posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 01:00 PM
you never can know just how many people love you, there are so many. i can say that without even knowing you because it is true for all of us, no
matter what we look like, what our personality is like, there are always people that we appeal to on some level that keep us in their minds. not only
how many people love you, but even look up to you. one of my best friends killed himself earlier in the year and i was heartbroken, along with
everyone else who had known him. when you take your life you may think that it will make things better but it won't it will only leave a trail of
sadness and suffering.
suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
don't give up on your life. i guarantee you that years from now, you will be looking back on this laughing. looking back on when you were afraid to
talk to girls and this and that, because in reality there is nothing to be afraid of. its really easy to be freaked out and insecure concerning the
outcomes that we cannot control, but you have to just let go. you have to go up and say hello to the girl that you like, even if you don't know what
to say after it, even if you are left standing there like a dumb not able to say anything else, even if that happens, you will feel empowered. that i
can guarantee you. whatever it is that you want to change, don't give up, you have to fight hard.
life is fighting.
i know that you have taken a deep spiritual journey throughout the years now its time to turn from the inward journey to the outward journey. take
what you have learned and live your life! don't get lost in the deep depths of thought, or you will drown.
when you are sad, its kind of like being hungry IMO. if you are hungry, what do you do? you eat! but if you don't? how do you feel? the hunger gets
worse right? until you can't stand it. being depressed is exactly the same way, when you feel depressed, you have to be active in changing that
feeling, you have to feed yourself so to speak, by doing something that you enjoy.
the last thing that i will leave you with is a note on meditation. currently i am living in bangkok, thailand. i've been here for about 2 years now,
and the national religion is Buddhism. so i hear and see a lot about meditation here. in the meditation process, a lot of times the person meditating
will practice mantras, some say to align your chakras, or to this or that. but i think its for a different reason. you see, the biggest problem of
human beings these days is that their minds and bodies are pulling and fighting against each other. your body is doing one thing, but your mind is
somewhere else. your body tells your mind where it wants to be, happy, excited, etc. but the mind doesn't always want to listen. where am i going
with this? okay here it is. in the most basic form of meditation, we have a mantra for breathing in, and breathing out. the most popular one here is
'bud' breathing in, and then 'dho' breathing out, which we repeat silently to ourselves. and what we are told to do by practicing monks, is if we
find our mind somewhere else suddenly, such as our problems, or something random like we should take a shower, we have to go back to the original
though, 'bud' 'dho'. every time that our mind wanders we must do this. and we don't have to do it sitting in the half lotus or full lotus or w/e
we can do it when we are walking down the street or doing anything. the point is your mind is always running away from you, they compare it to a
monkey here, and you have to train your mind, meditation does this for you. it allows you to train your mind so that it follows the instruction of
your body, now you can see the significance of the inbreath and the outbreath. i'm sure i will get flamed for this by so called 'experts' but
please trust me about this, i have talked with monks, i have talked with many a thai person as well who practice this. also, there is one mantra of
the Budda that is a super long one, and they teach here that if we can recite this wholly during our meditation, then we are so much closer to
enlightenment, its for the same reason, if you can keep your mind on it without fail, then you are in command of your mind. the more you practice like
this the better you will be, and soon there will be no more questioning yourself, your body and your mind will be one. please listen to me, i have
firsthand experience.
sorry for the super long post, i just want to help.
if you have any questions or you would like to talk sometime, you can send me a pm and i'll send you my email
take care brother and be strong!!!!!!!