posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by watchdog
I haven't really liked what I've heard about this vaccine in the news and read online for two reasons, one is that the adjuvant is aluminum which i
believe isn't supposed be ingested or taken internally. and secondly that states are mandating that young women take it to prevent future illness,
specifically cervical cancer. as far as school required vaccines go, TB, polio, mumps, and other communicable diseases that kids could carry and
spread around easily makes sense.
"Since cervical and female genital infection by specific HPV types is highly associated with cervical cancer, those types of HPV infection have
received most of the attention from scientific studies.
HPV infections in that area are transmitted primarily via sexual activity.[34]" - - quote from Wikipedia
How much sexual activity is there occuring in schools anyways, and how surprising is it that there are consequences such as these diseases?
as for why there isn't a vaccine for cancer, its a money thing. AND pay attention to the details in between the lines...that a virus is linked to the
cause of cancer. It's not the only time you'll hear that, my suspicion is that most Cancers are actually caused by viruses. Especially when you think
of the myriad of lil cooties that live within our bodies and how susceptible those microbes are to chemical carcinogens and how sensitive their
structures and functions may be whe n it comes to environmental contaminants
edit on 9/16/2011 by balanc3 because: clicked reply instead of preview