posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 10:15 PM
1st time poster! PLEASE READ ME OUT!! 1 question about/to ALEX JONES!!? Have you run out of true callers 'cos they all sound like proper'gander!
Paid to teach/preach B/S addicts!
I like many other "truthers" "wonderers" "honesty hunters" "black sheepers" (ie. we stand out to you over paid farmers [ the
law makers] with "help" from "alex" some of us have a damn good idea on whos/who in this corrupt world. ( was going to say western world but it
spread along time ago! hell even before i was born) Stop making people paraniod! They have
enough of that from the wife/man/girlfriend, Work mates, Bosses, Bus drivers, Taxi cab drivers, Parking officers, Teachers/Preachers/Lecturers, Even
the woman behind the counter when you forget your id card when buying government approved death cocktails of "legal drugs ie alcohol, tabaco, asprin,
gossip magazines" It all
comes down to the same core types of people... The Bullied and the Bullies, The Pimps and the Whoe niether one can exist with out
the other! Working foot in mouth, Hand on crotch together thay put there diffrences
behind them! woe'betide (Bad spelling prob cos school taught me how to make it
look like i was work when really dreaming of a sun filled beach sceen) anyone including each other who do not as they are told!
Each thinking they have/have too, out smart, out "cool", out right murder of which there are so
many billions of ways to commit, Sticking with another fear monger max kisser or max kissengers arse! finacial murder! My rant is far from over!
but for now it is... peace out "but in" in the way 90% of the world! yes we are the 90%ers theres more than 1% of them!
Look how insignificant they make themselfs appear! True peace like michael jackson.
The last few months on this earth Tupac n Biggie! Peace is being preached can you here her
words? Its mother nature calling she wants her stability back... for all! goodbye 4now. UK saint x