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Originally posted by MrsBlonde
I say worship ,because if I take humans saying they worship and just observe what they do it's the the same. the horses took time out of their day to stand together all facing the sun no one grazing and no one moving ,motionless for and hour or so .I 've seen many animals do this .but none with obvious ceremonial context of the horses
and yes I'm going to call it worship lots of sentient creatures have all the emotions and intelligence to carry this out, elephants are known to hold funerals for their dead, it's all part of the same continuum
Originally posted by Annee
Atheism is a non belief. A lack of belief. There is nothing of real fact that supports a deity in the position of man made religion.
a·the·ism [ey-thee-iz-uhm] Show IPA noun 1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God. 2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.
a : a disbelief in the existence of deity b : the doctrine that there is no deity
Urban Dictionary
1.) A person who lacks belief in a god or gods. People who use this definition categorize atheists as either negative (or implicit or weak) atheists or positive (or explicit or strong) atheists. Negative atheists, while they don't believe in a god, do not positively assert that no gods exist. Positive atheists, however, do. 2.) A person who believes that no god or gods exist. Those who consider themselves atheists (who are usually positive atheists) tend to define 'atheist' using the former definition, and those who believe in a god or gods tend to define 'atheist' using the latter. In both cases, this seems to be a demagogic practice intended to classify either as many or as few people as atheists as possible. Negative atheists are usually referred to as agnostics.
cambridge dictionary
someone who believes that God or gods do not exist
Atheism, as defined by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and other philosophy reference works, is the denial of the existence of God.[1][2][3]
atheist Look up atheist at 1570s, from Fr. athéiste (16c.), from Gk. atheos "without god, denying the gods; abandoned of the gods; godless, ungodly," from a- "without" + theos "a god" (see Thea). The existence of a world without God seems to me less absurd than the presence of a God, existing in all his perfection, creating an imperfect man in order to make him run the risk of Hell. [Armand Salacrou, "Certitudes et incertitudes," 1943]
From the earliest coinage: Without God says nothing about belief. Denying the godsgives no diffrentiation in whether belief or a lack of belief is required. Abandoned of the gods requires having once belonged to them, and might imply belief of the gods even to this day. Godless, and ungodly are what you call people who do not practice the things that are of God. One is abandonment, the other is self-chosen.
atheism Look up atheism at 1580s, from Fr. athéisme (16c.), from Gk. atheos "without god" (see atheist). A slightly earlier form is represented by atheonism (1530s) which is perhaps from It. atheo "atheist." Ancient Gk. atheotes meant "ungodliness."
Originally posted by steveknows
Originally posted by MrsBlonde
I say worship ,because if I take humans saying they worship and just observe what they do it's the the same. the horses took time out of their day to stand together all facing the sun no one grazing and no one moving ,motionless for and hour or so .I 've seen many animals do this .but none with obvious ceremonial context of the horses
and yes I'm going to call it worship lots of sentient creatures have all the emotions and intelligence to carry this out, elephants are known to hold funerals for their dead, it's all part of the same continuum
I understand what you're saying and I believe to a point that you're right but we aren't in the same basket as other animals. We're a bit more complex.
Think this one through. If it's wrong to teach kids that God exists and shove it down their throats, if you live in a highly educated society where the outcome is a lack of belief in God, then they are teaching a conflicting worldview to the belief in God. That is all. It is not about being more intelligent, or less.
Originally posted by RoguePhilosopherThe fact that there are far more atheists in those countries were people are better and more educated and also tend to have the naturally smarter folk suggests that blind faith believers are just that "Blind of Mind"!
Originally posted by MrsBlonde
I say wthere has been no mention in this thread of Temple Grandin
You deemed rightly. For instance: where do we get the idea that separation of Church and State is in the constitution? That phrase is a recent phrase, not from the founding of our country. To quote the first amendment:
Originally posted by Annee
They - rightly - stand that religion does not belong in government. Such as public/government schools - - government courtrooms - etc.
Congress has no right to prohibit the exercise of religion of even a leader of the country. If a teacher wants to pray, publically, there's no way a law that prohibits them from expressing their faith is even remotely constitutional. Just like if a leader gets up at the front of the class and burns a Bible for religious purposes, we have no constitutional right to press a ban. So while we can tout separation of Church and State all we want, a lot of what we put under this banner of separation is unconstitutional. We can put an amendment through to change this founding document, but we haven't. We've just made laws that go around it.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
But forcing God-things out of individuals who make up the Government is. Semantics, I know.
