reply to post by schrodingers dog
This is a great post! Very articulate and concise
My thoughts have been so overlapping and muddled since watching the President's (I HATE
acknowledging that) speech.
I am a hypnotist and studied linguistics a bit and I remember when he was running for office, many of my peers in the hypnosis interest were passing
around this flyer a far right wing group were putting out with claims of mass hypnosis (among other things) What we all found the most amusing was
how most or all of their accusations were correct but hysteria and fear made their presentation of their points reflect their emotions; they ensured
themselves to be viewed as whack jobs.
As I watched the speech I was at first amused, then engrossed and finally very impressed with how text book classic and down right SMOOTH his game
was. I will probably find a youtube vid and go over it again to see what more I can glean from his hand gestures and cadence which, of course I
couldn't catch all at once.
First off he said *pass the bill* 18 times. If anyone cares to re-watch with my post as a rough guide line notice how the hand gesture was always the
same when he said *pass the bill* immediately following this command he would say *immediately* or *now* or *right away!* each time the hand gesture
was the same as well. In a face to face setting, any hypnotist worth their salt with wide awake hypnosis would not be gesturing to the air while
speaking but touching the person they were speaking to, in the same gesturing manners. This is called anchoring. Anchoring the command to the
intended person.
He also did much reframing, segments of the speech when he started with *this is the way it use to be* sliding into *this is the way it has been
recently* to, in a very smooth but untrue manner *this is the way it use to be and needs to be again* and the grand finale of *this is how it needs to
be NOW* It's a cleverly manipulated timeline to reframe how a person feels about an issue and most Americans today whether left or right would love
nothing more than a return to "the good ole' days"
Another interesting tidbit I notice watching it live was how skilled he was with cadence...a very subtle and powerful tool. I commented on one
sentence on facebook as the speech was happening and just tried to find it to quote myself exactly but my comment is no longer ON facebook....go
figure. The skill he used is called an embedded command. He was just going along speaking at his normal pace when suddenly (in a startling manner)
his voice shot up several octaves, immediately followed by very rapid speaking. Basically focusing everyone's attention in a way that implied he was
about to say something important, then comes the SHOCK as his voice goes so high it almost cracks, followed by rapidly embedding the command. Typical
shock and awe.
The other main thing I noticed was how each time he was referring to what Congress (more specifically Republicans) needed to do was to pass his
package through immediately as it was *fair* *right* *decent* and *correct* thing to do. Pass it as it stands when I hand it to you. Without ever
once saying so the repetitive implication is that to do ANYTHING else is not fair, right, decent or correct.
Considering this all happened as many people were impatience and ready to watch football, and immediately following the speech a news alert about
*credible* intel of anniversary attacks.... do the math.
If something should take place this Sunday on a large scale, ask yourself how deeply rooted the emotional response will be in a population already
bonded in the shared trauma of 2001.