posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 02:57 PM
... before that, I had no interest in Conspiracies. I didn't say; "UFO's are impossible" or that JFK was killed by a single shooter -- but I
wasn't interested in things that I could not verify or prove one way or another.
AFTER 9/11 and watching the Iraq and Afghanistan war propaganda unfold -- I started to research why we got into past wars, and the background of
George Bush -- and basically question ALL the things I thought I knew.
>> What I discovered is that, other than MAYBE WW II and the War for Independence -- ALL US WARS AND INVASIONS were due to False Flags. It is standard
operating procedure.
I found that OFFICIALLY, JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy -- and this is NOT a "theory" -- it was a ruling by our own government and a
trial of two other suspects that completely flew under the radar of public consciousness. Kennedy's BRAIN would not have gone missing, had the FACTS
been as portrayed -- NOR could the Single Shooter have been around to steal it.
>> And the free-fall destruction of the WTC totally hit me as a "demolition" as soon as I witnessed it. I actually DID talk to my wife in 1999 about
it being possible to cause a "pancake collapse" in the WTC (we were talking about the previous bombing at the North Tower when we visited it).
Seeing molten YELLOW metal streaming out from parts of the tower -- it meant that this was MOLTEN STEEL -- there isn't any doubt, and it isn't up
for debate; molten aluminum is silver-white, and molten steel is yellow -- the same physics that allows us to compute what stars billions of miles
away are comprised of works just fine hear on Earth.
Later research informed me that Jet Fuel is Kerosene and does not burn ANY HOTTER than a normal office fire -- it's merely more fuel. In any Building
experiencing an office fire -- it's just as hot as the WTC was on 9/11/2001 -- the ONLY difference is Heat Load and time. So the fuel would have only
made a greater volume of heat -- not achieved a greater critical temperature than other fires that do not compromise steel structures. Only a flaw in
the building design and materials could account for what we saw -- and these FLAWS were no apparent at a previous office fire that burned two floors
for hours, or a previous bombing with an entire truck packed with explosives.
ANYWAY,... we've all heard this stuff before.
Even as a kid -- I never believed in Santa Claus -- not that my parents didn't TRY to convince me or that there wasn't AMPLE EVIDENCE of Santa from
my peer group -- I'm just wired to NOT BELIEVE in things unless I have some sort of proof. If I don't understand something -- I reserve
But 9/11 and learning that our government is basically an empire, and that we've all been duped so that Multinational Corporations can use our
military to procure cheap resources and cheap labor -- THAT'S what really got me disturbed. 9/11 is NOT a huge catastrophe or loss of life in the
scheme of things -- but it is a very big symbolic excuse.
After the Bush administration lied on EVERYTHING, and screwed our economy, and our future -- it is strange to me that some people are SO CONVINCED
that the government told the truth about 9/11. The OFFICIAL Committee to investigate, was NOT ALLOWED to document anything that disagreed with the
official story -- and the lead investigator wrote a book about the whole thing being a sham.
>> After 9/11 -- I wonder why ANYONE still thinks some of these Conspiracies are even a theory anymore. What is wrong with people that they are
psychologically predisposed to go with the herd -- whatever the heard is led to believe on a given day?