Originally posted by AnneeKeeping God out of government is not religious.
*drily* just like it's a historical fact that Christians believed the world was flat? (By the way, this is bait.) Christopher Columbus went out to prove the world was flat while the Christian world knew it was round, and was trying to figure out how big it is. But we're not taught it this way, at least most of us aren't.
Originally posted by steveknowsThe developed world became developed because we were able to seperate church from state which brought us out of the dark age. That's the very reason most islamic countries are still backward because they're yet to dothat. religion cripples state. thats's historical fact.
Which is hilrious because it's protestants fighting against Catholic beliefs.
Originally posted by MountainmegEvangelicals show in stomping out Halloween parades
It gets worse than this. Take for instance AIDS: 3rd world countries in Africa get US funding for AIDS patients. Some of the criteria for determining AIDS in Africa are symptoms of other diseases--but a lot of those other diseases are not funded. How is AIDS determined in Africa?reply to post by Annee
Originally posted by steveknowsThe less developed countries don't have the resources to keep true figures as to the amount of people suffering a particular illness in the community.
you know how you prevent the biting? The "Alpha" has to show the dog that it is the least member of the pack. Humping in dogs is a dominant trait. If a dog will hump you, they're likely to get territorial over food. I know, I know, off topic.
Originally posted by steveknowsA big mistake people make, and sometimes to our own detriment, is when we apply human behaviour to animals. Like saying that your dog thinks it's a human because it acts like one. No your dog acts like a dog and thinks you're part of a pack. That's why sometimes little children are bitten by the family pet because the family sees it as part of the family and the child is bitten when acting like a human child it commits some k9 taboo that the family doesn't understand.
That's because they have no casket to throw themselves in.
Originally posted by AnneeI realize elephants have an extremely complex society and emotions similar to humans. But I do not consider elephants mourning a loss in the same context as humans having a funeral.
I agree, but that wasn't my point for posting it.
Originally posted by AnneeAny complexity beyond the basic: lack of belief in a deity - - - can only be defined by the individual.
You'd be surprised at how many religions actually agree with you on you being responsible for your own actions. Having a God and/or Devil serve a different purpose therein.
Originally posted by DarkchemistryTrying to see the beginning? is as easy as trying to see the end. It is infinite in both directions of possibilities. So it is vain to hunt or presuppose, the question shouldn't be is there a God or Gods? But does it matter? I am responsible for my own actions whether well thought out or heedless. I am not going to blame a devil or thank a god for my own actions that I chose to do myself, I am not a child I take full responsibility for my actions and need no excuse for my actions. If I hurt you I am sorry, If I helped you no worries.
“Something cannot be what it is not. Nothing is defined by what it is not.”
I disagree on this point.
If it is normally expected that something should have a property and it doesn’t, then it is perfectly fine to define it as what it is not.
For example, if gas normally has lead in it and you have created a type of gas that doesn’t have lead, it is perfectly fine to define it as: unleaded (“gas that does not have lead”).
And if people are normally theists (90% in America) and you are not, then it is perfectly fine to define yourself as: atheist (“not a theist”).
So what makes atheists unusual is precisely that they don’t have a property that most people throughout history have had: belief in God. Defining them that way distinguishes them. It says “we know most people feel they need this property, but we don’t feel that way, so we don’t have it.”
If it ever becomes the case that most people in the world are atheists, then the term “atheist” will become meaningless because there will be no sizable percentage of theists to contrast them with.
Here are other examples of things that are defined by what they are not:
flightless birds
hairless mammals
fat-free mayo
topless dancing
nonpartisan organization
In other words, if, in a particular context, something is expected to have a property and it doesn’t, then it is noteworthy to point out that it doesn’t have that property.
People in the modern world, especially America, are generally expected to have the property of “belief in God”, so if someone doesn’t have it, then it is noteworthy to point out their lack of that property.
Originally posted by CynicalDrivel
You deemed rightly. For instance: where do we get the idea that separation of Church and State is in the constitution?
Originally posted by Annee
They - rightly - stand that religion does not belong in government. Such as public/government schools - - government courtrooms - etc.
Originally posted by FreezingVoid
Atheism in its original greek is atheos meaning godless. Which a person who simply lacks belief in a deity certainly is godless.