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Could Immortals be living among us?

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posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 05:55 PM
i plan on lving forever through the majic of Satan or you could say God, but who likes that guy, doesnt live at all, coming from there religious view not mine, i am suppossed to be immortal going on the predictions i have seen, i will die and be revieved in a dream,and become magical by dieing, at that point as i am magic walks, i will be immortal for now i am a shape shifter, change your body to your younger self, and im doin this when i live to be 93, i plan on trippin forever, i mean hearing voices, they talk you talk back, when there done with i will hold you at witt

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by methuselah1937

Greetings methuselah1937.
So how is life in the slow lane?


posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:47 AM
What if immortal souls exist independent of the body- and some people get old and die, knowing they will regenerate and return, and when they are at a certain age and their neural system is ready, they remember everything from all of their past lives- or as much as they can remember. What if there are people alive today that really remember living other lives?

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77
I have to wonder; even if there are people born immortal as in unaging, given enough time wouldn't they would have to die of something accidental. Even if you never left your house, your house was a fortress, and everything in your house was safe, given enough time a volcano, or flood, or tornado, or war would get to you.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Bigjohns82

what are you talking about. Being Immortal means you would have plenty of time at hands. And so you could learn a lot. I have a hard time imagining an Immortal wasting his time in depravity, debauchery, lust and others useless things that common people enjoy
. Learning how to survive would be a priority. You can take various precautions to avoid being in the middle of a disaster such as quakes, tornadoes, storms, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanoes. Staying at the same place for too long would be prohibited not only because it increases the chances to become victim of such disasters but mainly because of the fact of your Immortality. Thats why i think an Immortal would have more chances to survive by isolating himself.

But you would have to keep contacts to know whats going on in whatever country you are living in and in the world. It is easier today with the internet but before.. i guess people had to develop and trust their intuition. I imagine thats something an ageless dude would have to master, would be his best ally. But i have my own definition of Immortality. Maybe its just a block or something but i truly think Immortality is just not about being ageless alone. I doubt your cells would "only" be ageless. I do believe the body would be boosted, like more capable to adapt, resist and fight diseases, better immune system and who knows, faster cells regeneration? But as i said, it is purely speculative and maybe my imagination is overworking? But it would make "more sense" that an ageless body would be somehow wholly boosted like it has to be stronger because of its Immortality.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 02:15 PM
Oh wow I am very interested in this haven't read everything but at least the first page so far and will go back and read some more; but I rather am interested in the one labeled F on the first post. It I don't know just seems really interesting and would certainly like to see it expanded upon (if possible). The thought that crosses my mind though is would people want to? With the idea of love coming into our minds and watching your loved one die knowing you can't? Seems like it would be painful but I guess better to have loved than to never have and with so many people out there one could continue again; just that it seems rather hard after spending some time with one you thought was your true love or something of the sort.

Oh I see I have some new research topic to conduct thank you ATS

/Scurries off to read/

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 04:49 AM
Is it possible for immortals to be living among us? For sure it is, why should there not be?

The main point of dispute is "what is meant by immortality"?

As far as I can tell - speaking hypothetically of course - a human could be born with a genetic abnormality which means that he or she lives for WAY longer than the Haflick limit. So what does this give us? A flesh and blood human who lives for far longer than normal.

Not indestructible by any means. I've said elsewhere that a well placed bullet or knife will take out an immortal just as surely as a mortal.

Surely not a god, or having any god-like powers, nor any insight into future events, any more than any other mortal human has.

And due to the fear and suspicion which their genetic condition would generate among mortals they would certainly need to move on abd create new identities every couple of decades.

While immortality may sound appealing it must certainly has a down side - seeing anyone you love grow old and die, or just having to abandon them.

Maybe for many people immortality actually wouldn't be so appealing at all.

I guess you will never know for certain unless an immortal gives you a straight answer to the question

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by BadNinja68

i read through the chatlogs and found it quite intresting/unusual as well...and i found a possible connection or maybe just a coincidence.

I notice in his logs he said he would have a chat bot like it very soon. so i decided to chat with one (A.L.I.C.E) i found this rather amusing chatting to the bot so i asked the bot where i could download it the response given was and low and behold the First bot EVE on that list says its teachers name is gene.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by BadNinja68

BTW, there are jellyfish that can reverse the aging process, revert back to juvenile stage, and start growing old all over. they never "die from old age".

The secret millitairy underground deep base lab facillities must be all over that one....for years now.

It is all in the genes...acivate and de-activate.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:20 PM
Anyone here on ATS ever stood up for scrutiny? Saying "I AM an immortal?"

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 10:03 PM
Interesting thread.

Usually along with the long life, there is some talk of enhanced abilities. Whether this is physical, psychic, or both, I'm not sure, it varies from story to story. Disease resistance seems to be a commonly accepted trait, as well as healing more quickly than average people. Whether this means a stab wound is healed in a week, or a few hours, who knows.

I question the possibility of someone being -born- with the condition, I've always understood it to be a result of some sort of transformation, either by taking an alchemical elixir or through some other means.

