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Ask a Bodhisattva Anything

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 07:06 PM

Very happy you were able to see the light

I would like to apologise if my post came across as offensive in any way. I was just annoyed that his genuine nature had been undermined by multiple posters not interested in asking the advice of a bodhisattva nor in discussing the Dharma nor bothering to read into who they were so harshly judging properly but were only out to promote dischord, Anyway to answer your question, Yes, I don't think having a desire to crush another's ego's is AT ALL healthy,, for the mind to harbour thoughts & perceptions like that is poisonous to the heart (meaning us all
) be careful in how you project your own frustrations onto others. one should learn to overcome ones own ego through observing critically even the nature of our critical observation watching if it stems from egoistic thoughts or compassionate feelings..... once you have your ego under your control (instead of the other way round) compassion is a natural feeling as the OP described
Don't feel down about the retail, always try to remember the buddhas wise words. Know it's just a phase, so to remain optimistic & be encouraging for all to join the many awakening souls at this auspicious time gaining momentum in spreading the pure wisdom of the pure Dharma to all suffering sentient beings.

For the record, were not here to feel superior, were here to make friends spreading love peace & happiness with our wisdom about the correct path to attain these illusory states of liberation in this illusory world.,... the cosmos is just the dream of god. make love with nature naturally & nature with love you. may all beings be happy.
edit on 22/9/2011 by EmeraldGreen because: spellings

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Redeemer
I did not come here to argue but rather to stop a series of misunderstandings and confusion before they unfold and cause a domino effect of headaches. The op has left and possibly realized that he was deluded. I am asking politely for a moderator to close or lock this thread if it is their will.

The OP is not deluded and noone is suffering from his experiences he wishes to tell. He is only giving testament of a spiritual experience that is possible for anyone and that is to see through the illusion and the chains that bind and to know that we are all one. For some, it's a spontaneous experience and for others it's a long process that they feel is necessary. Each person is different.

I don't believe Bhudda is coming from ego. He has a deep love for others.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by EmeraldGreen

I have taken no offense. Thank you for your reply.
. This thread is great and we all have a chance to learn from each other.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by Buddha1098
First of all I want to give a little background information and then explain my reason for posting here.

On December 21 of 2010 I became enlightened. I will go into details if anyone is curious, but this post is more about my desire to help others to enlighten themselves. After my experience I began scouring the internet for information in an attempt to incorporate the experience into my life, and to try and piece together what happened to me.

After nearly nine months I feel like I have a good grasp of enlightenment, both what it is and what it isn't, and I'm hopeful that I can help others who have the same questions as I did.

Enlightenment is there for anyone who seeks it. It isn't reserved for a select few, and YOU can achieve it if you desire it.

Any Questions?

My awakening started last year too.

What does NASA and the PTB hides from the people?
Is the Earth ever going to get past this material state sooner or later?

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 02:10 PM
I guess this is a more general question. I sometimes feel a pull towards seeking for the truth, but I'm pessimistic about my prospects and I'm confused by so many methods to choose from.

In other words, say I decide to start doing A, B, and C every day what kind of results should I expect after a couple of years?

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Buddha1098

Hi.I'm a bodhisattva as well. I regret making that desicion above all else except ever desiding to exist in the first place. I've been through(still am) hell and I seek truth. I'd respect an honest opinion or advice on how to get the oportunity once more. Just to show i'm not lying or anything i'll describe my experience and hopefully it'll match yours but i've never talked to another bodhisattva before so this may sound strange. Also i'm not an experienced buddhist, in fact when i reached enlightment and literally everything started glowing and i sort of fell asleep in my bed-but i've started going to a buddhist comunity here in Sweden so i can learn EVERYTHING. all the gold in the world can't buy me nirvana. appreciate your honest opinion.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by ventro

where is ur experience that u said willing to describe?

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by ventro

Sorry for the delay in my response. I'm not often on ATS anymore. I am not a Buddhist either, I just used the buddhist terms to describe my experience. If there is anything I can help you with, even if it is just to listen I am here for you. It is a lonely place living with people who cannot understand what you have been through, I told people about my experience, and everyone thought I was crazy. Having those closest to you reject the most significant experience of your life as madness is extremely painful. I'm here for you in whatever way you need my friend.


posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 04:01 PM
well....I am not saying you are not....but enlightenment is something (as far as I know) that you have for moments....even a master can be enlightened for a moment and have it fade....

the path of enlightenment is one to make a continuous path of it....not just the high points of living but rather the dark places as deny you are angry when you are is no more enlightened than a "normal" person just controlling himself....accepting your anger and moving beyond it is closer to being groovy and all that jazz

I think the common fallacy with being GURU ESQ is that people think they will all of a sudden BE this thing reality it is like a heartbeat in that it can beat once...but it is the continual beating that gives you life...

edit on 3-1-2012 by newyorkee because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:47 PM
One of my good friends, an old buddist himself, very far down the path to enlightenment. He shows wisdom, compassion and consideration in all his words. I asked him how he could describe what he felt, and he told me that he has many revelations and epiphanies relevant to his life and perceptions, and is humbled with great empathy. He has been meditating his whole life, he currently does something called "Dhama Dipa", or something close, which is 10-30 days in silence (meditating 12 hours a day) with likeminded individuals. I tried it out several times, you spend the first 2 days merely focusing on your breath from your nose hitting your top lip, apparently helping to focus the mind and also empty it. I wouldn't consider myself enlightened but those experiences have definately made me appreciate the little things. Time slows down when you slow down. I saw a catapiller climb a tree using silk.
edit on 10-2-2012 by BelowLowAnnouncement because: for clarity

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Buddha1098

Is the invisible college winning?

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by BelowLowAnnouncement
One of my good friends, an old buddist himself, very far down the path to enlightenment. He shows wisdom, compassion and consideration in all his words. I asked him how he could describe what he felt, and he told me that he has many revelations and epiphanies relevant to his life and perceptions, and is humbled with great empathy. He has been meditating his whole life, he currently does something called "Dhama Dipa", or something close, which is 10-30 days in silence (meditating 12 hours a day) with likeminded individuals. I tried it out several times, you spend the first 2 days merely focusing on your breath from your nose hitting your top lip, apparently helping to focus the mind and also empty it. I wouldn't consider myself enlightened but those experiences have definately made me appreciate the little things. Time slows down when you slow down. I saw a catapiller climb a tree using silk.
edit on 10-2-2012 by BelowLowAnnouncement because: for clarity

Yeah, that's very good. We have this silly new age ideas that once you have obtained enlightenment (we all know that you can't obtain enlightenment if you haven't been enlightened some point in your past lives), you will live in some eternal bliss. Maybe this has to do with the Christianity's idea Paradise. Yeah, only during the moment of the enlightenment would you have this feeling of bliss. Even that, it is not permanent. You will go on and to live out your life in this physical world. However, your life will change, depending on what this enlightenment is doing to your world perspectives and resulting you having a different will to engage the world. You may become a different person with the intention to resolve your present and past life karmas. This often may result in you acting in an extraordinary way.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 01:59 PM
My question is the following. What does your diet consist of?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by pirhanna
How can I make some additional money?
I'm an artist in my spare time, and it costs money to make art.

Make art people wish to buy.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Buddha1098

Umm this is kinda embarrassing, I have an addiction for sex. How does one overcome this desire? I have been trying very long to get rid of this addiction.

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