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Another Step Towards Total Control, Missouri College Announces Drug Testing For ENTIRE STUDENT BODY

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posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Alexander the Great

only if they did alcohol testing too ..... for all students under 21 .... random testing would work best

I wonder how many conservatives will embrace this kind of socialism? I work for myself mostly because I refuse to pass a drug test ......tell them to kiss off!


posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by BernardShakey

Good Gods, please ease up on the vindictiveness. *friendly fire* I would have thought you'd have edited your reply if you read the rest of the thread, as it is pointed out numerous times my response was sarcastic/full of satire. I thought it was obvious, but apparently not. Shame one has to use the smiley instead of allowing others of practice critical thinking, but hey I'm new here. (and this is the internet...)

I thought you had to be being first..but then again never know on ATS.. There seems to be some extreme opinions on here at times. My apologies for not being sure , and I'm sorry if I came off vindictive..wasn't my intention... just wanted to state what I see to be as facts.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

"VOLUNTARILY agree to this when they enroll in classes"

there is nothing voluntary about a mandatory policy .......... and it is none of the schools business what you do on your own time ..... next it will be another reason to exclude someone like, home-schooled; Catholic; Wiccan and then it will be legal to blindly discriminate for any reason at all ... unless your a Christian ... then OMG if someone holds you to the same standards that Christians tried to do to Jovah Witnesses ....

you sir are a fool to think that that it will stop at drug tests ....

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by gabby2011

Too true! Actually I take back the vindictiveness bit, it was a fair reply for sure considering what you thought. My naivety was showing, that fictional character I emulated in that post is probably alive and well within the walls of ATS, so you never know what you're gonna read.
I'll feel bad for the kid who eats poppy seed bagels every morning

Poppy seed-influenced drug screen results.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by fnpmitchreturns

It is voluntary. It is known up front, it is a condition of enrollment, and nobody is forcing them to enroll. If they don't like it, there are plenty of other competitive schools.

Plus, drugs are still illegal, and every school in the nation already has an honor code prohibiting breaking the law. Therefore, it isn't any different than any other school.

In fact, every real estate lease in the nation already has a stipulation for doing anything illegal in the apartment. You can be evicted for doing something illegal, on your own time, inside your own home, if you get caught.

I may not agree with the laws, but while they are the laws, they do have many repercussions for violating, and "privacy" has been a myth for a long time.

I'm not saying I agree with the policy, or the laws, but I'm saying that they are legal, and acceptable, and voluntary, and therefore we have no right to criticize them, unless we are students in that particular school.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:28 PM
Big Pharma are the BIGGEST drug pushers second by the CIA in the world!!!

This country needs to lead by example so I propose that every single politician and law enforcer (judges, lawyers, police, SWAT team, border patrol, TSA etc) should submit to random drug tests FIRST!

Then I think this entire country (of legal age) should seek medical marijuana for stress-related anxiety in which our own government is inflicting on us!

Pfffft. So much for drug testing!!
edit on 9-9-2011 by Human_Alien because: edit to add (

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by gabby2011
Yes..they are paid to educate,

...good... the next step is - - - the college is a for-profit business that serves the public - but - that does not mean the college is the public's servant and under the control of the public's demands... however, the college did communicate with the community on the pros and cons of this program... they did not have to but they did...

Originally posted by gabby2011
and students have a right to know if they are educating under the influence of drugs.

...thats not the issue on the table... however, since you're determined to make that an argument, heres how you do it properly...

...first - research your beef thoroughly, so you dont look like an idiot by stating you have a right to dictate policy to a business...

...if you dont approve of the way a business operates, dont spend your money there - and/or - you can file a formal complaint with them...

...if you think a business isnt conducive to your perception of your community, you can ask your town council for time to say your bit at the next meeting (or whenever they have a slot open) - or - you can file a formal complaint with the city / county manager...

...if you suspect a business is violating a criminal statute, you can file a formal complaint with the appropriate law enforcement agency or the district attorney...

...if none of those channels resolve your problem, you can contact media outlets and maybe you'll get very lucky and find someone who will tell the truth and not sensationalize it to your detriment - but - if they do, tough luck cuz they're a business too...

...of course, you can always organize a protest but, again, check your facts first and thoroughly - and - that includes finding out if a permit is required to protest (unless you wanna be arrested so you can further push the po'po' pitiful me agenda)...

previously posted by Wyn Hawks
...unless you're a very generous benefactor, their board of directors doesnt give a damn about what you think they should require of their faculty... thats the way it goes in the real world...

Originally posted by gabby2011
So I guess you're saying the real world is unfair, and bias.. and the best thing to do is just accept that?

...there is no need to guess - i said exactly what i meant... now, i have explained again and in more detail but not so complicated that an elementary aged kid couldnt understand it... is not unfair for a business to legally operate in a manner that suits them best and they are under no obligation to alter their business to suit you...

...ats is a good example... they are a business... they have terms and conditions that we have to abide by if we want to play here... house rules - another concept thats so simple most children understand it by the time they're 4 or 5 years old...

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:52 PM
How is it the school's place to find out if someone smoked marijuana once, in the past month, on off-time from school? I'm guessing all of the students are at least 18. This is similar to if police officers gave every single person they pulled over, a drug screen.. because you're driving heavy machinery! And if the byproducts of byproducts of drugs are still in your system, you're driving under the influence!

This whole marijuana business is dumb, and when it's finally decriminalized and accepted into society, we'll look back at how retarded everyone was.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

I might actually want to consider what you have to say ..if you weren't so condescending .

You act like your the queen of common sense.... and everyone who doesn't agree with you is an immature child..get over yourself already..

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Can't wait to see how this pans out... A real shame where we're heading... I guess the dean wants to lose a large percentage of his student body (that's if the students consent to this or revolt)...

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by gabby2011
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

I might actually want to consider what you have to say ..if you weren't so condescending .

You act like your the queen of common sense.... and everyone who doesn't agree with you is an immature child..get over yourself already..

...i did not initiate a discussion with you... that was entirely your idea...
...if you dont want my opinion, stop asking for it... simple...

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by jessejamesxx
How is it the school's place to find out if someone smoked marijuana once, in the past month, on off-time from school? I'm guessing all of the students are at least 18. This is similar to if police officers gave every single person they pulled over, a drug screen.. because you're driving heavy machinery! And if the byproducts of byproducts of drugs are still in your system, you're driving under the influence!

This whole marijuana business is dumb, and when it's finally decriminalized and accepted into society, we'll look back at how retarded everyone was.

And the ONLY reason why it's not illegal is NOT because of its 'harsh' affects rather, the government could never ever have full control over it seeing it's a friggin WEED!
It's like trying to control dandelions. Which incidentally has a much worse affect on people (when distilled) than measly old marijuana.
I don't smoke it (used to though) but I have absolutely nothing against it at all. In fact I think this planet might be a much more loving and peaceful place to reside if everyone was forced to take one hit before leaving their home and intermingling with others!

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 03:50 PM
Just because it's "the law" doesn't make it right. What they (the school) are doing and what many companies have been doing for years is imposing upon the lifestyle choices of individuals.

It's also illegal to sell lemonade without a permit. That doesn't make it right. The "law" has been twisted and corrupted since the word existed to be used as a tool of extortion and control.

So don't give me that "it's the law" nonsense. When you impose your will on me, you're breaking MY law!

I will vote with my wallet by not choosing this school... But what happens when all the schools are doing this like most companies already do? Then the choice is gone. They're using our desire to survive against us by denying our most basic needs... unless of course we do what they tell us.

It's a sick society, but treating the symptoms isn't the answer.

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