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This is either a coincidence or we all just got played by a Freemason/Illuminati Ritual...

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posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

Well the chilean miners rigmarole was a hoax/staged event, so I don't know if that has some implications
for this story. I don't believe in co-incidence.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 02:37 AM
One is born - thats chance
One lives - how and what happens is chance
One dies - how and why is chance
Just like a crap shoot is chance unless the dice are loaded
Numbers are just numbers
Accept the only certainty there is and that is that life is followed by death and therefore life is pointless!
Get over it, nobody is important!!!!
Its bunkum....PERIOD!!!

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by RoguePhilosopher

Why the militant reaction and why should I just "get over it"? It seems that just because I relate two different events and find them to be related to each other, people are extremely upset about it!
edit on 17-9-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: .

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

Having an ounce of common sense is not ignorance nor closed minded.

A scientific education, a wealth of life experience and a little wisdom helps one see clearer than misguided over immaginative fools.

The only people getting played are the posters who fall foul of believing in such tripe!

Accept reality aint pretty and stop looking for scapegoats or somebody to blame that dont exist.

Rest my case!!

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 04:02 AM
Okay I read this entire thread before posting as I wanted to be SURE I wasn't repeating info or an opinion already expressed.

I have a pretty long term interest in the Illuminati and numerology is something I learned about due to this interest.

One of the things I would suggest is people actually go LEARN about numerology so folks aren't just seeing things everywhere there are coincidences. Perhaps go post on the metaphysics threads and start chatting with a numerology buff or something.

To most occult minded there are a few significant numbers. My understanding of it is 6 and 9 can be interchanged while the numbers 11 22 and 33 are all Master Numbers.

I am certainly no expert but I do agree there have been rituals take place that are occult in nature and pre arranged. However I would not personally connect these two mining accidents myself and the main reason is this.... the WHOLE world was watching the Chilean miner story, almost no one the tragedy in Wales. This DOES matter! The rituals mentioned in other posts were COMMON knowledge, ones that stayed in the news and were in EVERYONE'S face. This makes all the difference. The BEST place to hide things are in plain sight for one, and also, in effect when you are watching all the time and getting regular updates you are on some levels PARTICIPATING. I agree the Chilean mining accident was a ritual. The WHOLE WORLD watched.

Princess Diana was a world wide KNOWN tragedy...etc etc

Mines are tunnels and tunnels are significant also. Remember the Templar's were tunneling and exploring old tunnels....

As above, so below....going underground....anyone into Mk Ultra stuff knows the significance of the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland...what do rabbits do??

In numerology all numbers have a meaning, in occult symbolism only some numbers have huge significance. 3 is another important number. 3x3x3 and also 5x5x5 things are significant.

What an event must contain to pass the smell test for me to find REALLY significant are the names of those involved. Unless a person spends yrs and yrs not only doing genealogy but also learning the occult linked family names and also their variations and the ones that flat out changed names to hide the bloodline....there is no way to know such things.

The way I see it secret rituals are just that...secret...NO ONE except the ones in the know ever know they take place or the details. Public rituals are just that PUBLIC...they are ment to be IN YOUR FACE with very significant names and numbers attached...right in your face and only those who see, SEE. See?

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 04:08 AM
I have been adding lots of numbers and letters with numbers, but I still cant win the lottery. Is there some formula for this.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by CharterZZ
Its called life.

Deal with it, without making a god damn conspiracy.

I don't think some people can. I suspect the realities of life ie # happens, is just too much for some people to cope with and they have to have a cause for everything.

I think it is insulting to the memories of those that have died to attribute their deaths to some far fetched numerical conspiracy. It's disrespectful.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by malcr

How is this thread insulting?

There are hundreds of threads about how 9/11 was an inside job, and also plenty of evidence which debunks the officially story, but no way we are insulting the people who died.

On the contrary TPTB are insulting and mocking the memories of the victims by spreading lies and keeping the truth hidden from the masses!

