posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:11 AM
This is an older thread, I went searching for this subject which I guess I've seen talked about but didn't follow.
I am hearing big booming noises here this morning! At first it happened when I was outside, and I just assumed it must be a sonic boom, and expected
the sound of a jet afterwards..... waited and din't get one. Did get other booms, without any following sign of aircraft.
Went inside and while going about my chores, heard more big booms, sometimes several close together, as if somethign was pounding on the walls of my
house. I keep dropping everything and running around to check if someone is pounding on my door, or look out the windows to see what it is, and find
nothing. It is getting me quite worked up and frustrated!
My walls are three foot thick stone, and I am fairly isolated at a high altitude without things like traffic, construction work, road work going on
anywhere in the vicinity. It is hunting season and there is most likely hunters around the house, but I am used to hearing shots go off- this is
nothing like that.
It's really weird. I'm in south France and have not experienced this before. I guess I just needed to vent about it!