There is another thread on ATS which refers to this website:

The Book Of Aquarius is, as far as I can tell, an entirely unique technique for making the elixir of life. I haven't seen anyone else use this method in the past. The author has studied a ton of old sources, and believes he knows how to create the Elixir of Life/Philosophers Stone. It's written in plain language, no pretentious, elitist alchemy mumbo jumbo. The guy makes all the information available for free online, and has a forum where people can discuss the book(read the book completely, and browse the forum before asking questions), and share their progress in making the stone. No one has made it yet, as the book has only recently been released, and the stone takes a long time to make, but everyone's progress looks great so far. All the alchemy forums online are pretty butt-hurt about it too, so, he's ruffled some feathers, and I think that says something.

Anyway, it's worth a look if you are interested in the elixir of life.

Earlier in the thread the subject of how they would transition between identities was brought up. I found it silly that people over complicated it so much! Sure, it would be difficult to -fake- documents. Passports, drivers licenses, birth certificates, SSN, etc. Who says they would have to be fake? Or even difficult to get ahold of?

Imagine you have been alive for 300 years. Chances are you have amassed a decent amount of cash. Especially if you have some sort of enhanced abilities, such as telepathy or otherwise useful gifts. You need a new Drivers License? Wait outside the DMV and approach an employee at closing time holding a briefcase with a million dollars in it. I bet you will walk out with a legit drivers license with whatever information you want on it. Same with every other document. Money will always buy cooperation and silence. You probably wouldn't even have to do it yourself. Find a dirty lawyer to handle all of these things for you, and come up with some sort of story for plausible deniability, say you are ex-Amish or something and you don't have any of these documents.

The idea of immortals is very intriguing, and I wouldn't doubt that they exist, in one form or another, through one method or another.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 10:07 PM
Yes there are immortals living among us, none of them have ever accessed this website in their lives despite the phoneys claiming this heheh.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 03:32 PM
While trainhopping across the country I met a man who was legally "dead" to the government. He looked around 30 years old and even carried his death certificate with old ID. Apparently in the sixties he walked into the forest and was reported dead after nobody heard from him for a year. Being dead, he doesn't pay taxes and lives completely under the radar - however he cannot go to hospitals or engage in any experience that requires ID. He claims he actually had done this many times before in the 19th and 18th centuries. Whether he was just another crazy man or telling the truth I do not know. However, his eyes glowed bright GOLD - something I have never seen in another human.. And his mastery of language was flawless.

To be immortal.... Hmm... An interesting thought.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by Turbolover

interesting experience.

My initial question would be why hasnt he made up some fake id somehow

So - faced with someone who claims to be immortal - or at least very long lived, what sort of things did you ask him?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 01:22 PM
Interesting experience, turbolover. What year did your encounter take place? What region of the country? Aside from his eyes, what was his physical appearance? What was his build? Height? Facial features?

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
reply to post by methuselah1937

Greetings methuselah1937.
So how is life in the slow lane?



methuselah1937 won't be replying to you anytime soon as apparently s/he managed to incur the wrath of ATS management and was summarily banned.

Of interest is the fact that based on a scrutiny of methuselah1937's postings that I did, s/he apparently ONLY posted in immortality related threads and apparently NEVER abused, insulted or generated content that would necessitate the full force of a ban being issued against them.

However, some of methuselah1937's posts did seem to contain information of such a nature that I can only assume that either some sensitive toes were stepped on, or alternatively, a muzzle order was put out to prevent the dissemination of additional immortality related material by that member.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Turbolover
However, his eyes glowed bright GOLD - something I have never seen in another human.

An interesting anecdotal story.
However, there has never been any kind of observed correlation between longevity and a change in eye colour, especially one as radical as being described.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 11:26 PM
Interesting topic. Immortality I believe can be achieved but only by beings of higher evolution than us. It may seem wonderful at first what with being able to see evolution in real time and all but if one were to achieve it dont you think you would get bored not being able to die? A person needs to die in order to truly gain an experience from this physical life. As for the original question maybe there are immortals among us. Anything is possible...

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 03:50 PM
Evolution would need to be replaced or else an immortal would become a small pointless being. There would have to be a mechanism for constant change in all senses. If however that took place. we would not necessarily be any better off than a mortal. A person passing their memories and knowledge on to others would in the long run be in a similar position.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

I think it might be possible for someone to just never die, i think their body would have to had the ability to renew the cells in their body. But i dont think i believe that there has ever been a person like that yet. And i dont really believe that the "aliens" that ancient people talked about could be just immortal people because you couldnt really be able to SEE the immortality of this person so i dont really think regular people would believe someone was a alien just because they told them that they could live forever. I feel like im rambling on here so sorry about that, but i just dont believe that your theory is all that probable. I mean when jesus arose on the 3rd day, people were skeptical until they saw the proof from the holes in his hands AND people saw him ascend into heaven so idk it just seems far fetched that a story like that is just a misunderstanding brought on by some guy who played dead. AND what your talking about is just a movie.

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