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Foo Fighters serenade Westboro Church protestors

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posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:00 AM
You know, I just don't understand these people. IMO they are the same as the people who protest abortions. Its a choice! Obviously these people aren't going to get it in the butt, or give it to others ( sorry I know how crude that sounds) Or love another of the same sex, so thats THEIR choice, why the HELL do they think they have the right to decide for others what they should do with their bodies?! If I want to love a girl, I WILL! If I want to love a man I WILL! These ass-hats that protest this crap.... Obviously you aren't doing it, so mind your own business! It really does baffle me. I would love to go give them a peice of my mind, but I just got my license, and don't have a car yet. The day will come!

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
I have better things to do than protest something that doesnt matter in the first place. People will do what they want and believe what they want and it has no bearing on my life or my salvation. I will do the Lords work and feed the poor and clothe the needy and help those who are in need, i don't have the time to waste on such trivial nonsense and those brothers and sisters of mine at the protests should be the same way. Let the world do as it pleases, and i will do as my Lord pleases.

Good for you! You clearly understand the whole point to the teachings of Jesus.
IMO Jesus would also ignore both sides and do (to paraphrase a wise American Indian) 'What he felt to be right in his heart'.
conversly the 'Foo' are also doing this.
Any peaceful action from the heart is admirable.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:03 AM
Dave's the man. Always had balls. He gives a good interview as well. This is just classic. The only beef I have with Dave is that he doesn't get behind the kit enough. One of the best drummers alive.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

Oh, they exist, but this is just a false flag event to prepare us for the inevitable alien disclosure! Mr. Dave is really a gay transgender reptillian. He had to kill Kurt because he found out Tue truth!


posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

Way back before my Maynard fascination, It was all about RHCP, and I went to a show where Foo Fighters opened, and I was sad to say that they blew RHCP out of the water! They gave a wayyyy better show!

I was never a die hard Foo Fighters fan or anything either , but they are an awesome band, and this only makes me like them more

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:41 AM
I'm more of a prog rock guy so I've never been a big fan of the Foo's but this is classic. They handled this most admirably.

Grohl is pretty cool. Totally dug his demon/devil, whatever the hell he was, at the end of The Pick Of Destiny.

Loved the "Foo You" sign, that's quite clever.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by NerdGoddess
You know, I just don't understand these people.
When you don't understand something, you can't define the category that they belong to properly. It's like a baby that can't understand that all four legged creatures aren't cats. They've got to learn the differenct. Now, it doesn't mean that the 4 legged creatures don't have things in common, as a lot of these groups do.

IMO they are the same as the people who protest abortions. Its a choice!
Huge difference # 1. Pro-Life advocates are championing someone who does not have a voice. The bundle of tissue that if left alone would have been born no different from you or me has not say in the mother's choice. There is something to form a cause around. There are other differences, too. 2. Specifically, the WB are out to trigger an attack on themselves so they have reason to bring people to court to eventually own them. WB does protest abortion, occasionally, but most Pro-Lifers who protest are out to save a life, not out to make a buck.

Obviously these people aren't going to get it in the butt, or give it to others ( sorry I know how crude that sounds) Or love another of the same sex, so thats THEIR choice, why the HELL do they think they have the right to decide for others what they should do with their bodies?!
Some of them will be. People lead doble lives all the time. For instance, one of the big lecturers for Creationism was hiding his gay activity with young Crhistian males (around the age of 15, when they are impressionable) through his trips. Shook a whole lot of people up when that came out.

If I want to love a girl, I WILL! If I want to love a man I WILL! These ass-hats that protest this crap.... Obviously you aren't doing it, so mind your own business! It really does baffle me. I would love to go give them a peice of my mind, but I just got my license, and don't have a car yet. The day will come!
That's exactly what they want. You get in their face, and someone shoves you from behind and causes you to step on one of these folks feet, and you break a toe, you're getting sued, and they'll have the right to make you pay for the medical bill, because they have the right to protest, and your "violence" infringes on that.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 10:02 AM
oh the west burrow church.. they are really a vomit inducing entity, i grew up around the Topeka Ks area and have had to deal with there ugly homophobic anti anything good ways for many years. It is nice in a way that some one stood up to them in a positive manner that cannot be construed as an attack on the WBBC by there psychotic leader Fred Phelps.