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by CasiusIgnoranze
The number 33 is of great importance in Freemasonry and in Qabbalistic system of numbers. It can be found in many instances in Masonic lore.
The date of the start of the rescue is also significant:
10/13/10 which can qabbalistically be calculated this way: 10 + 13 + 10 which equals…33.
To summarize the rescue event, 33 miners, who were trapped for 69 days in the depths and darkness of the underground were lifted one by one, on 10/13/10 in a device called “Fenix” – a creature representative of occult initiation – to the light of day. As they say “Ex tenebris lux”: From darkness to light

. Do you see how Satan manipulated world history to produce three New World Order events in 1933? Thus, a powerful 333 served as a framework for world events in that year...Read More

You are making some completely WRONG assumptions. Please reason with me and explain to us if you see it differently:

the fenix/occult initiation represents initiation into the light of day
FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT...Something tremendously beneficial. Light represents God, Christ, the highest order, the highest divinity.

"“In the Mysteries it was customary to refer to initiates as phoenixes or men who had been born again, for just as physical birth gives man consciousness in the physical world, so the neophyte, after nine degrees in the womb of the Mysteries, was born into a consciousness of the Spiritual world.”"

Born into the consciousness of the Spiritual world
Again, something tremendously beneficial to man, helping him. turning him into the LIGHT of GOD

Yet..out of all these acts of LOVE from GOD towards his creation, helping him ascend from the perpetual state of darkness he is in, into the highest state of LIGHT, LOVE and LIFE..YOU vilify this ACT OF GOD into "satan"

Are you for real ? Where does "satan" come in? thats right..nowhere.
you assume too much, study too little, investigate even less. if you'd spent less time trying to turn acts of LOVE from GOD into satanic "nwo/illuminati wants to kill us all" nonsense, you might actually open a book on occultism and discover that its all about LIGHT, unconditional LOVE, and LIFE.

esoteric christianity, Hermetic Qaballah, .., is the TRUE religion of Man.

The 'illuminati' or other occult orders are not here to destroy you, they are here to HELP you. but you are too blind. You turn to the catholic church, or fundamentally misguided 'christians' who do not profess the TRUE teaching of CHRIST, instead they profess abominations, they profess nonsense, they professe deceit and lies. THEY ARE THE REAL SATANIC FORCE in this world. And above all they do NOT understand the TRUE teachings of GOD or CHRIST. What they teach you is utter nonsense and completely misinterpreted. Its spinned and corrupted to keep you in control and AWAY from TRUTH. They are FAKE christians, they are the FALSE prophets and they believe in a FALSE god. The TRUE understanding of GOD's teaching lies in the heart of OCCULT teachings, in the heart of ESOTERIC understanding.

the 'satan' you see in occult references is nothing but the the serpent from Eden, THE LIBERATOR, the Messiah, the CHRIST. if you're going to talk Qaballistic numbers, atleast do your homework:
The snake from EDEN and the word MESSIAH (i.e the Christ) BOTH calculate to the SAME number:

Surprising isnt it? Am I shaking you awake yet? Society deceives you, occult orders know the truth and they WANT you to know. hence all the obscure references in hollywood movies. But it is YOU who has to open your eyes, it is YOU who has to open a book and learn from it.

That being said, For the people who have a sincere interest in understanding the mysteries of LIFE, MAN and GOD..I'd recommend you to read the following books to get started:

-The Kybalion
-The Mystical Qaballah (Dion Fortune)
-The psychology of Man's possible evolution (Ouspensky)
-Book 4 (Aleister Crowley)
-Everything by Gurdjieff and Ouspensky

Read these books with an open mind, do your own investigations, and your eyes shall be opened.

Or don't..and stay blind, in a perpetual state of darkness. The choice is yours, when the day comes when judgement is called, it will be YOU who is lost. and you'll be surprised to find that those men and orders which you call "pure evil" will be God's greatest children..for they have embraced the LIGHT and LOVE of GOD.

"Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom"
A quote you'll see thrown around constantely by preachers and fake 'christians', but it can only be UNDERSTOOD by esoteric understanding of its QABALLISTIC meaning.
edit on 17-9-2011 by soul_of_light because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

Interesting post, although I'm personally not a believer in the 'occult rituals' theories.

