I have contributed to many subjects on this fantastic site, but it did get me thinking.
What one particular incident made you decide to look at alternative views and dare I say it, become a Conspiracy Theorist?
For me it was definitley the claim that Iraq had obtained/built WMD's. The problem for me to be honest is I actually bought into this BS. I went along
with my Government in calling for Iraq to obey something that they were never in a posisition to achieve, i.e provide access for the Weapons
Inspectors to these WMD's or face the consequences.
I believed it when they told us that Iraq could fire missiles at Cyprus and that these weapons could be prepared and fired within 12 minutes.
I believed it when they told us Saddam was preparing chemical weapons and these would most likely be used on our servicemen if we were to attack
I believed it when a number of Newspapers advised that Saddam was preparing a chemical attack on the U.K using perfume bottles to conceal the
I believed it when they claimed that it would only be a matter of time before Saddam turned his attention to producing Nuclear Weapons.
In essence, I believed a Lie. I believed the B.S that was being told all over the MSM, told by the reporters and being endorsed by MY Government.
I remember the number of anti-war rallies being conducted in my City and thinking, why don't you just find yourself a job, it's going to happen and he
deserves it (Saddam).
Anyway, a few months later, when it became apparent that they were struggling to find these WMD's, I was then informed that it didn't actually really
matter. They had now captured Saddam and he will pay the price for the atrocities he imposed on his fellow countrymen/women. Like we were all of a
sudden the World's Judge and Jury (although I miust admit looking back thoughout history, we have always behaved like this).
Then I watched a speech by Bush, where he made light of the fact that they couldn't find the WMD's. I remember him saying, 'Are they under this rock?
No.'' Are they under that rock? No.' Whilst all the while laughing and making fun of the situation, forgetting that thousands had lost their lives
because of his claims.(in fact this is probably more in the region of millions).
This was the turning point for me. I actually saw the light, the world for what it was. I felt betrayed, a fool, a mug.
From that point on, I started to research and discovered there was an altenative view that went so deep into the rabbit hole, I sometimes don't even
know where to begin.
Okayy, I know I have been droning on, so it would be interesting to discover what the turning point was for my fellow ATSers.
edit on 7/9/11 by Cobaltic1978 because: (no reason given)