While i am a proponent of freedom of speech, so there fore i must accept that they have a right to say what they are saying what sickens me the most is that they have little kids (some young enough looking anyways that im not even sure they are school age) are out there holding signs with this hate filled ignorant crap. (i.e. god hats F#gs, thank god for imd's, and so on and so forth)

Though on the upside this act by the Foo Fighters is just another step in people peacfully protesting the protesters, there is another group in Kansas for sure and possibly in other places called the Patriot guard. What this organization does is keep a human wall between the WBBC and the mourning surviors of fallen soldiers, and other "high value funerals for the WBBC".

so thank GOD or whoever it is you have decided to beleive or not believe in that maybe some day the hate spewed forth from the wbbc will end.

thank you and good day/night depending on your location in this universe.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 10:18 AM
Someone mentioned that the WBC folks looked like they were fighting the urge to dance. Well, wasn't that Phelps wife in that clip, holding all the signs? Sure looked to me like she was smiling. I wonder if she got the joke?

Or, maybe, she was actually enjoying the Devil's music?

Meh, I may have seen it wrong. They really are fools that should be left alone but if you are going to take them on, this is the way to do it. No way those fools can sue over this, fortunately.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 11:02 AM

Hee hee way to fight Foo!!!

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 11:02 AM
God bless the Foo Fighters. I love those guys. It does take all kinds, I think the majority of people know that. Atleast I pray we've evolved that far. It makes my heart proud to see it.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

Thanks for embedding that!

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Maluhia

It really is awesome and thanks for posting! S&F
I would like to have heard them singing Lennon's All We Need is Love.
Deliver us from the Westboro Baptist Church.
It is decidedly anti-Christ, more appropriately labeled a coven or a cult
status of which a very few churches have descended into.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 12:06 PM
that is all kinds of awesome!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Maluhia
Thought I saw mama Phelps moving to the music?

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by NerdGoddess
You know, I just don't understand these people. IMO they are the same as the people who protest abortions. Its a choice! Obviously these people aren't going to get it in the butt, or give it to others ( sorry I know how crude that sounds) Or love another of the same sex, so thats THEIR choice, why the HELL do they think they have the right to decide for others what they should do with their bodies?! If I want to love a girl, I WILL! If I want to love a man I WILL! These ass-hats that protest this crap.... Obviously you aren't doing it, so mind your own business! It really does baffle me. I would love to go give them a peice of my mind, but I just got my license, and don't have a car yet. The day will come!

I couldn't agree more and I was equally confused until the Westboro looneys talked about going to protest in Norway on their recent tragedy with the shootings. After looking into things to see just who these fruitcakes actually were, I discovered this (forgive the source...they get it right sometimes too):

Incorporated in 1967 as a not-for-profit organization, WBC considers itself an “Old School (or Primitive)” Baptist Church. WBC’s leader is Fred Phelps and several of his children and dozens of his grandchildren appear to constitute the majority of the group’s members. WBC has no official affiliation with mainstream Baptist organizations.


So it's a 'family thing' for the most part in what even the most hardened must admit is a family with enough issues to keep Dr. Phil in business for life. Perhaps one of these days they'll get stupid and push things just a LITTLE futher than they have so a small town Sheriff or Police Chief can do what small town cops do with people they really dislike.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

So it's a 'family thing' for the most part in what even the most hardened must admit is a family with enough issues to keep Dr. Phil in business for life.

Great line! And I thought my family was nuts. I didn't realize the group was comprised mostly of his family - somehow that makes me feel a little bit better.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 02:00 PM
I am a Christian, but the fact that the people from this church had nothing better to do than protest a Foo Fighters concert is pathetic!! How about feed the poor or work on getting these corrupt POS's out of our government. In other words, sh!t that actually matters!

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Boogeyman1976
I am a Christian, but the fact that the people from this church had nothing better to do than protest a Foo Fighters concert is pathetic!! How about feed the poor or work on getting these corrupt POS's out of our government. In other words, sh!t that actually matters!

There's no money in that. And basically that's what their protests are being done to generate.... money. They are even baser than what one can think. Disgusting, lazy and greedy.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 02:16 PM
An in depth(no pun intended ) with the WBC by the man on the spot

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