Whilst I do think that the Chilean Mine situation contained a symbolic message. I am not so sure about the Welsh one, yet. Interesting number connections.

Since you mentioned ritual, I am sure 'MaxBlack' will be along to add something.


posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 07:19 AM
More irrational fear from people who fear an organization that is secretive.

Irrational fear because conspiracy theorists never get accurate information about freemasons. They get unwarranted speculation because freemasons are secretive about the organization and they don't understand why or what the organization is actually about.

Secrecy breeds this kind of nonsense and makes conspiratorial minds blame the freemasons for every bad thing on the planet.

It is truly pitiful what fear of the unknown results in.

When it comes to numbers there are endless connections that can be made about every event that occurred on a certain date. All it takes is an irrational mind that doesn't care about evidence, a pencil, and a piece of paper and you too can create an unwarranted face palm inducing conspiracy theory.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by megabytz

edit on 17-9-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: .

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 08:44 AM

What is the coincidence between these two mining accidents?

The Chilean mining accident happened exactly 1 year, 1 month, and 11 days ago or 407 days before this Welsh Mining Accident (calculated using this website).

4 out of 7 miners died in this Welsh Accident. 407 days ago was the Chilean Accident.

4 and 7 - if you can see the significance!

Now if you add the individual numbers of 407 you get 4+0+7 = 11.

The number "11" is quite sacred to the Illuminati and is often associated with deceit and destruction.

I believe the whole illuminati thing, but this one is farfetched.
edit on 17-9-2011 by spw184 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 08:44 AM
It just seems like a lot of work for the illuminati to do this for no good reason, when most people (except for you) will never make the connection. Parallels and coincidences involving numbers can be found in most everything that exists and everything that happens, because the universe is a mathematically based paradigm. There are no deficit of numbers to mathematically describe something and with enough imagination, you can create any range of numbers to equal the number you are looking for. I agree that the Illuminati exists and that they are occult and evil, but if you're going to worship the devil it most likely would be at an alter or on a scale that they feel is worthy of a war god's attention, say like 911 or the Japan quakes. The devil couldn't care less about some dead, dirty miners (no disrespect), I can assure you. Satan wants to be worshipped like The Most High, so if you are going to be an occultist and worship that particular King of the demons, had better throw a big party. This little miner incident, wouldn't cut it.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 09:02 AM
Well this is just crazy, though I don't see how "Out of" can suddenly represent zero, but whatever. Also my lucky number is eleven(it has been ever since I've turned 11 don't know why) didn't know it was apparently all that was evil in the world and linked to the freemason. I thought it represented -

Number Eleven possesses the qualities of intuition, patience, honesty, sensitivity, and spirituality, and is idealistic. Others turn to people who are 'Eleven' for teaching and inspiration, and are usually uplifted by the experience.

Though numerology just uses vague compliments to describe people. So I never took that to heart.

I've tried looking into the connection of the Illuminati and the number 11 but beside what I got form other conspiracy sites nothing really turns up. If anyone point this out through actually Illuminati text then cool, please share.

From my research about the Illuminati -

The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776.

So they apparently helped shaped the enlightenment era

The Age of Enlightenment (or simply the Enlightenment or Age of Reason) was an elite cultural movement of intellectuals in 18th century Europe, that sought to mobilize the power of reason in order to reform society and advance knowledge. It promoted intellectual interchange and opposed intolerance and abuses in Church and state.

That doesn't sound so evil to me.

Then again they are supposedly a master mind organization that runs the world, so they must of got a guy to write their wiki page.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by Phenomium

Subliminal messaging works best when the intended target is unaware of the magic being worked on them.

These events often coordinate with celestial alignments as they follow old Pagan and Hermetic teachings.

Goroadachi Etemenanki (uses pentagram processions and MSM)
They predicted the whole Arab spring before it happened, not Arab uprising per say but that something was going to happen that affected the consciousness.

A lot of haters you managed to attract to this thread LoL.
edit on 17-9-2011 by MasterGemini because: (no reason given)

The post above me does not seem familiar with how the mystery schools (illuminati) use numbers.

