posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 09:19 PM
I like how the one guy on the first page was all "Four years is long enough to get an associates, bachelors etc and find work."
Really? i'm working on MY bachelors in Web/Graphic design and animation.
My cousin is a CPA.
My other cousin is something to do with Engineering.
Got a few other friends who got their Bachelors and so on.
NO one can find work in their careers. All had to take min wage fast food or department store jobs on part time hours because NO one is hiring.
So then, you take those poor people on aide, give them a 83,000 dollar debt they have to start repaying in 6 months after graduation and making 8
dollars an hour under 30 hours a week, how do they pay that off, keep their home, put food on their tables? People don't stop to think about the
little crap which adds up. I'm going to be in the same situation. I finally got a job after 10 months being unemployed. Been on food stamps, looked
HARD for work. I finally have a job.
Minimum wage, all they can afford to give me is 17 hours a week. This is to pay my 300/mth rent, raise my teenage son, feed us, pay bills and, once I
graduate and LOLeconomy, won't BE no work in my field as no one can afford graphic/web design due to the economy, I get to try and pay all my stuff
PLUS a student loan bill on 103/week take home after taxes. LOOOOOL.
life sucks. And it's going to get worse for those poor people (Im not talking the abusers of the system, mind you. I'm talking people like myself
who fell into bad luck, has no degree save the bachelors I'm working towards, and no hope in the immediate or post immediate future. So we're to
starve, become homeless and die because the loleconomy can't hire.
Sorry for the rant. Just some people make it sound SO easy "Just work anywhere." "Get trained in college".
what of those who can't GET loans or grants? Just forget them and here's a magazine you can tear up to make a blanket and there's your dumpster
NOT the abusers of the system but those hard workers who fell into hard times shouldn't suffer. Please don't judge the whole by some. That irks me
more than the abusers of. I was talking to a man today, worked as a coach in a college for 25 solid years. Got laid off 17 months ago. has a masters
degree. Can't get hired anywhere for # and they went from 80k a year to 'omg we're going to lose our home and everything soon'.
Hard working American's also try to utilize the help and hope that aid gives. And for most of us non abusers, it is HARD to get on it. Hard because
of pride. Of self respect. Do you know how embarassing it is to pull that link card out to pay for food when you used to bring home 500 every two
weeks????? I miss those days. I want them back. But nope. My bachelors degree working self has to make due with 103 a week take home because that's
all i found after 10 months seeking work.