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New Rules for a Better Economy

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posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by flexy123

1. Place a Cap on Personal Wealth

2. Place a Cap on Corporate Wealth

Sorry, this is pure nonsense.

For a start, why dont you US Americans look at other countries, like certain Northern European countries., W. Germany etc..etc..

Our social system is better, and we are still a free, western society without any "wealth caps" or other nonsense.

But: It wont work as long as you (and this means "YOU" as in "many average Americans") *think* that countries like W.Germany, Sweden etc. are "socialist" or "communist" (which of course is an absurd statement, but i hear it quite often).

YOUR problems are at the core of society: It's the lower income class, the lack of a good social net, health insurance, driving lower class/middle-class into debt and bankruptcy..while THE BANKS profit from it.

As long as you don't get a better social net and support for unemployed etc...people..your system WONT WORK respective will stay as screwed as it is right now.

Go look at Sweden, Finland, Norway etc. and ask yourself WHY the system works there. How it's possible that people are rich, work FAR FAR LESS, earn more, have free healthcare and and overall higher standard of living. Hint: IT WORKS AMAZINGLY WELL.
edit on 6-10-2011 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

I disagree with one thing. Northern European countries have high taxes...which is a form of wealth cap or wealth resistance.

The rest I agree with.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by CantSay

And those countries, except for NOrway, are also heavily indebted. And all are pathetically dependent on other countries' consumption.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by CantSay

There is none. For the last 70 years, Amerika artificially created the wealth out of thin air. What we see today is the true wealth of the world. And it ain't much. Let it all burn.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by eldard
reply to post by CantSay

There is none. For the last 70 years, Amerika artificially created the wealth out of thin air. What we see today is the true wealth of the world. And it ain't much. Let it all burn.

That's a very pessimistic view. You really didn't try. I don't disagree with the artificial wealth from thin air, but I do believe that if we used our imagination to create imaginary wealth with rules that broke the system at extremes, we can use the same process to create an imaginary wealth system that doesn't break. We wrote the rules. We can rewrite them again.

Also I do think world war 3 is coming. There is too much strife and unsettled emotion in the world right now and it's escalating due to this broken system that key people took advantage out of design or complete stupidity and ignorance to the consequences the future economic state and their own wealth in feedback. Desperate people will pressure their leaders into ill actions that lead to war. Or to be exact, leaders will do stupid things due to the pressures their people are under in order to solve the situation. I see country after country defaulting in 2012. Greece, Ireland and Portugal to be the first. The US will eventually default also, and because of our ignorance and bloated egos, we will refuse aggressively to pay our debts to China. China in turn will become aggravated and do something in which the US will respond to. It will go back and forth a few times, each time escalating the tensions between the two nations. Russia will also be in the mix, but not too sure how yet. Anyway, that's my take.
edit on 6-10-2011 by CantSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by CantSay

I really don't give a $hit about pessimism and its opposite. That's the reality. No one would lift a finger if they don't earn anything from it. Just look at communist countries where everything is capped. People won't bother.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by CantSay
gee, russia will be in the mix...aligned with china most likely.....

guess where the military's uniforms come from???

I work in a little printshop that has employed about 7 is around 90 years old (if she isn't 90, her 90th birthday is sometime this year)....the youngest is in her late 50's.... we could use more sewers!!!! we ain't getting them, we're not gonna get them more than likely, simply because well.....we lost the's wasn't valued, so, well, why learn how to sew when one can just go out and buy what one needs cheaper (when you figure the time put into it) than the cost of the material and time, and well, a job sewing??? lol!!! my grandmother and great grandmother mother made it through the depression, managed to keep everything they owned and raise my father on their earnings sewing in their home. now, that isn't possible! so, well, when the war breaks out, just where do you expect the military to get their uniforms from????
are we gonna expect people to go into debt an outrageous sum of money to go to school to learn to sew???

the problem isn't capitalism or's stupidity and greed!!!

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 07:35 AM
^Yes. The greed of the elite and the stupidity of the middle class. These are the people who the moment they get a few grand in tax refunds, they immediately book a vacation to France or something. And when a recession strucks and they lose their jobs, they have no savings.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by eldard
reply to post by CantSay

I really don't give a $hit about pessimism and its opposite. That's the reality. No one would lift a finger if they don't earn anything from it. Just look at communist countries where everything is capped. People won't bother.

Actually that's not true. Look at China and even Cuba. Their systems are messed up, so agreed, but I'm not proposing communism. I'm proposing an incentive economic system with wealth caps.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 12:08 AM
All interesting points, although I think some are absurd, such as locking prices on non-durable goods. The only way this system would work would be to put a global order in effect since the U.S. has been an import country 30+ years. Sound familiar?

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by dawnstar
reply to post by CantSay
gee, russia will be in the mix...aligned with china most likely.....

guess where the military's uniforms come from???

I work in a little printshop that has employed about 7 is around 90 years old (if she isn't 90, her 90th birthday is sometime this year)....the youngest is in her late 50's.... we could use more sewers!!!! we ain't getting them, we're not gonna get them more than likely, simply because well.....we lost the's wasn't valued, so, well, why learn how to sew when one can just go out and buy what one needs cheaper (when you figure the time put into it) than the cost of the material and time, and well, a job sewing??? lol!!! my grandmother and great grandmother mother made it through the depression, managed to keep everything they owned and raise my father on their earnings sewing in their home. now, that isn't possible! so, well, when the war breaks out, just where do you expect the military to get their uniforms from????
are we gonna expect people to go into debt an outrageous sum of money to go to school to learn to sew???

Don't expect an organized, well dressed, war. If anything WWIII will not resemble WWII or WWI. It will be horrifying, perhaps at first under the slogan of revolution as those that have fight those that don't but woke up, and those that have starting a war to distract those that don't away from them. However way this goes, it could be fixed now before it gets out of hand (which is what I'm trying to do with this thread), but there is too much confusion due to too much ignorance and too much greed. Part of what I do is to calculate probabilities with a prime variable being self-interest. I'm afraid I will be alive to see all this come to pass. War is horrifying and unnecessary, and I hope I'm wrong.

the problem isn't capitalism or's stupidity and greed!!!

Completely agree!! So we have to restructure the system to account for both and work with these two traits to the benefit of society as a whole.
edit on 11-10-2011 by CantSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by LetterFromAThief
All interesting points, although I think some are absurd, such as locking prices on non-durable goods. The only way this system would work would be to put a global order in effect since the U.S. has been an import country 30+ years. Sound familiar?

The only reason commodity prices would have to be locked it to permanently maintain monetary value and eliminate inflation completely. Policy would have to be in place to increase output of these commodities and funding be given to research and development to innovate better ways of increasing output.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:40 PM
This perfect asking for a new system (like the one I'm proposing):

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