I suggest you look into The Essential Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic

The Golden Dawn is one of the most influential and respected systems of magic in the world. Over a century old, the teachings of this once-secret society are considered the capstone of the Western Esoteric Tradition. Yet many of the available books on the subject are too complex or overwhelming for readers just beginning to explore alternative spiritual paths.

The Essential Golden Dawn is for those who simply want to find out what the Golden Dawn is and what it has to offer. Written by recognized experts on the topic, this introduction to High Magic is both straightforward and succinct. It explores the origins of Hermeticism and the Western Esoteric Tradition, as well as the rich history of the Golden Dawn and its founders. This guide explains the "laws" of magic and magical philosophy, describes different areas of magical knowledge that a Golden Dawn magician can expect to learn, and presents basic rituals for the novice.

If you have been curious about the Golden Dawn, but intimidated by its scope, this concise guide will shed light on this powerful system of practical magic and spiritual growth.

Its a good place to start as it gives a historical background to the mystery schools (aka illuminati)

edit on 17-9-2011 by MasterGemini because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 09:20 AM
Sorry friend. Nothing masonic there. Take it from a real mason. If it were masonic then I would tell you that it was.

heres the real question:
why would the illuminati/freemasons want to kill a bunch of miners?
edit on 17-9-2011 by fordrew because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by MasterGemini
reply to post by Phenomium

Subliminal messaging works best when the intended target is unaware of the magic being worked on them.

These events often coordinate with celestial alignments as they follow old Pagan and Hermetic teachings.

Goroadachi Etemenanki (uses pentagram processions and MSM)
They predicted the whole Arab spring before it happened, not Arab uprising per say but that something was going to happen that affected the consciousness.

A lot of haters you managed to attract to this thread LoL.
edit on 17-9-2011 by MasterGemini because: (no reason given)

That's provided you believe in all of this Dungeons and Dragons crap. They have no more power over me as a person than I over least magically. They may have more power because they were born into a more affluent family, but that's it. There is no true magic out there that can do this, it is only a belief. If there were TRUE magic of this caliber, it wold have been proven by now considering people have been playing this game since the beginning of mankind and nothing has yet been proven. The only reason they keep practicing magic is because people (by nature) are spiritual beings and believe there is a soul and that it is watched over by whichever god you have chosen to lead you. But the fact still remains, that any magic that you feel you may have by worshipping a certain god is nothing but an illusion unto yourself. I have seen Chris Angel and he is the best magician going.....but it's all parlor tricks and no one has ever proven otherwise. As for tapping into the human subconscious to worship the makes no sense. I never even heard of this mine collapse until I saw this their magic didn't work on me and I am guessing i am not the only one. Better question still, how could this possibly subconsciously do ANYTHING that would be worthwhile to the illuminati. The guy said that one mine collapse meant life....and one meant death.....the question is, if it was a message that was sent to us subconsciously, the question is ...WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED? Nothing. The op here learned a little math, but that's it. I just don't see any reason at all the Illuminati would try to speak to us subconsciously through an accident when there are far better ways to get the message across, like using Obama to mass hypnotize, for instance. This was an accident and no more. People die, it's a fact of life.....the Illuminati doesn't have a stake in every death, and there is absolutely NO evidence of their involvement in such a small incident, such as this. Miners die all the time in mine accidents. It is one of the most dangerous jobs around today.
Out of a list of 20 Coal Mining is #8 on the list, Click here and then scroll the arrow to #8
edit on 17-9-2011 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by fordrew
Sorry friend. Nothing masonic there. Take it from a real mason. If it were masonic then I would tell you that it was.

No you won't.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by CasiusIgnoranze

Originally posted by fordrew
Sorry friend. Nothing masonic there. Take it from a real mason. If it were masonic then I would tell you that it was.

No you won't.

Ill have to agree with the little guy laughing there. Freemasons, despite how hard they try (with all of their charities and fronts to make them look harmless) are not notoriously known for their honesty and altruism. They are more known for their secrecy and shadiness. You couldn't even respond to the laughing man without lying.
edit on 17-9-2011 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

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