in a database development meeting where we were struggling with the absurdity of a design by a vendor and the team was rather frustrated and feeling overwhelmed. I worked with a Light Being from India on this team and I whispered to him as to not distract the team, "Look at us, divine beings of the cosmos and we choose to trifle with such things!" We broke out laughing at a very inappropriate time but that's how the Now IS. The veil of the superficial and mundane simply collapses.

I feel blessed to have come upon this thread.

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