reply to post by Death_Kron
My simple question is why if she was so unhappy did she let the cycle continue for as long as it did? Why didn't she just make her thoughts/opinions
known when I first pursued the issue?
Because she thrives on such emotions and cycles and feeds of such energies. Its in her nature and in all females nature to different degrees. What
you have been thought to believe about it and the nature of this world and even females is so full of holes, and misconceptions its gotten to the
point that it becomes a nightmare and really detrimental to go on. But basically we are energy creature as well as material creature, and the
energy's we feed of are very much more subtle.
Why do you think people get happy even in such trivial things as an online discussion board when other people give them stars for there posts, after
all its just words and opinions and 0 and 1 on a computer. Why do you think that is? Even in such a simple things there is a form of energy transfer
every time you give somebody a star or receive a little blue star. And in such a thing as relationships it is the same only much more complicated
and vast in its form.
And maybe just maybe you two were not meant to be together in the first place, if the shoe does not fit, you must a quit. Because this ain't no
Cinderella make-believe story, such a thing does not exist. And in some things in real life its time to just say your peace and move on.
I blame the education systems and many other things such as TV and the state who teach that females are something, that is exactly something that
they are not.
A good way to find out what there about is to listen to the things they whine about and cut trough the crap with a machete because there will be miles
of crap and red tape in what they say and whine about.
Really bro its your lucky day, and there are many men who can attest to being in you same situation only miles down that road, and with kids in tow,
and most likely there not even his kids, and so many bags to carry around that it take a caravan to carry all of them, and the law and system right
behind you constantly hounding you and just itching to get a piece of what they can get from you.
Basically females and there love is overrated, and its used as a weapon by them and a from of control to get the things they want. If you have
noticed that they only come around when you have stuff or money, and they only bitch about finding love only when all there other options run out.
Any female that comes on to you in a deceptive manner I would stay away from, if they cant be straight up even just a little, or put the effort in
being straight up. Then you should run as far away from them as you can. But it is in females nature to be deceptive, so finding one who is not
deceptive is out of the question.
The question is, finding one who is less deceptive, and what she is worth to you that your willing to go trough and pay for. Don't play the
head-games with them, like I said they thrive off those games, and if they wont quit with the head-games, then show them the door and give them the
boot as well.
Any more stupid questions?